
/* This is an example sketch to test the core functionalities of SIMCom-based cellular modules. This code supports the SIM7000-series modules (LTE/NB-IoT shields) for low-power IoT devices! The pin definitions and communication initialization in this sketch are specifically for the ESP32. It doesn't matter what ESP32 dev board you use as long as long as you make the following connections: - 3V3 (ESP32) --> 5V (shield's logic voltage pin) - GND (ESP32) --> GND (shield) - RX2 (ESP32) --> 10 (shield's TX) - TX2 (ESP32) --> 11 (shield's RX) - D5 (ESP32) --> 7 (shield's RST) - D18 (ESP32) --> 6 (shield's PWRKEY) - Also make sure to connect a 3.7V LiPo battery to the shield's JST connector!!! - Optional: SCL (GPIO22) and SDA (GPIO21) if you want to use the temperature sensor Note that you can change the pin definitions to use TX1/RX1 but some ESP32 dev boards do not have these pins broken out (like the DOIT ESP32 dev board, for example). You can also change the TX/RX pins to pretty much anything you want, but here we'll just use the default. Furthermore, you can change the RST and PWRKEY pins to any other GPIO you'd like. Author: Timothy Woo ( Github: Last Updated: 12/26/2018 License: GNU GPL v3.0 */ /******* ORIGINAL ADAFRUIT FONA LIBRARY TEXT *******/ /*************************************************** This is an example for our Adafruit FONA Cellular Module Designed specifically to work with the Adafruit FONA ----> ----> ----> ----> These cellular modules use TTL Serial to communicate, 2 pins are required to interface Adafruit invests time and resources providing this open source code, please support Adafruit and open-source hardware by purchasing products from Adafruit! Written by Limor Fried/Ladyada for Adafruit Industries. BSD license, all text above must be included in any redistribution ****************************************************/ // #include "Adafruit_FONA.h" // // Define *one* of the following lines: //#define SIMCOM_2G // SIM800/808/900/908, etc. //#define SIMCOM_3G // SIM5320A/E #define SIMCOM_7000 // SIM7000A/C/E/G //#define SIMCOM_7500 // SIM7500A/E // For SIM7000 shield with ESP32 #define FONA_PWRKEY 4 #define FONA_RST 25 #define FONA_TX 26 // ESP32 hardware serial RX2 (GPIO16) #define FONA_RX 27 // ESP32 hardware serial TX2 (GPIO17) // For SIM7500 shield //#define FONA_PWRKEY 6 //#define FONA_RST 7 ////#define FONA_DTR 9 // Connect with solder jumper ////#define FONA_RI 8 // Need to enable via AT commands //#define FONA_TX 11 // Microcontroller RX //#define FONA_RX 10 // Microcontroller TX ////#define T_ALERT 5 // Connect with solder jumper // For ESP32 hardware serial #include <HardwareSerial.h> HardwareSerial fonaSS(1); // Use this for 2G modules #ifdef SIMCOM_2G Adafruit_FONA fona = Adafruit_FONA(FONA_RST); // Use this one for 3G modules #elif defined(SIMCOM_3G) Adafruit_FONA_3G fona = Adafruit_FONA_3G(FONA_RST); // Use this one for LTE CAT-M/NB-IoT modules (like SIM7000) // Notice how we don't include the reset pin because it's reserved for emergencies on the LTE module! #elif defined(SIMCOM_7000) || defined(SIMCOM_7500) Adafruit_FONA_LTE fona = Adafruit_FONA_LTE(); #endif uint8_t readline(char *buff, uint8_t maxbuff, uint16_t timeout = 0); uint8_t type; char replybuffer[255]; // this is a large buffer for replies char imei[16] = {0}; // MUST use a 16 character buffer for IMEI! float latitude, longitude, speed_kph, heading, altitude, second; void setup() { // while (!Serial); pinMode(FONA_RST, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(FONA_RST, HIGH); // Default state pinMode(FONA_PWRKEY, OUTPUT); // Turn on the module by pulsing PWRKEY low for a little bit // This amount of time depends on the specific module that's used powerOn(); // See function definition at the very end of the sketch Serial.begin(9600); Serial.println(F("ESP32 Basic Test")); Serial.println(F("Initializing....