
Last update 3 years 15 hours by eddyluursema
/* All the setup and functions needed to use the two interrupt pins to detect the passing of the IR gateway */ const int LEFTPIN = 2; //interrupt capable pin must be 2 or 3 on a Arduino Uno/Nano const int RIGHTPIN = 3; //interrupt capable pin must be 2 or 3 on a Arduino Uno/Nano void setupIRGateWay () { pinMode(LEFTPIN, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(RIGHTPIN, INPUT_PULLUP); attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(LEFTPIN), interruptLeft, FALLING); //IR gateway goes to LOW when IR is blocked attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(RIGHTPIN), interruptRight, FALLING); } void interruptLeft() { currentMillis = millis(); //directly after interrupt to assure accurate measurement if (passState == NONE) { //if there would be second interrupt due to bouncing effect of IR gateway, no problem. passState = LEFTIN; //loc is coming from left, save that printDirection = true; //signal main program loop to print direction only once previousMillis = currentMillis; //time of entrance is saved } else if (passState == RIGHTIN) { //loc came from right and is now leaving left, start calculation intervalMillis = currentMillis - previousMillis; //intervalmillis <> 0 means main program loop must print it passState = NONE; } } void interruptRight() { currentMillis = millis(); //directly after interrupt to assure accurate measurement if (passState == NONE) { //if there would be second interrupt due to bouncing effect of IR gateway, no problem. passState = RIGHTIN; //loc is coming from left, save that printDirection = true; //signal main program loop to print direction only once previousMillis = currentMillis; //time of entrance is saved } else if (passState == LEFTIN) { //loc came from left and is now leaving right, start calculation intervalMillis = currentMillis - previousMillis; //intervalmillis <> 0 means main program loop must print it passState = NONE; } }
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