BatteryBoard / _autosave-PrechargeCircuit_NEW.kicad_sch
BatteryBoard / BatteryBoard.kicad_pcb
BatteryBoard / BatteryBoard.kicad_sch
BatteryBoard / BatteryBoard.sch
BatteryBoard / CANCommunication.kicad_sch
BatteryBoard / CANCommunication.sch
BatteryBoard / Connectors.kicad_sch
BatteryBoard / Connectors.sch
BatteryBoard / CurrentSensing.kicad_sch
BatteryBoard / CurrentSensing.sch
BatteryBoard / ExternalClocks.kicad_sch
BatteryBoard / ExternalClocks.sch
BatteryBoard / Extra_IO.kicad_sch
BatteryBoard / ExtraAnalogIn.kicad_sch
BatteryBoard / ExtraDigitalOut.kicad_sch
BatteryBoard / Fan.kicad_sch
BatteryBoard / Fan.sch
BatteryBoard / InputProtection.kicad_sch
BatteryBoard / InputProtection.sch
BatteryBoard / InputProtectionFanTach.kicad_sch
BatteryBoard / InputProtectionFanTach.sch
BatteryBoard / LightsTeam.kicad_sch
BatteryBoard / LightsTeam.sch
BatteryBoard / MCU.kicad_sch
BatteryBoard / MCU.sch
BatteryBoard / PowerPathing.kicad_sch
BatteryBoard / PowerPathing.sch
BatteryBoard / PowerTeam.kicad_sch
BatteryBoard / PowerTeam.sch
BatteryBoard / PrechargeCircuit.kicad_sch
BatteryBoard / PrechargeCircuit_NEW.kicad_sch
BatteryBoard / Reset.kicad_sch
BatteryBoard / Reset.sch
BatteryBoard / STLink.kicad_sch
BatteryBoard / STLink.sch
BatteryBoard / SwitchingLogic.kicad_sch
Boost Converter Practice / Boost Converter Practice.kicad_pcb
Boost Converter Practice / Boost Converter Practice.kicad_sch
DriverBoard / CANCommunication.kicad_sch
DriverBoard / Connectors.kicad_sch
DriverBoard / CurrentSensing.kicad_sch
DriverBoard / CurrentSensing.sch
DriverBoard / Debug.kicad_sch
DriverBoard / DriverBoard.kicad_pcb
DriverBoard / DriverBoard.kicad_sch
DriverBoard / ECU_inputs.kicad_sch
DriverBoard / EXAMPLE.kicad_sch
DriverBoard / ExternalClocks.kicad_sch
DriverBoard / InputProtection.kicad_sch
DriverBoard / inputs.kicad_sch
DriverBoard / IO.kicad_sch
DriverBoard / LightsTeam.kicad_sch
DriverBoard / MCU.kicad_sch
DriverBoard / outputs.kicad_sch
DriverBoard / PowerPathing.kicad_sch
DriverBoard / Reset.kicad_sch
DriverBoard / STLink.kicad_sch
DriverBoard / Simulation / PCB_Protection / LongWireSwitching.sch
DriverBoard / Simulation / PCB_Protection / MicroController.sch
DriverBoard / Simulation / PCB_Protection / PCB_Protection.kicad_pcb
DriverBoard / Simulation / PCB_Protection / PCB_Protection.sch
MotorBoard / CANCommunication.sch
MotorBoard / Connectors.sch
MotorBoard / DigitalPot.sch
MotorBoard / ExternalClocks.sch
MotorBoard / file604B3F08.sch
MotorBoard / InputProtection.sch
MotorBoard / IsoCANCommunication.sch
MotorBoard / MCU.sch
MotorBoard / Motor.kicad_pcb
MotorBoard / Motor.sch
MotorBoard / PowerPathing.sch
MotorBoard / PWM.sch
MotorBoard / Reset.sch
MotorBoard / STLink.sch
MotorBoard / switchingLogic.sch
PrechargeBoard / PrechargeBoard.kicad_pcb
PrechargeBoard / PrechargeBoard.kicad_sch
TelemetryBoard / CANCommunication.kicad_sch
TelemetryBoard / Connectors.kicad_sch
TelemetryBoard / Debug.kicad_sch
TelemetryBoard / EXAMPLE.kicad_sch
TelemetryBoard / ExternalClocks.kicad_sch
TelemetryBoard / InputProtection.kicad_sch
TelemetryBoard / MCU.kicad_sch
TelemetryBoard / PowerPathing.kicad_sch
TelemetryBoard / Reset.kicad_sch
TelemetryBoard / STLink.kicad_sch
TelemetryBoard / Template.kicad_pcb
TelemetryBoard / Template.kicad_sch
TelemetryBoard / Simulation / PCB_Protection / LongWireSwitching.sch
TelemetryBoard / Simulation / PCB_Protection / MicroController.sch
TelemetryBoard / Simulation / PCB_Protection / PCB_Protection.kicad_pcb
TelemetryBoard / Simulation / PCB_Protection / PCB_Protection.sch
Template / CANCommunication.kicad_sch
Template / Connectors.kicad_sch
Template / Debug.kicad_sch
Template / EXAMPLE.kicad_sch
Template / ExternalClocks.kicad_sch
Template / InputProtection.kicad_sch
Template / MCU.kicad_sch
Template / PowerPathing.kicad_sch
Template / Reset.kicad_sch
Template / STLink.kicad_sch
Template / Template.kicad_pcb
Template / Template.kicad_sch
Template / Simulation / PCB_Protection / LongWireSwitching.sch
Template / Simulation / PCB_Protection / MicroController.sch
Template / Simulation / PCB_Protection / PCB_Protection.kicad_pcb
Template / Simulation / PCB_Protection / PCB_Protection.sch
Last update 10 months 1 day
FilesDriverBoardSimulationPCB_Protection | |
.. | |
Dipesh_Components.dcm | |
Dipesh_Components.lib | |
LongWireSwitching.sch | |
MicroController.sch | |
PCB_Protection-cache.lib | |
PCB_Protection.kicad_pcb | |
PCB_Protection.sch | |
VC_SW_SPST.spice | |
sym-lib-table |
VC_SW_SPST.spice* VC_SW_SPST * Created by Dipesh Manandhar on 05/09/2020 ************************************************** * parameters: * 1 & 2 switch makes connection between two nodes * 3 & 4 controlling voltage applied (3+, 4-) *************************************************** .SUBCKT VC_SW_SPST 1 2 3 4 * switch on- and off resistances .PARAM ron=1m roff=1G * voltage controlled switch with threshold 0.5V s1 1 2 3 4 vcsw OFF .MODEL vcsw SW vt=0.5 vh=0 ron='ron' roff='roff' .ENDS VC_SW_SPST