(May take several seconds)")); // Note: The SIM7000A baud rate seems to reset after being power cycled (SIMCom firmware thing) // SIM7000 takes about 3s to turn on but SIM7500 takes about 15s // Press reset button if the module is still turning on and the board doesn't find it. // When the module is on it should communicate right after pressing reset // Start at default SIM7000 shield baud rate fonaSS.begin(115200, SERIAL_8N1, FONA_TX, FONA_RX); // baud rate, protocol, ESP32 RX pin, ESP32 TX pin Serial.println(F("Configuring to 9600 baud")); fonaSS.println("AT+IPR=9600"); // Set baud rate delay(100); // Short pause to let the command run fonaSS.begin(9600, SERIAL_8N1, FONA_TX, FONA_RX); // Switch to 9600 if (! fona.begin(fonaSS)) { Serial.println(F("Couldn't find FONA")); while (1); // Don't proceed if it couldn't find the device } type = fona.type(); Serial.println(F("FONA is OK")); Serial.print(F("Found ")); switch (type) { case SIM800L: Serial.println(F("SIM800L")); break; case SIM800H: Serial.println(F("SIM800H")); break; case SIM808_V1: Serial.println(F("SIM808 (v1)")); break; case SIM808_V2: Serial.println(F("SIM808 (v2)")); break; case SIM5320A: Serial.println(F("SIM5320A (American)")); break; case SIM5320E: Serial.println(F("SIM5320E (European)")); break; case SIM7000A: Serial.println(F("SIM7000A (American)")); break; case SIM7000C: Serial.println(F("SIM7000C (Chinese)")); break; case SIM7000E: Serial.println(F("SIM7000E (European)")); break; case SIM7000G: Serial.println(F("SIM7000G (Global)")); break; case SIM7500A: Serial.println(F("SIM7500A (American)")); break; case SIM7500E: Serial.println(F("SIM7500E (European)")); break; default: Serial.println(F("???")); break; } // Print module IMEI number. uint8_t imeiLen = fona.getIMEI(imei); if (imeiLen > 0) { Serial.print("Module IMEI: "); Serial.println(imei); } // Set modem to full functionality fona.setFunctionality(1); // AT+CFUN=1 // Configure a GPRS APN, username, and password. // You might need to do this to access your network's GPRS/data // network. Contact your provider for the exact APN, username, // and password values. Username and password are optional and // can be removed, but APN is required. fona.setNetworkSettings(F("h2g2"), F("h2g2")); //fona.setNetworkSettings(F("")); // For AT&T IoT SIM card //fona.setNetworkSettings(F("telstra.internet")); // For Telstra (Australia) SIM card - CAT-M1 (Band 28) //fona.setNetworkSettings(F("hologram")); // For Hologram SIM card // Optionally configure HTTP gets to follow redirects over SSL. // Default is not to follow SSL redirects, however if you uncomment // the following line then redirects over SSL will be followed. //fona.setHTTPSRedirect(true); //fona.setPreferredMode(38); // Use LTE only, not 2G //fona.setPreferredLTEMode(1); // Use LTE CAT-M only, not NB-IoT //fona.setOperatingBand("CAT-M", 12); // AT&T uses band 12 /* // Other examples of some things you can set: fona.setPreferredMode(38); // Use LTE only, not 2G fona.setPreferredLTEMode(1); // Use LTE CAT-M only, not NB-IoT fona.setOperatingBand("CAT-M", 12); // AT&T uses band 12 // fona.setOperatingBand("CAT-M", 13); // Verizon uses band 13 fona.enableRTC(true); fona.enableSleepMode(true); fona.set_eDRX(1, 4, "0010"); fona.enablePSM(true); // Set the network status LED blinking pattern while connected to a network (see AT+SLEDS command) fona.setNetLED(true, 2, 64, 3000); // on/off, mode, timer_on, timer_off fona.setNetLED(false); // Disable network status LED */ printMenu(); } void printMenu(void) { Serial.println(F("-------------------------------------")); // General Serial.println(F("[?] Print this