
Last update 2 years 11 months by eddyluursema
const int NUMBEROFPINS = 3; const int SIGNALPINS[NUMBEROFPINS] = {13, 12, 10}; //for RED, YELLOW and GREEN LED unsigned long previousMillis[NUMBEROFPINS]; // will store last time LED was updated int signalState[NUMBEROFPINS]; const int NUMBEROFASPECTS = 4; const int BLINKTIME = 500; enum ledState { OFF, ON, BLINK //first OFF, will be 0 written to output port }; int aspectLEDS [NUMBEROFCOUNTRIES][NUMBEROFASPECTS][NUMBEROFPINS] = { { //NL {ON, OFF, OFF}, //HALT {OFF, ON, OFF}, //WARN {OFF, OFF, ON}, //PASS {OFF, ON, BLINK} //SLOW does not exist in NL }, { //DE {ON, OFF, OFF}, //HALT {OFF, ON, ON}, //WARN {OFF, OFF, ON}, //PASS {OFF, ON, BLINK} //SLOW does not exist in DE } }; int currentAspect; void SignalControl_Init() { // initialize digital pin 13 as an output. for (int i = 0; i < NUMBEROFPINS; i++) { pinMode(SIGNALPINS[i], OUTPUT); } } void SignalControl_ShowAspect(int aspectNumber) { Serial.print("Showing aspect: "); Serial.println(aspectNumber); currentAspect = aspectNumber; for (int i = 0; i < NUMBEROFPINS; i++) { if (aspectLEDS[currentCountry][currentAspect][i] == ON || aspectLEDS[currentCountry][currentAspect][i] == OFF) { digitalWrite(SIGNALPINS[i], aspectLEDS[currentCountry][aspectNumber][i]); } } } void SignalControl_Blink() { unsigned long currentMillis = millis(); // current time for (int i = 0; i < NUMBEROFPINS; i++) { if ((aspectLEDS[currentCountry][currentAspect][i] == BLINK) && (currentMillis - previousMillis[i] >= BLINKTIME)) { //time of this specific signal has passed - invert previousMillis[i] = currentMillis; // if the LED is off turn it on and vice-versa: if (signalState[i] == LOW) { signalState[i] = HIGH; } else { signalState[i] = LOW; } digitalWrite(SIGNALPINS[i], signalState[i]); } } }
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