
Last update 4 years 3 weeks by user
/* ######################################################################################## Simple IDE ATAPI controller using the Arduino I2C interface and 3 PCF8574 I/O expanders. Release 3.1 (adapted for Arduino 1.0) using a 4th PCF8574 I/O expander interfacing to a 1602 LCD. Copyright (C) 2012 Carlos Durandal This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <>. ########################################################################################## PCF8574 A2,A1,A0 Addr. #1 0 0 0 0x20 interfaces to IDE DD0-DD7 #2 0 0 1 0x21 interfaces to IDE DD8-DD15 #3 0 1 0 0x22 interfaces to the IDE register selection see details below. #4 1 1 1 0x27 interfaces to the LCD PCF8574#3 bit: 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 IDE pin: nDIOR nDIOW nRST nCS1 nCS0 DA2 DA1 DA0 pin names with leading 'n' are active LOW ########################################################################################## */ #include <Wire.h> // I2C bus library // This sketch uses F Malpartida's NewLiquidCrystal library. Obtain from: // #include <LiquidCrystal_I2C.h> // I2C LCD library // Start of Definitions // #################### // I/O expander addresses: const int DataL = 0x20; // IDE DD0-DD7 const int DataH = 0x21; // IDE DD8-DD15 const int RegSel = 0x22; // IDE register const int LCD_I2C_ADDR = 0x27; // LCD (SainSmart 1602) /* Note that the 'pins' in the following LCD definitions are not IC pins numbers but rather specify the PCF8574 I/O port numbers: P0 to P7. E.g. LCD 'En' pin is connected to port P2 of PCF8574 so En_pin = 2. */ const byte BACKLIGHT_PIN = 3; const byte En_pin = 2; const byte Rw_pin = 1; const byte Rs_pin = 0; const byte D4_pin = 4; const byte D5_pin = 5; const byte D6_pin = 6; const byte D7_pin = 7; LiquidCrystal_I2C lcd(LCD_I2C_ADDR,En_pin,Rw_pin,Rs_pin,D4_pin,D5_pin,D6_pin,D7_pin); // IDE Register addresses const byte DataReg = 0xF0; // Addr. Data register of IDE device. const byte ErrFReg = 0xF1; // Addr. Error/Feature (rd/wr) register of IDE device. const byte SecCReg = 0xF2; // Addr. Sector Count register of IDE device. const byte SecNReg = 0xF3; // Addr. Sector Number register of IDE device. const byte CylLReg = 0xF4; // Addr. Cylinder Low register of IDE device. const byte CylHReg = 0xF5; // Addr. Cylinder High register of IDE device. const byte HeadReg = 0xF6; // Addr. Device/Head register of IDE device. const byte ComSReg = 0xF7; // Addr. Command/Status (wr/rd) register of IDE device. const byte AStCReg = 0xEE; // Addr. Alternate Status/Device Control (rd/wr) register of IDE device. // Program Variables byte dataLval; // dataLval and dataHval hold data from/to byte dataHval; // D0-D15 of IDE byte regval; // regval holds addr. of reg. to be addressed on IDE byte reg; // Holds the addr. of the IDE register with adapted // nDIOR/nDIOW/nRST values to suit purpose. byte cnt; // packet byte counter byte idx; // index used as pointer within packet array byte paclen = 12; // Default packet length byte s_trck; // Holds start track byte e_trck; // Holds end track byte c_trck; // Follows current track while reading TOC byte c_trck_m; // MSF values for current track byte c_trck_s; byte c_trck_f; byte a_trck = 1; // Holds actual track from reading subchannel data byte MFS_M; // Holds actual M value from reading subchannel data byte MFS_S; // Holds actual S value from reading subchannel data byte d_trck; // Destination track byte d_trck_m; // MSF values for destination track byte d_trck_s; byte d_trck_f; byte aud_stat = 0xFF; // subchannel data: 0x11=play, 0x12=pause, 0x15=stop byte asc; long prev_millis=0; long interval=100; boolean toc; // Array containing sets of 16 byte packets corresponding to part of the CD-ROM // ATAPI function set. If the IDE device only supports packets with 12 byte length // the last 4 bytes are not sent. The great majority of tested devices use 12 byte. byte fnc[]= { 