menu")); Serial.println(F("[a] Read the ADC 2.8V max for SIM800/808, 1.7V max for SIM7000 shield")); Serial.println(F("[b] Read supply voltage")); // Will also give battery % charged for most modules Serial.println(F("[C] Read the SIM CCID")); Serial.println(F("[U] Unlock SIM with PIN code")); Serial.println(F("[i] Read signal strength (RSSI)")); Serial.println(F("[n] Get network status")); Serial.println(F("[1] Get network connection info")); // See what connection type and band you're on! #ifndef SIMCOM_7000 // Audio Serial.println(F("[v] Set audio Volume")); Serial.println(F("[V] Get volume")); Serial.println(F("[H] Set headphone audio (SIM800/808)")); Serial.println(F("[e] Set external audio (SIM800/808)")); Serial.println(F("[T] Play audio Tone")); Serial.println(F("[P] PWM/buzzer out (SIM800/808)")); // Calling Serial.println(F("[c] Make phone Call")); Serial.println(F("[A] Get call status")); Serial.println(F("[h] Hang up phone")); Serial.println(F("[p] Pick up phone")); #endif #ifdef SIMCOM_2G // FM (SIM800 only!) Serial.println(F("[f] Tune FM radio (SIM800)")); Serial.println(F("[F] Turn off FM (SIM800)")); Serial.println(F("[m] Set FM volume (SIM800)")); Serial.println(F("[M] Get FM volume (SIM800)")); Serial.println(F("[q] Get FM station signal level (SIM800)")); #endif // SMS Serial.println(F("[N] Number of SMS's")); Serial.println(F("[r] Read SMS #")); Serial.println(F("[R] Read all SMS")); Serial.println(F("[d] Delete SMS #")); Serial.println(F("[s] Send SMS")); Serial.println(F("[u] Send USSD")); // Time Serial.println(F("[y] Enable local time stamp (SIM800/808/7000)")); Serial.println(F("[Y] Enable NTP time sync (SIM800/808/7000)")); // Need to use "G" command first! Serial.println(F("[t] Get network time")); // Works just by being connected to network // Data Connection Serial.println(F("[G] Enable cellular data")); Serial.println(F("[g] Disable cellular data")); Serial.println(F("[l] Query GSMLOC (2G)")); Serial.println(F("[w] Read webpage")); Serial.println(F("[W] Post to website")); // The following option below posts dummy data to for demonstration purposes. See the // IoT_example sketch for an actual application of this function! Serial.println(F("[2] Post to via 2G / LTE CAT-M / NB-IoT")); // This can be SIM800/808/900/7000 Serial.println(F("[3] Post to via 3G / 4G LTE")); // SIM5320/7500 // GPS if ((type == SIM5320A) || (type == SIM5320E) || (type == SIM808_V1) || (type == SIM808_V2) || (type == SIM7000A) || (type == SIM7000C) || (type == SIM7000E) || (type == SIM7000G) || (type == SIM7500A) || (type == SIM7500E)) { Serial.println(F("[O] Turn GPS on (SIM808/5320/7000)")); Serial.println(F("[o] Turn GPS off (SIM808/5320/7000)")); Serial.println(F("[L] Query GPS location (SIM808/5320/7000)")); if (type == SIM808_V1) { Serial.println(F("[x] GPS fix status (FONA808 v1 only)")); } Serial.println(F("[E] Raw NMEA out (SIM808)")); } Serial.println(F("[S] Create serial passthru tunnel")); Serial.println(F("-------------------------------------")); Serial.println(F("")); } void loop() { Serial.print(F("FONA> ")); while (! Serial.available() ) { if (fona.available()) { Serial.write(; } } char command =; Serial.println(command); switch (command) { case '?': { printMenu(); break; } case 'a': { // read the ADC uint16_t adc; if (! fona.getADCVoltage(&adc)) { Serial.println(F("Failed to read ADC")); } else { Serial.print(F("ADC = ")); Serial.print(adc); Serial.println(F(" mV")); } break; } case 'b': { // read the battery voltage and percentage uint16_t vbat; if (! fona.getBattVoltage(&vbat)) { Serial.println(F("Failed to read Batt")); } else { Serial.print(F("VBat = ")); Serial.print(vbat); Serial.println(F(" mV")); } if ( (type != SIM7500A) && (type != SIM7500E) ) { if (! fona.getBattPercent(&vbat)) { Serial.println(F("Failed