
Last update 5 years 2 months by AEFeinstein
#include <stdlib.h> #include <wiringPi.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <time.h> #include <sys/time.h> #include <stdint.h> /* The power sense pin is physical pin 26, wiringPi pin 11 */ #define PWR_SENSE_PIN 11 typedef enum { TURNED_ON, PROCESS_KILLED, } shutdownState_t; int main (void) { shutdownState_t shutdownState = TURNED_ON; /* Assume the pin is low at the start */ uint8_t pinHistory = 0x00; /* Initialize the wiring library */ wiringPiSetup(); /* This should already be initialized by /etc/rc.local, but just * in case, set the power sense pin as an input with pullup */ pinMode(PWR_SENSE_PIN, INPUT); pullUpDnControl (PWR_SENSE_PIN, PUD_UP); //system("echo starting_shutdown >> /home/pi/shutdown_log.txt"); /* To not hog the CPU */ while (1) { /* Read the pin once a second */ pinHistory <<= 1; if(HIGH == digitalRead(PWR_SENSE_PIN)) { pinHistory |= 1; } switch(shutdownState) { case TURNED_ON: { /* If the pin has been high for four consecutive seconds */ if((pinHistory & 0x0F) == 0x0F) { /* Kill emulation station, but leave the GPIO on */ //system("echo killing_progs >> /home/pi/shutdown_log.txt"); system("killall emulationstation"); system("killall retroarch"); shutdownState = PROCESS_KILLED; } break; } case PROCESS_KILLED: { /* If the pin has been high for four consecutive seconds * then it's safe to turn off the GPIO and shut down */ if((pinHistory & 0x0F) == 0x00) { //system("echo shutting_down >> /home/pi/shutdown_log.txt"); /* Turn the GPIO off */ digitalWrite(4, 0); /* Start the shutdown process */ system("shutdown -P now"); return 0; } break; } } /* Don't hog the CPU */ sleep(1); } return 0 ; }
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