0x1B,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x02,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00, // idx=0 Open tray 0x1B,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x03,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00, // idx=16 Close tray 0x1B,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00, // idx=32 Stop unit 0x47,0x00,0x00,0x10,0x28,0x05,0x4C,0x1A,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00, // idx=48 Start PLAY 0x4B,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00, // idx=64 PAUSE play 0x4B,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x01,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00, // idx=80 RESUME play 0x43,0x02,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0xFF,0xFF,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00, // idx=96 Read TOC 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00, // idx=112 unit ready 0x5A,0x00,0x01,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0xFF,0xFF,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00, // idx=128 mode sense 0x42,0x02,0x40,0x01,0x00,0x00,0x00,0xFF,0xFF,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00, // idx=144 rd subch. 0x03,0x00,0x00,0x00,0xFF,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00, // idx=160 req. sense 0x4E,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00 // idx=176 Stop disk }; // Arduino pin assignments: const byte LED = 13; const byte NEXT = 12; // NEXT button const byte EJCT = 11; // EJECT button, open/close CD-ROM tray const byte STOP = 10; // STOP button const byte PLAY = 9; // PLAY button const byte PREV = 8; // PREV button // End of Definitions ######################################################################## void setup(){ // LCD Part // ######## lcd.begin (16,2); // init LCD interface // Switch on the backlight lcd.setBacklightPin(BACKLIGHT_PIN,POSITIVE); lcd.setBacklight(HIGH); lcd.home (); // set cursor to home position // Arduino Part // ############# // start I2C interface as Master Wire.begin(); // Set all pins of all PCF8574 to high impedance inputs. highZ(); // Start Serial Interface // Serial.begin(9600); // initialize the push button pins as inputs with pullup: pinMode(NEXT, INPUT); pinMode(PREV, INPUT); pinMode(EJCT, INPUT); pinMode(STOP, INPUT); pinMode(PLAY, INPUT); pinMode(LED, OUTPUT); digitalWrite((byte)NEXT, HIGH); digitalWrite((byte)PREV, HIGH); digitalWrite((byte)EJCT, HIGH); digitalWrite((byte)STOP, HIGH); digitalWrite((byte)PLAY, HIGH); digitalWrite((byte)LED, LOW); // IDE Initialisation Part // ######################## lcd.print("Atapiduino"); lcd.setCursor (0,1); // cursor to beginning of LCD 2nd. line lcd.print("Release 3.1"); reset_IDE(); // Do hard reset delay(3000); // This delay waits for the drive to initialise BSY_clear_wait(); // The ATAPI spec. allows drives to take up to DRY_set_wait(); // 31 sec. but all tested where alright within 3s. lcd.clear(); readIDE(CylLReg); // Check device signature for ATAPI capability if(dataLval == 0x14){ readIDE(CylHReg); if(dataLval == 0xEB){ lcd.print("Found ATAPI Dev."); } }else{ lcd.print("No ATAPI Device!"); while(1); // No need to go ahead. } writeIDE(HeadReg, 0x00, 0xFF); // Set Device to Master (Device 0) // Initialise task file // #################### init_task_file(); // Run Self Diagnostic // ################### delay(3000); lcd.clear (); lcd.print("Self Diag. "); writeIDE(ComSReg, 0x90, 0xFF); // Issue Run Self Diagnostic Command readIDE(ErrFReg); if(dataLval == 0x01){ lcd.print("OK"); }else{ lcd.print("Fail"); // Units failing this may still work fine } delay(3000); lcd.clear (); lcd.print("ATAPI Device:"); lcd.setCursor (0,1); // Identify Device // ############### writeIDE (ComSReg, 0xA1, 0xFF); // Issue Identify Device Command delay(500); // Instead of wait for IRQ. Needed by some dev. // readIDE(AStCReg); // do{ readIDE(DataReg); if (cnt == 0){ // Get supported packet lenght if(dataLval & (1<<0)){ // contained in lower byte of first