to read Batt")); } else { Serial.print(F("VPct = ")); Serial.print(vbat); Serial.println(F("%")); } } break; } case 'U': { // Unlock the SIM with a PIN code char PIN[5]; flushSerial(); Serial.println(F("Enter 4-digit PIN")); readline(PIN, 3); Serial.println(PIN); Serial.print(F("Unlocking SIM card: ")); if (! fona.unlockSIM(PIN)) { Serial.println(F("Failed")); } else { Serial.println(F("OK!")); } break; } case 'C': { // read the CCID fona.getSIMCCID(replybuffer); // make sure replybuffer is at least 21 bytes! Serial.print(F("SIM CCID = ")); Serial.println(replybuffer); break; } case 'i': { // read the RSSI uint8_t n = fona.getRSSI(); int8_t r; Serial.print(F("RSSI = ")); Serial.print(n); Serial.print(": "); if (n == 0) r = -115; if (n == 1) r = -111; if (n == 31) r = -52; if ((n >= 2) && (n <= 30)) { r = map(n, 2, 30, -110, -54); } Serial.print(r); Serial.println(F(" dBm")); break; } case 'n': { // read the network/cellular status uint8_t n = fona.getNetworkStatus(); Serial.print(F("Network status ")); Serial.print(n); Serial.print(F(": ")); if (n == 0) Serial.println(F("Not registered")); if (n == 1) Serial.println(F("Registered (home)")); if (n == 2) Serial.println(F("Not registered (searching)")); if (n == 3) Serial.println(F("Denied")); if (n == 4) Serial.println(F("Unknown")); if (n == 5) Serial.println(F("Registered roaming")); break; } case '1': { // Get connection type, cellular band, carrier name, etc. fona.getNetworkInfo(); break; } #ifndef SIMCOM_7000 /*** Audio ***/ case 'v': { // set volume flushSerial(); if ( (type == SIM5320A) || (type == SIM5320E) ) { Serial.print(F("Set Vol [0-8] ")); } else if ( (type == SIM7500A) || (type == SIM7500E) ) { Serial.print(F("Set Vol [0-5] ")); } else { Serial.print(F("Set Vol % [0-100] ")); } uint8_t vol = readnumber(); Serial.println(); if (! fona.setVolume(vol)) { Serial.println(F("Failed")); } else { Serial.println(F("OK!")); } break; } case 'V': { uint8_t v = fona.getVolume(); Serial.print(v); if ( (type == SIM5320A) || (type == SIM5320E) ) { Serial.println(" / 8"); } else if ( (type == SIM7500A) || (type == SIM7500E) ) { // Don't write anything for SIM7500 Serial.println(); } else { Serial.println("%"); } break; } case 'H': { // Set Headphone output if (! fona.setAudio(FONA_HEADSETAUDIO)) { Serial.println(F("Failed")); } else { Serial.println(F("OK!")); } fona.setMicVolume(FONA_HEADSETAUDIO, 15); break; } case 'e': { // Set External output if (! fona.setAudio(FONA_EXTAUDIO)) { Serial.println(F("Failed")); } else { Serial.println(F("OK!")); } fona.setMicVolume(FONA_EXTAUDIO, 10); break; } case 'T': { // play tone flushSerial(); Serial.print(F("Play tone #")); uint8_t kittone = readnumber(); Serial.println(); // play for 1 second (1000 ms) if (! fona.playToolkitTone(kittone, 1000)) { Serial.println(F("Failed")); } else { Serial.println(F("OK!")); } break; } /*** PWM ***/ case 'P': { // PWM Buzzer output @ 2KHz max flushSerial(); Serial.print(F("PWM Freq, 0 = Off, (1-2000): ")); uint16_t freq = readnumber(); Serial.println(); if (! fona.setPWM(freq)) { Serial.println(F("Failed")); } else { Serial.println(F("OK!")); } break; } /*** Calling ***/ case 'c': { // call a phone! char number[30]; flushSerial(); Serial.print(F("Call #")); readline(number, 30); Serial.println(); Serial.print(F("Calling ")); Serial.println(number); if (!fona.callPhone(number)) { Serial.println(F("Failed")); } else { Serial.println(F("Sent!")); } break; } case 'A': { // get call status int8_t callstat = fona.getCallStatus(); switch (callstat) { case 0: Serial.println(F("Ready")); break; case 1: Serial.println(F("Could not get status")); break; case 3: Serial.println(F("Ringing (incoming)")); break; case 4: Serial.println(F("Ringing/in progress (outgoing)")); break; default: