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rp2040-decoder / production / rp2040-decoder.kicad_pcb
Last update 1 week 5 days
Michael Smith
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DIY DCC decoder for model railroad locomotives in an E24 form factor suitable for N scale/gauge locomotives
- 4x MOSFET-switched functions
- 5x GPIO pins (3.3V input/output)
- Up to 0.75A motor current
- E24 form factor (19.5mm x 8.5mm)
- i2s audio output chip (software support forthcoming)
- 12V nominal rail voltage (16V max)
USB Programmer/E24 Tester Features
- USB-C port and SWD header for programming/debugging
- Built-in front/rear "lamp" LEDs for decoder testing
- Breakout header for most E24 pins, including speaker, motor, and 9 functions
- Rail contact pads on underside of board allow for testing the decoder as a stationary dummy-loco as well as CV programming on N-gauge track
E24 Receiver Breakout Board Pinout
E24 Pin | Function | GPIO Pin |
1 | Speaker+ | USB D+ |
2 | Speaker- | USB D- |
3 | GND | GND |
4-5 | Motor- | N/A |
6-7 | Motor+ | N/A |
8 | Cap+ | Not connected |
9 | Lamp Front | GPIO26 (MOSFET) |
10 | Lamp Rear | GPIO27 (MOSFET) |
11 | AUX1 | GPIO24 (MOSFET) |
12 | AUX2 | GPIO25 (MOSFET) |
13 | AUX8 | Not connected |
14 | AUX7 | Not connected |
15 | AUX6 | Not connected |
16 | AUX5 | Not connected |
17 | U+ | DC Rail Voltage |
18 | Vcc | 3.3V |
19 | AUX10 | GPIO0 |
20 | AUX4 | GPIO4 |
21 | AUX3 | GPIO3 |
22 | GND | GND |
23 | AUX11 | GPIO1, SWD |
24 | AUX12 | GPIO2, SWCLK |
N/A | Back EMF A | GPIO29 |
N/A | Back EMF B | GPIO28 |
N/A | Rail signal decoder | GPIO21 |
N/A | Status LED | GPIO12 |
N/A | i2s LRCLK | GPIO5 |
N/A | i2s BCLK | GPIO6 |
N/A | i2s DIN | GPIO7 |
N/A | Enable external keepalive capacitor | GPIO16 |
RP2040 Decoder E24