word paclen = 16; // 1st bit set -> use 16 byte packets } } if(cnt > 26 & cnt < 47){ // Read Model lcd.write(dataHval); lcd.write(dataLval); // Serial.print(dataHval); // Serial.print(dataLval); } cnt++; readIDE(ComSReg); // Read Status Register and check DRQ, } while(dataLval & (1<<3)); // skip rest of data until DRQ=0 readIDE(AStCReg); DRQ_clear_wait(); // Check if unit ready // ################### unit_ready(); // Send packet 'test unit ready' req_sense(); // Send packet 'Request Sense' if(asc == 0x29){ // Req. Sense returns 'HW Reset' unit_ready(); // (ASC=29h) at first since we had one. req_sense(); // New Req. Sense returns if media } // is present or not. do{ unit_ready(); // Wait until drive is ready. req_sense(); // Some devices take some time }while(asc == 0x04); // ASC=04h -> LOGICAL DRIVE NOT READY } // ############ // End of setup // ############ // This part reads the push buttons, checks device audio status, interprets operator commands // and displays the corresponding data depending on the status and/or the commands resulting // from pressing the push buttons. void loop(){ // Scan push buttons if(digitalRead(EJCT) == LOW){ lcd.clear(); toc=false; // Set toc invalid switch(chck_disk()) { case 0x00: // If disk in tray case lcd.print(" OPEN"); eject(); break; case 0xFF: // If tray closed but no disk in case eject(); lcd.print(" OPEN"); break; case 0X71: // If tray open -> close it lcd.print(" LOAD"); load(); } lcd.clear(); a_trck = s_trck; // Reset to start track } if(digitalRead(STOP) == LOW){ a_trck=s_trck; // Reset to start track stop_disk(); // Stop Disk stop(); // Stop unit toc=false; } if(digitalRead(PLAY) == LOW){ // Play has been pressed switch(aud_stat){ case 0x15: // If stopped play(); // start play break; case 0x12: // if paused resume(); // resume play break; case 0x11: // if playing pause(); // pause playback } toc=false; // mark TOC unknown in case disk lcd.clear(); // is removed using device eject buton } // while play in progress if(digitalRead(NEXT) == LOW){ a_trck = a_trck + 1; // a_track becomes next track if(a_trck > e_trck){(a_trck = s_trck);} // over last track? -> point to start track get_TOC(); // Get MSF for a_trck fnc[51] = d_trck_m; // Store new play start position fnc[52] = d_trck_s; // in play packet and start play fnc[53] = d_trck_f; play(); if(aud_stat == 0x12 | // If paused or stopped -> pause aud_stat == 0x15) { pause(); } lcd.clear(); } if(digitalRead(PREV) == LOW){ // Basically like the NEXT function above a_trck = a_trck - 1; // only backwards if(a_trck < s_trck){(a_trck = e_trck);} get_TOC(); fnc[51] = d_trck_m; fnc[52] = d_trck_s; fnc[53] = d_trck_f; play(); if(aud_stat == 0x12 | aud_stat == 0x15) { pause(); } lcd.clear(); } if(millis()-prev_millis > interval){ // This part will periodically check the read_subch_cmd(); // current audio status and update the display if(aud_stat==0x11){ // accordingly. lcd.home(); lcd.print(" PLAY "); curr_MSF(); // Display pickup position } if(aud_stat==0x12){ lcd.home(); lcd.print(" PAUSE "); curr_MSF(); } if(aud_stat==0x15 & !toc){ // If stopped and TOC invalid get_TOC(); // try to read TOC Disp_CD_data(); // display TOC data and set TOC valid toc=true; // to prevent reading over and over } if(aud_stat==0x00){ // Audio status 0 covers all other posible lcd.clear(); // states not decoded by this sketch and lcd.print(" NO DISC"); // handles them as NO DISC. } prev_millis=millis(); } } // ####################################### // Auxiliary functions for displaying data // ####################################### void Disp_CD_data(){ // Used to display track range and lcd.clear(); // Total playing time as recovered lcd.print("Tracks "); // from reading the TOC lcd.print(s_trck, DEC); lcd.print("-"); lcd.print(e_trck, DEC); lcd.setCursor (0,1); lcd.print("Time "); lcd.print(fnc[54], DEC); lcd.print(":"); if(fnc[55] < 10) { lcd.print("0"); // Print a leading 0 for seconds when below 10 } lcd.print(fnc[55], DEC); } void