Serial.println(F("Unknown")); break; } break; } case 'h': { // hang up! if (! fona.hangUp()) { Serial.println(F("Failed")); } else { Serial.println(F("OK!")); } break; } case 'p': { // pick up! if (! fona.pickUp()) { Serial.println(F("Failed")); } else { Serial.println(F("OK!")); } break; } #endif #ifdef SIMCOM_2G /*** FM Radio ***/ case 'f': { // get freq flushSerial(); Serial.print(F("FM Freq (eg 1011 == 101.1 MHz): ")); uint16_t station = readnumber(); Serial.println(); // FM radio ON using headset if (fona.FMradio(true, FONA_HEADSETAUDIO)) { Serial.println(F("Opened")); } if (! fona.tuneFMradio(station)) { Serial.println(F("Failed")); } else { Serial.println(F("Tuned")); } break; } case 'F': { // FM radio off if (! fona.FMradio(false)) { Serial.println(F("Failed")); } else { Serial.println(F("OK!")); } break; } case 'm': { // Set FM volume. flushSerial(); Serial.print(F("Set FM Vol [0-6]:")); uint8_t vol = readnumber(); Serial.println(); if (!fona.setFMVolume(vol)) { Serial.println(F("Failed")); } else { Serial.println(F("OK!")); } break; } case 'M': { // Get FM volume. uint8_t fmvol = fona.getFMVolume(); if (fmvol < 0) { Serial.println(F("Failed")); } else { Serial.print(F("FM volume: ")); Serial.println(fmvol, DEC); } break; } case 'q': { // Get FM station signal level (in decibels). flushSerial(); Serial.print(F("FM Freq (eg 1011 == 101.1 MHz): ")); uint16_t station = readnumber(); Serial.println(); int8_t level = fona.getFMSignalLevel(station); if (level < 0) { Serial.println(F("Failed! Make sure FM radio is on (tuned to station).")); } else { Serial.print(F("Signal level (dB): ")); Serial.println(level, DEC); } break; } #endif /*** SMS ***/ case 'N': { // read the number of SMS's! int8_t smsnum = fona.getNumSMS(); if (smsnum < 0) { Serial.println(F("Could not read # SMS")); } else { Serial.print(smsnum); Serial.println(F(" SMS's on SIM card!")); } break; } case 'r': { // read an SMS flushSerial(); Serial.print(F("Read #")); uint8_t smsn = readnumber(); Serial.print(F("\n\rReading SMS #")); Serial.println(smsn); // Retrieve SMS sender address/phone number. if (! fona.getSMSSender(smsn, replybuffer, 250)) { Serial.println("Failed!"); break; } Serial.print(F("FROM: ")); Serial.println(replybuffer); // Retrieve SMS value. uint16_t smslen; if (! fona.readSMS(smsn, replybuffer, 250, &smslen)) { // pass in buffer and max len! Serial.println("Failed!"); break; } Serial.print(F("***** SMS #")); Serial.print(smsn); Serial.print(" ("); Serial.print(smslen); Serial.println(F(") bytes *****")); Serial.println(replybuffer); Serial.println(F("*****")); break; } case 'R': { // read all SMS int8_t smsnum = fona.getNumSMS(); uint16_t smslen; int8_t smsn; if ( (type == SIM5320A) || (type == SIM5320E) ) { smsn = 0; // zero indexed smsnum--; } else { smsn = 1; // 1 indexed } for ( ; smsn <= smsnum; smsn++) { Serial.print(F("\n\rReading SMS #")); Serial.println(smsn); if (!fona.readSMS(smsn, replybuffer, 250, &smslen)) { // pass in buffer and max len! Serial.println(F("Failed!")); break; } // if the length is zero, its a special case where the index number is higher // so increase the max we'll look at! if (smslen == 0) { Serial.println(F("[empty slot]")); smsnum++; continue; } Serial.print(F("***** SMS #")); Serial.print(smsn); Serial.print(" ("); Serial.print(smslen); Serial.println(F(") bytes *****")); Serial.println(replybuffer); Serial.println(F("*****")); } break; } case 'd': { // delete an SMS flushSerial(); Serial.print(F("Delete #")); uint8_t smsn = readnumber(); Serial.print(F("\n\rDeleting SMS #")); Serial.println(smsn); if (fona.deleteSMS(smsn)) { Serial.println(F("OK!")); } else { Serial.println(F("Couldn't delete")); } break; } case 's': { // send an SMS! char