bulkhead_terminal_block / bulkhead_terminal_block.kicad_pcb
bulkhead_terminal_block / bulkhead_terminal_block.kicad_sch
fcb_v2 / ble.kicad_sch
fcb_v2 / buffers.kicad_sch
fcb_v2 / buzzer.kicad_sch
fcb_v2 / fcb_v2.kicad_pcb
fcb_v2 / fcb_v2.kicad_sch
fcb_v2 / input_prot.kicad_sch
fcb_v2 / mcu.kicad_sch
fcb_v2 / periph_pwr.kicad_sch
fcb_v2 / power.kicad_sch
fcb_v2 / pyro_chan.kicad_sch
fcb_v2 / pyros_servos.kicad_sch
fcb_v2 / radio.kicad_sch
fcb_v2 / radio_fe.kicad_sch
fcb_v2 / sensors.kicad_sch
fcb_v2 / stlink.kicad_sch
fcb_v2 / storage.kicad_sch
fcb_v2 / switchover.kicad_sch
fcb_v2 / umbilical.kicad_sch
fcb_v2 / usb_hub.kicad_sch
fcb_v2_gpsonly / ble.kicad_sch
fcb_v2_gpsonly / buffers.kicad_sch
fcb_v2_gpsonly / buzzer.kicad_sch
fcb_v2_gpsonly / fcb_v2_gpsonly.kicad_pcb
fcb_v2_gpsonly / fcb_v2_gpsonly.kicad_sch
fcb_v2_gpsonly / input_prot.kicad_sch
fcb_v2_gpsonly / mcu.kicad_sch
fcb_v2_gpsonly / periph_pwr.kicad_sch
fcb_v2_gpsonly / power.kicad_sch
fcb_v2_gpsonly / pyro_chan.kicad_sch
fcb_v2_gpsonly / pyros_servos.kicad_sch
fcb_v2_gpsonly / radio.kicad_sch
fcb_v2_gpsonly / radio_fe.kicad_sch
fcb_v2_gpsonly / sensors.kicad_sch
fcb_v2_gpsonly / stlink.kicad_sch
fcb_v2_gpsonly / storage.kicad_sch
fcb_v2_gpsonly / switchover.kicad_sch
fcb_v2_gpsonly / umbilical.kicad_sch
fcb_v2_gpsonly / usb_hub.kicad_sch
fcgps_elvin / fcgps_elvin.kicad_pcb
fcgps_elvin / fcgps_elvin.kicad_sch
groundstation_v3 / groundstation_v3.kicad_pcb
groundstation_v3 / groundstation_v3.kicad_sch
line_cutter_r5 / ble.kicad_sch
line_cutter_r5 / buzzer.kicad_sch
line_cutter_r5 / input_prot.kicad_sch
line_cutter_r5 / line_cutter_r5.kicad_pcb
line_cutter_r5 / line_cutter_r5.kicad_sch
line_cutter_r5 / mcu.kicad_sch
line_cutter_r5 / power.kicad_sch
line_cutter_r5 / pyro_chan.kicad_sch
line_cutter_r5 / pyros_servos.kicad_sch
line_cutter_r5 / sensors.kicad_sch
line_cutter_r5 / storage.kicad_sch
line_cutter_r5 / usb_hub.kicad_sch
LTC2946_breakout / LTC2946_breakout.kicad_pcb
LTC2946_breakout / LTC2946_breakout.kicad_sch
LTC2946_breakout / periph_pwr.kicad_sch
mini_fcb_v2 / ble.kicad_sch
mini_fcb_v2 / buffers.kicad_sch
mini_fcb_v2 / buzzer.kicad_sch
mini_fcb_v2 / input_prot.kicad_sch
mini_fcb_v2 / mcu.kicad_sch
mini_fcb_v2 / mini_fcb_v2.kicad_pcb
mini_fcb_v2 / mini_fcb_v2.kicad_sch
mini_fcb_v2 / periph_pwr.kicad_sch
mini_fcb_v2 / power.kicad_sch
mini_fcb_v2 / pyro_chan.kicad_sch
mini_fcb_v2 / pyros_servos.kicad_sch
mini_fcb_v2 / radio.kicad_sch
mini_fcb_v2 / radio_fe.kicad_sch
mini_fcb_v2 / sensors.kicad_sch
mini_fcb_v2 / stlink.kicad_sch
mini_fcb_v2 / storage.kicad_sch
mini_fcb_v2 / switchover.kicad_sch
mini_fcb_v2 / umbilical.kicad_sch
mini_fcb_v2 / usb_hub.kicad_sch
protection_breakout / input_prot.kicad_sch
protection_breakout / protection_breakout.kicad_pcb
protection_breakout / protection_breakout.kicad_sch
Last update 11 months 5 days
Matt M
