Last update 2 years 11 months
FilesSpeedometerOLED_Scale | |
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OLED_Scale.ino | |
ResetButton.ino | |
ScaleButton.ino | |
controlScale_Functions.ino |
ScaleButton.ino// pressing and releasing of scale button is handled with deboucing const int CONTROLPINSCALE = A0; BUTTONSTATE scaleButton; long scaleButtonActionMillis; void setupScaleButton() { pinMode(CONTROLPINSCALE, INPUT_PULLUP); scaleButton = OPEN; } BUTTONSTATE testScaleButton() { if ((scaleButton == OPEN) && (digitalRead(CONTROLPINSCALE) == 0)) { //button pressed first time scaleButton = ACTION; scaleButtonActionMillis = millis(); } else if (scaleButton == ACTION) { // is this state only once so main program can take action scaleButton = TOCLOSE; } else if ((scaleButton == TOCLOSE) && (millis() - scaleButtonActionMillis > DEBOUNCE)) { scaleButton = CLOSED; } else if ((scaleButton == CLOSED) && (digitalRead(CONTROLPINSCALE) == 1)) { //button pressed first time scaleButton = TOOPEN; scaleButtonActionMillis = millis(); } else if ((scaleButton == TOOPEN) && (millis() - scaleButtonActionMillis > DEBOUNCE)) { scaleButton = OPEN; } return scaleButton; }