sendto[21], message[141]; flushSerial(); Serial.print(F("Send to #")); readline(sendto, 20); Serial.println(sendto); Serial.print(F("Type out one-line message (140 char): ")); readline(message, 140); Serial.println(message); if (!fona.sendSMS(sendto, message)) { Serial.println(F("Failed")); } else { Serial.println(F("Sent!")); } break; } case 'u': { // send a USSD! char message[141]; flushSerial(); Serial.print(F("Type out one-line message (140 char): ")); readline(message, 140); Serial.println(message); uint16_t ussdlen; if (!fona.sendUSSD(message, replybuffer, 250, &ussdlen)) { // pass in buffer and max len! Serial.println(F("Failed")); } else { Serial.println(F("Sent!")); Serial.print(F("***** USSD Reply")); Serial.print(" ("); Serial.print(ussdlen); Serial.println(F(") bytes *****")); Serial.println(replybuffer); Serial.println(F("*****")); } } /*** Time ***/ case 'y': { // enable network time sync if (!fona.enableRTC(true)) Serial.println(F("Failed to enable")); break; } case 'Y': { // enable NTP time sync if (!fona.enableNTPTimeSync(true, F(""))) Serial.println(F("Failed to enable")); break; } case 't': { // read the time char buffer[23]; fona.getTime(buffer, 23); // make sure replybuffer is at least 23 bytes! Serial.print(F("Time = ")); Serial.println(buffer); break; } /*********************************** GPS */ case 'o': { // turn GPS off if (!fona.enableGPS(false)) Serial.println(F("Failed to turn off")); break; } case 'O': { // turn GPS on fona.println("AT+SGPIO=0,4,1,1"); if (!fona.enableGPS(true)) Serial.println(F("Failed to turn on")); break; } case 'x': { int8_t stat; // check GPS fix stat = fona.GPSstatus(); if (stat < 0) Serial.println(F("Failed to query")); if (stat == 0) Serial.println(F("GPS off")); if (stat == 1) Serial.println(F("No fix")); if (stat == 2) Serial.println(F("2D fix")); if (stat == 3) Serial.println(F("3D fix")); break; } case 'L': { /* // Uncomment this block if all you want to see is the AT command response // check for GPS location char gpsdata[120]; fona.getGPS(0, gpsdata, 120); if (type == SIM808_V1) Serial.println(F("Reply in format: mode,longitude,latitude,altitude,utctime(yyyymmddHHMMSS),ttff,satellites,speed,course")); else if ( (type == SIM5320A) || (type == SIM5320E) || (type == SIM7500A) || (type == SIM7500E) ) Serial.println(F("Reply in format: [<lat>],[<N/S>],[<lon>],[<E/W>],[<date>],[<UTC time>(yyyymmddHHMMSS)],[<alt>],[<speed>],[<course>]")); else Serial.println(F("Reply in format: mode,fixstatus,utctime(yyyymmddHHMMSS),latitude,longitude,altitude,speed,course,fixmode,reserved1,HDOP,PDOP,VDOP,reserved2,view_satellites,used_satellites,reserved3,C/N0max,HPA,VPA")); Serial.println(gpsdata); break; */ //float latitude, longitude, speed_kph, heading, altitude, second; uint16_t year; uint8_t month, day, hour, minute; char URL[150]; // Use the top line if you want to parse UTC time data as well, the line below it if you don't care // if (fona.getGPS(&latitude, &longitude, &speed_kph, &heading, &altitude, &year, &month, &day, &hour, &minute, &second)) { if (fona.getGPS(&latitude, &longitude, &speed_kph, &heading, &altitude)) { // Use this line instead if you don't want UTC time Serial.println(F("---------------------")); Serial.print(F("Latitude: ")); Serial.println(latitude, 6); Serial.print(F("Longitude: ")); Serial.println(longitude, 6); Serial.print(F("Speed: ")); Serial.println(speed_kph); Serial.print(F("Heading: ")); Serial.println(heading); Serial.print(F("Altitude: ")); Serial.println(altitude); // Comment out the stuff below if you don't care about UTC time char latBuff[12], longBuff[12]; dtostrf(latitude, 1, 6, latBuff); dtostrf(longitude, 1, 6, longBuff); sprintf(URL, "", imei, latBuff, longBuff); if (!fona.postData("GET", URL)) Serial.println(F("Failed to complete HTTP