
Last update 6 years 11 months
Files6. Doc
I/ EXPORT LAYER FILES 1. Manufacture -> Artwork... 2. Add these film layers - BOTTOM: - BOARD GEOMETRY/ OUTLINE - ETCH/ BOTTOM - PIN/ BOTTOM - VIA CLASS/ BOTTOM - DRILL_DIMENSSION: - MANUFACTORING/ NCDRILL_LEGEND - MANUFACTORING/ NCDRILL_FIGURE - MANUFACTURING/ NCLEGEND-1-2 - BOARD GEOMETRY/ OUTLINE - BOARD GEOMETRY/ DIMENSION - PASTEMASK_BOT: - PIN/PASTEMASK_BOTTOM - PACKAGE GEOMETRY/ PASTEMASK_BOTTOM - BOARD GEOMETRY/ OUTLINE - SILK_BOT: - REFDES/SILKSCREEN_BOTTOM - PACKAGE GEOMETRY/ SILKSCREEN_BOTTOM - BOARD GEOMETRY/ OUTLINE - BOARD GEOMETRY/ SILKSCREEN_BOTTOM - SOLDERMASK_BOTTOM: - PIN/ SOLDERMASK_BOTTOM - (VIA/ SOLDERMASK_BOTTOM) - PACKAGE GEOMETRY/ SOLDERMASK_BOTTOM - BOARD_GEOMETRY/ OUTLINE - BOARD_GEOMETRY/ SOLDERMASK_BOTTOM - Same with TOP - OUTLINE: BOARD GEOMETRY/ OUTLINE 3. Set the "Undefined line width" as 6.00 for every film. 4. Check other General Parameters according to your requirement. - Film size limits - Gerber RS274X - Error action: Abort film - Format: - Integer places: 2 - Decimal places: 5 5. Select all and Create Artwork 6. Check Viewlog II/ EXPORT DRILL FILES: 1. Manufacture -> NC -> NC Drill -> "NC Parameters.." 2. Select "Enhanced Excellon format" and click "Close" 3. Name the drill file and save it in the same directory as your project 4. Select "Auto tool select" and "Repeat codes" 5. Click "Drill" to export the drill file -> Click "Close" to return to the layout
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