curr_MSF(){ // During PLAY or PAUSE operation show the pickup lcd.setCursor (2,1); // position as absolute playing time lcd.print(a_trck, DEC); lcd.setCursor (11,1); lcd.print(MFS_M,DEC); lcd.print(":"); if(MFS_S < 10) { lcd.print("0"); // Print a leading 0 for seconds when below 10 } lcd.print(MFS_S,DEC); } // ################################## // Auxiliary functions User Interface // ################################## void play(){ idx = 48; // pointer to play function and Play SendPac(); // from MSF location stored at idx=(51-56) } // See also doc. sff8020i table 76 void stop(){ idx = 32; // pointer to stop unit function SendPac(); } void eject(){ idx = 0; // pointer to eject function SendPac(); } void load(){ idx = 16; // pointer to load SendPac(); } void pause(){ idx = 64; // pointer to hold SendPac(); } void resume(){ idx = 80; // pointer to resume SendPac(); } void stop_disk(){ idx = 176; // pointer to stop disk function SendPac(); } // ########################### // Auxiliary functions PCF8475 // ########################### // Set to high impedance all ports of PCF8475 interfacing to IDE. void highZ(){ Wire.beginTransmission(RegSel); // address IDE Register interface Wire.write((byte)255); // queue FFh into buffer for setting all pins HIGH Wire.endTransmission(); // transmit buffered data to IDE Register interface Wire.beginTransmission(DataH); // address IDE DD8-DD15 Wire.write((byte)255); // as above Wire.endTransmission(); // Wire.beginTransmission(DataL); // address IDE DD0-DD7 Wire.write((byte)255); // as above Wire.endTransmission(); // } // Reset Device void reset_IDE(){ Wire.beginTransmission(RegSel); Wire.write((byte)B11011111); // Bit 5 LOW to reset IDE via nRESET Wire.endTransmission(); delay(40); Wire.beginTransmission(RegSel); Wire.write((byte)B11111111); // Release reset Wire.endTransmission(); delay(20); } // Read one word from IDE register void readIDE (byte regval){ reg = regval & B01111111; // set nDIOR bit LOW preserving register address Wire.beginTransmission(RegSel); Wire.write((byte)reg); Wire.endTransmission(); Wire.requestFrom(DataH, 1); dataHval =; Wire.requestFrom(DataL, 1); dataLval =; highZ(); // set all I/O pins to HIGH -> impl. nDIOR release } // Write one word to IDE register void writeIDE (byte regval, byte dataLval, byte dataHval){ reg = regval | B01000000; // set nDIOW bit HIGH preserving register address Wire.beginTransmission(RegSel); Wire.write((byte)reg); Wire.endTransmission(); Wire.beginTransmission(DataH); // send data for IDE D8-D15 Wire.write((byte)dataHval); Wire.endTransmission(); Wire.beginTransmission(DataL); // send data for IDE D0-D7 Wire.write((byte)dataLval); Wire.endTransmission(); reg = regval & B10111111; // set nDIOW LOW preserving register address Wire.beginTransmission(RegSel); Wire.write((byte)reg); Wire.endTransmission(); highZ(); // All I/O pins to high impedance -> impl. nDIOW release } // ################################################# // Auxiliary functions ATAPI Status Register related // ################################################# // Wait for BSY clear void BSY_clear_wait(){ do{ readIDE(ComSReg); } while(dataLval & (1<<7)); } // Wait for DRQ clear void DRQ_clear_wait(){ do{ readIDE(ComSReg); } while(dataLval & (1<<3)); } // Wait for DRQ set void DRQ_set_wait(){ do{ readIDE(ComSReg); }while((dataLval & ~(1<<3)) == true); } // Wait for DRY set void DRY_set_wait(){ do{ readIDE(ComSReg); }while((dataLval & ~(1<<6)) == true); } // ################################## // Auxiliary functions Packet related // ################################## // Send a packet starting at fnc array position idx void SendPac(){ writeIDE (AStCReg, B00001010, 0xFF); // Set nIEN before you send the PACKET command! writeIDE(ComSReg, 0xA0, 0xFF); // Write Packet Command Opcode delay(400); for (cnt=0;cnt<paclen;cnt=cnt+2){ // Send packet with length of 'paclen' dataLval = fnc[(idx + cnt)]; // to IDE Data Registeraccording