GET...")); /* Serial.print(F("Year: ")); Serial.println(year); Serial.print(F("Month: ")); Serial.println(month); Serial.print(F("Day: ")); Serial.println(day); Serial.print(F("Hour: ")); Serial.println(hour); Serial.print(F("Minute: ")); Serial.println(minute); Serial.print(F("Second: ")); Serial.println(second); Serial.println(F("---------------------")); */ } break; } case 'E': { flushSerial(); if (type == SIM808_V1) { Serial.print(F("GPS NMEA output sentences (0 = off, 34 = RMC+GGA, 255 = all)")); } else { Serial.print(F("On (1) or Off (0)? ")); } uint8_t nmeaout = readnumber(); // turn on NMEA output fona.enableGPSNMEA(nmeaout); break; } /*********************************** GPRS/data */ case 'g': { // turn data off if (!fona.enableGPRS(false)) Serial.println(F("Failed to turn off")); break; } case 'G': { // turn data off first for SIM7500 #ifdef SIMCOM_7500 fona.enableGPRS(false); #endif // turn data on if (!fona.enableGPRS(true)) Serial.println(F("Failed to turn on")); break; } case 'l': { // check for GSMLOC (requires GPRS) uint16_t returncode; if (!fona.getGSMLoc(&returncode, replybuffer, 250)) Serial.println(F("Failed!")); if (returncode == 0) { Serial.println(replybuffer); } else { Serial.print(F("Fail code #")); Serial.println(returncode); } break; } case 'w': { // read website URL uint16_t statuscode; int16_t length; char url[80]; flushSerial(); Serial.println(F("URL to read (e.g.$3-nAqw-1a@XK-Bylh6-A4zXf-4rOpc-C-10&hello=world&foo=bar):")); Serial.print(F("http://")); readline(url, 79); Serial.println(url); Serial.println(F("****")); if (!fona.HTTP_GET_start(url, &statuscode, (uint16_t *)&length)) { Serial.println("Failed!"); break; } while (length > 0) { while (fona.available()) { char c =; // Serial.write is too slow, we'll write directly to Serial register! #if defined(__AVR_ATmega328P__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega168__) loop_until_bit_is_set(UCSR0A, UDRE0); /* Wait until data register empty. */ UDR0 = c; #else Serial.write(c); #endif length--; if (! length) break; } } Serial.println(F("\n****")); fona.HTTP_GET_end(); break; } case 'W': { // Post data to website uint16_t statuscode; int16_t length; char url[80]; char data[80]; flushSerial(); Serial.println(F("NOTE: in beta! Use simple websites to post!")); Serial.println(F("URL to post (e.g.")); Serial.print(F("http://")); readline(url, 79); Serial.println(url); Serial.println(F("Data to post (e.g. \"foo\" or \"{\"simple\":\"json\"}\"):")); readline(data, 79); Serial.println(data); Serial.println(F("****")); if (!fona.HTTP_POST_start(url, F("text/plain"), (uint8_t *) data, strlen(data), &statuscode, (uint16_t *)&length)) { Serial.println("Failed!"); break; } while (length > 0) { while (fona.available()) { char c =; #if defined(__AVR_ATmega328P__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega168__) loop_until_bit_is_set(UCSR0A, UDRE0); /* Wait until data register empty. */ UDR0 = c; #else Serial.write(c); #endif length--; if (! length) break; } } Serial.println(F("\n****")); fona.HTTP_POST_end(); break; } #if defined(SIMCOM_2G) || defined(SIMCOM_7000) case '2': { // Post data to website via 2G or LTE CAT-M/NB-IoT float temperature = analogRead(A0) * 1.23; // Change this to suit your needs // Voltage in mV, just for testing. Use the read battery function instead. // Please note that for the LTE shield the voltage read will always be around 3.6V // because the SIM7000 is powered by a 3.6V regulator. If you want to monitor the // power source to the Arduino you will have to use something else. uint16_t battLevel = 3600; // Create char buffers for the floating point numbers for sprintf // Make sure these buffers are long enough for your request URL char URL[150]; char body[100]; char tempBuff[16]; char