
Last update 10 months 1 day by Benkess
********************************************************************** * (C) Copyright 2019 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation * Date: 03/09/2019 * File Name: DF2S5M5SL.lib * Part Number: DF2S5M5SL * Parameter Ver.: Ver.2 * Simulator: PSpice (OrCAD 17.2) * Model Call Name: DIODE_DF2S5M5SL * TNOM: 25 degree * Pin Assign: 1=Anode 2=Cathode * * This model is not compatible with the high frequency application. * (Capacitance values used in this model are measured at f = 1 MHz * and room temperature.) * * To adjust the device's property, imaginary elements are used. * * This model does not include snap-back behavior and transient voltage * overshoot effects. * * Ir-Vr and I-V curves are calculated from the value of Vrwm and Rdyn. * * Operation of this model has been verified only on the OrCAD. ********************************************************************** .SUBCKT DIODE_DF2S5M5SL 1 2 D1 11 2 diode C1 12 2 5.6e-13 R1 11 12 9 L1 1 11 1.2e-10 .MODEL diode D + IS = 2e-13 + N = 1.4 + ISR = 5.2e-12 + NR = 2 + BV = 3.3 + IBV = 1e-07 + RS = 0.3 + CJO = 0 + VJ = 1 + M = 0.15 + FC = 0.5 + TT = 0 + EG = 1.11 + XTI = -10 + NBV = 1 + NBVL = 1 + TBV1 = 0 + TBV2 = 0 + IBVL = 0 + TNOM = 25 .ENDS
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