PCB ESP32 / bak / PCB1.PcbDoc
PCB ESP32 / bak / Sheet1.SchDoc
PCB ESP32 / bak / Sheet2.SchDoc
PCB ESP32 / Control_Board / Conns.SchDoc
PCB ESP32 / Control_Board / Control_Board.PcbDoc
PCB ESP32 / Control_Board / PCB2.PcbDoc
PCB ESP32 / Control_Board / Circuit Maker / Control_Board.PcbDoc
PCB ESP32 / Main / PCB2.PcbDoc
PCB ESP32 / Main / Sheet1.SchDoc
PCB ESP32 / Main / Sheet2.SchDoc
PCB ESP32 / Main / Sheet3.SchDoc
PCB ESP32 / Main / Sheet4.SchDoc
PCB ESP32 / Main / Sheet4_Matrix.SchDoc
PCB ESP32 / Matrix / PCB1.PcbDoc
PCB ESP32 / Matrix2 / PCB2.PcbDoc
PCB ESP32 / Panel / panel.PcbDoc
PCB ESP32 / refs / OnOnfre_DevBoard_rev4.sch
PCB ESP32 / Resistor Patch / 1 / ResistorPatch1.PcbDoc
PCB ESP32 / Resistor Patch / 1 / ResistorPatch1.SchDoc
PCB ESP32 / Resistor Patch / 2 / ResistorPatch2.PcbDoc
PCB ESP32 / Resistor Patch / 2 / ResistorPatch2.SchDoc
PCB ESP32 / SOT223 Patch / PCB1.PcbDoc
PCB ESP32 / SOT223 Patch / Sheet1.SchDoc
Last update 5 years 1 month
Afonso Muralha
Control_Board PCB ECO 28-01-2019 17-47-33.LOGRemoved Pin From Net: NetName=GND Pin=U5-61 Added Component: Designator=R23(C 0603 / 1608) Add component. Clean all parameters for all variants Add component (AddParameter): Name = "LatestRevisionDate"; Value = "17-Jul-2002"; VariantName = "[No Variations]" Add component (AddParameter): Name = "LatestRevisionNote"; Value = "Re-released for DXP Platform."; VariantName = "[No Variations]" Add component (AddParameter): Name = "PackageDescription"; Value = "Axial Device, Thru-Hole; 2 Leads; 0.3 in Pin Spacing"; VariantName = "[No Variations]" Add component (AddParameter): Name = "PackageReference"; Value = "AXIAL-0.3"; VariantName = "[No Variations]" Add component (AddParameter): Name = "Published"; Value = "8-Jun-2000"; VariantName = "[No Variations]" Add component (AddParameter): Name = "Publisher"; Value = "Altium Limited"; VariantName = "[No Variations]" Add component (AddParameter): Name = "Value"; Value = "OPEN"; VariantName = "[No Variations]" Added Component: Designator=R24(C 0603 / 1608) Add component. Clean all parameters for all variants Add component (AddParameter): Name = "LatestRevisionDate"; Value = "17-Jul-2002"; VariantName = "[No Variations]" Add component (AddParameter): Name = "LatestRevisionNote"; Value = "Re-released for DXP Platform."; VariantName = "[No Variations]" Add component (AddParameter): Name = "PackageDescription"; Value = "Axial Device, Thru-Hole; 2 Leads; 0.3 in Pin Spacing"; VariantName = "[No Variations]" Add component (AddParameter): Name = "PackageReference"; Value = "AXIAL-0.3"; VariantName = "[No Variations]" Add component (AddParameter): Name = "Published"; Value = "8-Jun-2000"; VariantName = "[No Variations]" Add component (AddParameter): Name = "Publisher"; Value = "Altium Limited"; VariantName = "[No Variations]" Add component (AddParameter): Name = "Value"; Value = "OPEN"; VariantName = "[No Variations]" Added Pin To Net: NetName=Net3_L1 Pin=R23-1 Added Pin To Net: NetName=NetR22_1 Pin=R23-2 Added Pin To Net: NetName=VBus Pin=R24-1 Added Pin To Net: NetName=NetR22_1 Pin=R24-2 Added Member To Class: ClassName=Sheet2 Member=Component R23 Res1 Added Member To Class: ClassName=Sheet2 Member=Component R24 Res1