battLevelBuff[16]; // Format the floating point numbers as needed dtostrf(temperature, 1, 2, tempBuff); // float_val, min_width, digits_after_decimal, char_buffer dtostrf(battLevel, 1, 0, battLevelBuff); // Construct the appropriate URL's and body, depending on request type // Use IMEI as device ID for this example // GET request sprintf(URL, "", imei, tempBuff, battLevelBuff); // No need to specify http:// or https:// //sprintf(URL, "", imei, latbuff, longbuff); // sprintf(URL, "", imei, tempBuff, battLevelBuff); // But this works too if (!fona.postData("GET", URL)) Serial.println(F("Failed to complete HTTP GET...")); // POST request /* sprintf(URL, "", imei); sprintf(body, "{\"temp\":%s,\"batt\":%s}", tempBuff, battLevelBuff); if (!fona.postData("POST", URL, body)) // Can also add authorization token parameter! Serial.println(F("Failed to complete HTTP POST...")); */ break; } #endif #if defined(SIMCOM_3G) || defined(SIMCOM_7500) case '3': { // Post data to website via 3G or 4G LTE float temperature = analogRead(A0) * 1.23; // Change this to suit your needs // Voltage in mV, just for testing. Use the read battery function instead for real applications. uint16_t battLevel = 3700; // Create char buffers for the floating point numbers for sprintf // Make sure these buffers are long enough for your request URL char URL[150]; char tempBuff[16]; char battLevelBuff[16]; // Format the floating point numbers as needed dtostrf(temperature, 1, 2, tempBuff); // float_val, min_width, digits_after_decimal, char_buffer dtostrf(battLevel, 1, 0, battLevelBuff); // Construct the appropriate URL's and body, depending on request type // Use IMEI as device ID for this example // GET request sprintf(URL, "GET /dweet/for/%s?temp=%s&batt=%s HTTP/1.1\r\nHost:\r\n\r\n", imei, tempBuff, battLevelBuff); if (!fona.postData("", 443, "HTTPS", URL)) // Server, port, connection type, URL Serial.println(F("Failed to complete HTTP/HTTPS request...")); break; } #endif /*****************************************/ case 'S': { Serial.println(F("Creating SERIAL TUBE")); while (1) { while (Serial.available()) { delay(1); fona.write(; } if (fona.available()) { Serial.write(; } } break; } default: { Serial.println(F("Unknown command")); printMenu(); break; } } // flush input flushSerial(); while (fona.available()) { Serial.write(; } } void flushSerial() { while (Serial.available()); } char readBlocking() { while (!Serial.available()); return; } uint16_t readnumber() { uint16_t x = 0; char c; while (! isdigit(c = readBlocking())) { //Serial.print(c); } Serial.print(c); x = c - '0'; while (isdigit(c = readBlocking())) { Serial.print(c); x *= 10; x += c - '0'; } return x; } uint8_t readline(char *buff, uint8_t maxbuff, uint16_t timeout) { uint16_t buffidx = 0; boolean timeoutvalid = true; if (timeout == 0) timeoutvalid = false; while (true) { if (buffidx > maxbuff) { //Serial.println(F("SPACE")); break; } while (Serial.available()) { char c =; //Serial.print(c, HEX); Serial.print("#"); Serial.println(c); if (c == '\r') continue; if (c == 0xA) { if (buffidx == 0) // the first 0x0A is ignored continue; timeout = 0; // the second 0x0A is the end of the line timeoutvalid = true; break; } buff[buffidx] = c; buffidx++; } if (timeoutvalid && timeout == 0) { //Serial.println(F("TIMEOUT")); break; } delay(1); } buff[buffidx] = 0; // null term return buffidx; } // Power on the module void powerOn() { digitalWrite(FONA_PWRKEY, LOW); // See spec sheets for your particular module #if defined(SIMCOM_2G) delay(1050); #elif defined(SIMCOM_3G) delay(180); // For SIM5320 #elif defined(SIMCOM_7000) delay(100); // For SIM7000 #elif defined(SIMCOM_7500) delay(500); // For SIM7500 #endif digitalWrite(FONA_PWRKEY, HIGH); }
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