to idx value dataHval = fnc[(idx + cnt + 1)]; writeIDE(DataReg, dataLval, dataHval); readIDE(AStCReg); // Read alternate stat reg. readIDE(AStCReg); // Read alternate stat reg. } BSY_clear_wait(); } void get_TOC(){ idx = 96; // Pointer to Read TOC Packet SendPac(); // Send read TOC command packet delay(10); DRQ_set_wait(); read_TOC(); // Fetch result } void read_TOC(){ readIDE(DataReg); // TOC Data Length not needed, don't care readIDE(DataReg); // Read first and last session s_trck = dataLval; e_trck = dataHval; do{ readIDE(DataReg); // Skip Session no. ADR and control fields readIDE(DataReg); // Read curent track number c_trck = dataLval; readIDE(DataReg); // Read M c_trck_m = dataHval; // Store M of curent track readIDE(DataReg); // Read S and F c_trck_s = dataLval; // Store S of current track c_trck_f = dataHval; // Store F of current track if (c_trck == s_trck){ // Store MSF of first track fnc[51] = c_trck_m; // fnc[52] = c_trck_s; fnc[53] = c_trck_f; } if (c_trck == a_trck){ // Store MSF of actual track d_trck_m = c_trck_m; // d_trck_s = c_trck_s; d_trck_f = c_trck_f; } if (c_trck == 0xAA){ // Store MSF of end position fnc[54] = c_trck_m; fnc[55] = c_trck_s; fnc[56] = c_trck_f; } readIDE(ComSReg); } while(dataLval & (1<<3)); // Read data from DataRegister until DRQ=0 } void read_subch_cmd(){ idx=144; // Pointer to read Subchannel Packet SendPac(); // Send read Subchannel command packet readIDE(DataReg); // Get Audio Status if(dataHval==0x13){ // Play operation successfully completed dataHval=0x15; // means drive is neither paused nor in play } // so treat as stopped if(dataHval==0x11| // playing dataHval==0x12| // paused dataHval==0x15) // stopped {aud_stat=dataHval; // }else{ aud_stat=0; // all other values will report "NO DISC" } readIDE(DataReg); // Get (ignore) Subchannel Data Length readIDE(DataReg); // Get (ignore) Format Code, ADR and Control readIDE(DataReg); // Get actual track a_trck = dataLval; readIDE(DataReg); // Get M field of actual MFS data and MFS_M = dataHval; // store M it readIDE(DataReg); // get S and F fields MFS_S = dataLval; // Store S value do{ readIDE(DataReg); readIDE(ComSReg); } while(dataLval & (1<<3)); // Read rest of data from Data Reg. until DRQ=0 } byte chck_disk(){ byte disk_ok = 0xFF; // assume no valid disk present. idx = 128; // Send mode sense packet SendPac(); // delay(10); DRQ_set_wait(); // Wait for data ready to read. readIDE(DataReg); // Read and discard Mode Sense data length readIDE(DataReg); // Get Medium Type byte // If valid audio disk present disk_ok=0x00 if (dataLval == 0x02 | dataLval == 0x06 | dataLval == 0x12 | dataLval == 0x16 | dataLval == 0x22 | dataLval == 0x26) {disk_ok = 0x00; } if (dataLval == 0x71){ // Note if door open disk_ok = 0x71; } do{ // Skip rest of packet readIDE(DataReg); readIDE(ComSReg); } while(dataLval & (1<<3)); return(disk_ok); } void unit_ready(){ // Reuests unit to report status idx=112; // used to check_unit_ready SendPac(); } void req_sense(){ // Request Sense Command is used to check idx=160; // the result of the Unit Ready command. SendPac(); // The Additional Sense Code is used, delay(10); // see table 71 in sff8020i documentation DRQ_set_wait(); cnt=0; do{ readIDE(DataReg); if (cnt == 6){ asc=dataLval; // Store Additional Sense Code } cnt++; readIDE(AStCReg); readIDE(ComSReg); } while(dataLval & (1<<3)); // Skip rest of packet } void init_task_file(){ writeIDE(ErrFReg, 0x00, 0xFF); // Set Feature register = 0 (no overlapping and no DMA) writeIDE(CylHReg, 0x02, 0xFF); // Set PIO buffer to max. transfer length (= 200h) writeIDE(CylLReg, 0x00, 0xFF); writeIDE(AStCReg, 0x02, 0xFF); // Set nIEN, we don't care about the INTRQ signal BSY_clear_wait(); // When conditions are met then IDE bus is idle, DRQ_clear_wait(); // this check may not be necessary (???) } // END ####################################################################################
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