fcb_v2_gpsonly-job.gbrjob{ "Header": { "GenerationSoftware": { "Vendor": "KiCad", "Application": "Pcbnew", "Version": "6.0.10-86aedd382b~118~ubuntu18.04.1" }, "CreationDate": "2023-03-26T23:31:30-04:00" }, "GeneralSpecs": { "ProjectId": { "Name": "fcb_v2", "GUID": "6663625f-7632-42e6-9b69-6361645f7063", "Revision": "rev?" }, "Size": { "X": 101.573, "Y": 50.9 }, "LayerNumber": 4, "BoardThickness": 1.6062, "Finish": "None" }, "DesignRules": [ { "Layers": "Outer", "PadToPad": 0.127, "PadToTrack": 0.127, "TrackToTrack": 0.127, "MinLineWidth": 0.127, "TrackToRegion": 0.127, "RegionToRegion": 0.127 }, { "Layers": "Inner", "PadToPad": 0.0, "PadToTrack": 0.0, "TrackToTrack": 0.127, "MinLineWidth": 0.127, "TrackToRegion": 0.1778, "RegionToRegion": 0.1778 } ], "FilesAttributes": [ { "Path": "fcb_v2-Front.gbr", "FileFunction": "Copper,L1,Top", "FilePolarity": "Positive" }, { "Path": "fcb_v2-In1_Cu.gbr", "FileFunction": "Copper,L2,Inr", "FilePolarity": "Positive" }, { "Path": "fcb_v2-In2_Cu.gbr", "FileFunction": "Copper,L3,Inr", "FilePolarity": "Positive" }, { "Path": "fcb_v2-Back.gbr", "FileFunction": "Copper,L4,Bot", "FilePolarity": "Positive" }, { "Path": "fcb_v2-F_Paste.gbr", "FileFunction": "SolderPaste,Top", "FilePolarity": "Positive" }, { "Path": "fcb_v2-B_Paste.gbr", "FileFunction": "SolderPaste,Bot", "FilePolarity": "Positive" }, { "Path": "fcb_v2-F_Silkscreen.gbr", "FileFunction": "Legend,Top", "FilePolarity": "Positive" }, { "Path": "fcb_v2-B_Silkscreen.gbr", "FileFunction": "Legend,Bot", "FilePolarity": "Positive" }, { "Path": "fcb_v2-F_Mask.gbr", "FileFunction": "SolderMask,Top", "FilePolarity": "Negative" }, { "Path": "fcb_v2-B_Mask.gbr", "FileFunction": "SolderMask,Bot", "FilePolarity": "Negative" }, { "Path": "fcb_v2-Edge_Cuts.gbr", "FileFunction": "Profile", "FilePolarity": "Positive" } ], "MaterialStackup": [ { "Type": "Legend", "Name": "Top Silk Screen" }, { "Type": "SolderPaste", "Name": "Top Solder Paste" }, { "Type": "SolderMask", "Thickness": 0.01, "Name": "Top Solder Mask" }, { "Type": "Copper", "Thickness": 0.035, "Name": "Front" }, { "Type": "Dielectric", "Thickness": 0.2104, "Material": "FR4", "Name": "Front/In1.Cu", "Notes": "Type: dielectric layer 1 (from Front to In1.Cu)" }, { "Type": "Copper", "Thickness": 0.0152, "Name": "In1.Cu" }, { "Type": "Dielectric", "Thickness": 1.065, "Material": "FR4", "Name": "In1.Cu/In2.Cu", "Notes": "Type: dielectric layer 2 (from In1.Cu to In2.Cu)" }, { "Type": "Copper", "Thickness": 0.0152, "Name": "In2.Cu" }, { "Type": "Dielectric", "Thickness": 0.2104, "Material": "FR4", "Name": "In2.Cu/Back", "Notes": "Type: dielectric layer 3 (from In2.Cu to Back)" }, { "Type": "Copper", "Thickness": 0.035, "Name": "Back" }, { "Type": "SolderMask", "Color": "Green", "Thickness": 0.01, "Name": "Bottom Solder Mask" }, { "Type": "SolderPaste", "Name": "Bottom Solder Paste" }, { "Type": "Legend", "Name": "Bottom Silk Screen" } ] }