
Last update 3 years 5 hours by eddyluursema
#include <avr/pgmspace.h> enum country : byte { NL, DE, BE, FR }; enum ledState : byte { //By default C++ will make type int of this; adding the keyword byte saves memory when declaring an array of this type OFF, ON, BLINK //first OFF, will be 0 written to output port }; // the sparse 3 dimensional array is replaced with one array containing all information; the size is set by defining the elements (C++ feature) const PROGMEM ledState aspectLEDS [] = { //NL is on array position 0; sub matrix is 3 by 3 3, //number of aspects 3, //number of pins ON, OFF, OFF, //HALT OFF, ON, OFF, //WARN OFF, OFF, ON, //PASS //DE is on array position 11; sub matrix is 4 by 3 4, //number of aspects 3, //number of pins ON, OFF, OFF, //HALT OFF, ON, ON, //WARN OFF, OFF, ON, //PASS OFF, ON, BLINK, //SLOW //BE is on array position 25; sub matrix is 2 by 2 2, //number of aspects 2, //number of pins ON, OFF, //HALT OFF, ON, //PASS //FR is on array position 32; sub matrix is 10 by 6 10, //number of aspects 6, //number of pins ON, OFF, BLINK, ON, OFF, BLINK, //IMAGINARY OFF, ON, BLINK, OFF, ON, BLINK, //IMAGINARY ON, ON, BLINK, ON, ON, BLINK, //IMAGINARY OFF, OFF, BLINK, OFF, OFF, BLINK, //IMAGINARY ON, OFF, BLINK, ON, OFF, BLINK, //IMAGINARY OFF, ON, BLINK, OFF, ON, BLINK, //IMAGINARY ON, ON, BLINK, ON, ON, BLINK, //IMAGINARY OFF, OFF, BLINK, OFF, OFF, BLINK, //IMAGINARY ON, ON, BLINK, ON, ON, BLINK, //IMAGINARY OFF, OFF, BLINK, OFF, OFF, BLINK //IMAGINARY }; char incomingByte = ""; // for incoming serial data void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); } void printCountry(int country) { int arrayPointer = 0; for (int countrypointer = 0; countrypointer < country; countrypointer++) { arrayPointer = arrayPointer + 2 + pgm_read_byte_near(aspectLEDS + arrayPointer) * pgm_read_byte_near(aspectLEDS + arrayPointer + 1); // arrayPointer must point to number of aspects of selected country }; //Serial.print("Start of memory position per country "); //Serial.println(arrayPointer); for (int aspect = 0; aspect < pgm_read_byte_near(aspectLEDS + arrayPointer); aspect++) { // walk through aspects of this country for (int pin = 0; pin < pgm_read_byte_near(aspectLEDS + arrayPointer + 1); pin++) { // walk through pins of this country //Serial.print("Memory position now "); //Serial.println(arrayPointer + 2 + aspect * aspectLEDS[arrayPointer + 1] + pin); switch (pgm_read_byte_near(aspectLEDS + arrayPointer + 2 + aspect * pgm_read_byte_near(aspectLEDS + arrayPointer + 1) + pin)) { case ON: Serial.print("On "); break; case OFF: Serial.print("Off "); break; case BLINK: Serial.print("Blink "); break; } } Serial.println(); } } void loop() { if (Serial.available() > 0) { // read the incoming byte: incomingByte =; if ((incomingByte == 'N') || (incomingByte == 'D') || (incomingByte == 'B')) { Serial.print("Led states for country: "); } Serial.println(incomingByte); if (incomingByte == 'N') { printCountry(NL); } else if (incomingByte == 'D') { printCountry(DE); } else if (incomingByte == 'B') { printCountry(BE); } else if (incomingByte == 'F') { printCountry(FR); } } }
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