
05-27 14:52:28 replicate_layout.action_replicate_layout 305:Plugin executed on: 'linux' 05-27 14:52:28 replicate_layout.action_replicate_layout 306:Plugin executed with python version: '3.7.6 (default, Jan 30 2020, 09:44:41) \n[GCC 9.2.1 20190827 (Red Hat 9.2.1-1)]' 05-27 14:52:28 replicate_layout.action_replicate_layout 307:KiCad build version: Unknown 05-27 14:52:28 replicate_layout.action_replicate_layout 308:Replicate layout plugin version: 64 started 05-27 14:52:28 replicate_layout.action_replicate_layout 340:Preparing replicator with U405 as a reference 05-27 14:52:28 replicate_layout.replicatelayout 211:getting project hierarchy from schematics 05-27 14:52:28 replicate_layout.replicatelayout 213:Project hierarchy looks like: {'5E754DF0': ['VDAC_gen', '/data/cms/ecal/fe/MEM_2V/hardware/VDAC_gen.sch'], '5E8EF778': ['MEM_channel_A', '/data/cms/ecal/fe/MEM_2V/hardware/MEM_channel.sch'], '5FD3BDB9': ['MEM_Channel_B', '/data/cms/ecal/fe/MEM_2V/hardware/MEM_channel.sch']} 05-27 14:52:28 replicate_layout.replicatelayout 221:getting a list of all footprints on board 05-27 14:52:28 replicate_layout.action_replicate_layout 367:source anchor footprint is 'U405' Located on:['MEM_Channel_B'] With filenames:['MEM_channel.sch'] With sheet_id:['MEM_Channel_B'] 05-27 14:52:28 replicate_layout.action_replicate_layout 371:Corresponding footprints are [('U405', ['MEM_Channel_B']), ('U305', ['MEM_channel_A'])] 05-27 14:52:28 replicate_layout.action_replicate_layout 384:Showing dialog 05-27 14:52:28 replicate_layout.action_replicate_layout 388:Pcbnew position: wx.Point(56, -5) 05-27 14:52:28 replicate_layout.action_replicate_layout 394:Display 0: wx.Rect(0, 0, 1920, 1080) 05-27 14:52:28 replicate_layout.action_replicate_layout 398:Toolbar position: wx.Point(1884, 85) 05-27 14:52:28 replicate_layout.action_replicate_layout 405:Dialog position: wx.Point(1571, 85) 05-27 14:52:29 replicate_layout.replicatelayout 245:construcing a list of sheets suitable for replication on level:'MEM_Channel_B', file:'MEM_channel.sch' 05-27 14:52:29 replicate_layout.replicatelayout 252:Source sheet path up to the level:['MEM_Channel_B'] 05-27 14:52:29 replicate_layout.replicatelayout 256:Footprints on the sheets: ['U405', 'U305'] 05-27 14:52:29 replicate_layout.replicatelayout 259:Footprints raw sheet ids: ['/5FD3BDB9/5F41D621', '/5E8EF778/5F41D621'] 05-27 14:52:29 replicate_layout.replicatelayout 275:All sheets to replicate: [['MEM_Channel_B'], ['MEM_channel_A']] 05-27 14:52:29 replicate_layout.replicatelayout 280:All sheets to replicate sorted: [['MEM_Channel_B'], ['MEM_channel_A']] 05-27 14:52:29 replicate_layout.replicatelayout 286:All sheets to replicate sorted and without source sheet: [['MEM_channel_A']] 05-27 14:52:59 replicate_layout.replicatelayout 245:construcing a list of sheets suitable for replication on level:'MEM_Channel_B', file:'MEM_channel.sch' 05-27 14:52:59 replicate_layout.replicatelayout 252:Source sheet path up to the level:['MEM_Channel_B'] 05-27 14:52:59 replicate_layout.replicatelayout 256:Footprints on the sheets: ['U405', 'U305'] 05-27 14:52:59 replicate_layout.replicatelayout 259:Footprints raw sheet ids: ['/5FD3BDB9/5F41D621', '/5E8EF778/5F41D621'] 05-27 14:52:59 replicate_layout.replicatelayout 275:All sheets to replicate: [['MEM_Channel_B'], ['MEM_channel_A']] 05-27 14:52:59 replicate_layout.replicatelayout 280:All sheets to replicate sorted: [['MEM_Channel_B'], ['MEM_channel_A']] 05-27 14:52:59 replicate_layout.replicatelayout 286:All sheets to replicate sorted and without source sheet: [['MEM_channel_A']] 05-27 14:52:59 replicate_layout.action_replicate_layout 179:Replicating layout 05-27 14:52:59 replicate_layout.replicatelayout 986:Starting replication of sheets: [['MEM_channel_A']] on level: ['MEM_Channel_B'] with tracks=True, zone=True, text=True, containing=True, remove=True, locked=False 05-27 14:52:59 root 261:updating GUI message: 'Preparing for replication' 05-27 14:52:59 replicate_layout.replicatelayout 552:Getting the list of source footprints 05-27 14:52:59 root 266:updating GUI with: 0 05-27 14:52:59 replicate_layout.replicatelayout 556:Getting the list of all the remaining footprints 05-27 14:52:59 replicate_layout.replicatelayout 560:Getting nets local to source footprints 05-27 14:52:59 replicate_layout.replicatelayout 564:Getting source bounding box 05-27 14:52:59 root 266:updating GUI with: 37 05-27 14:52:59 replicate_layout.replicatelayout 568:Getting source tracks 05-27 14:53:00 replicate_layout.replicatelayout 572:Getting source zones 05-27 14:53:00 root 266:updating GUI with: 62 05-27 14:53:00 replicate_layout.replicatelayout 576:Getting source text items 05-27 14:53:00 replicate_layout.replicatelayout 580:Getting source text items 05-27 14:53:00 replicate_layout.replicatelayout 1014:Removing tracks and zones, before module placement 05-27 14:53:00 root 261:updating GUI message: 'Removing zones and tracks' 05-27 14:53:00 root 261:updating GUI message: 'Replicating footprints' 05-27 14:53:00 root 266:updating GUI with: 0 05-27 14:53:00 replicate_layout.replicatelayout 586:Replicating footprints 05-27 14:53:00 replicate_layout.replicatelayout 592:Replicating footprints on sheet ['MEM_channel_A'] 05-27 14:53:00 root 266:updating GUI with: 6 05-27 14:53:00 root 266:updating GUI with: 24 05-27 14:53:00 root 266:updating GUI with: 48 05-27 14:53:00 root 266:updating GUI with: 68 05-27 14:53:00 root 266:updating GUI with: 90 05-27 14:53:00 replicate_layout.replicatelayout 1022:Removing tracks and zones, after module placement 05-27 14:53:00 root 261:updating GUI message: 'Removing zones and tracks' 05-27 14:53:00 root 261:updating GUI message: 'Replicating tracks' 05-27 14:53:00 root 266:updating GUI with: 0 05-27 14:53:00 replicate_layout.replicatelayout 712:Replicating tracks 05-27 14:53:00 replicate_layout.replicatelayout 718:Replicating tracks on sheet ['MEM_channel_A'] 05-27 14:53:00 root 266:updating GUI with: 0 05-27 14:53:00 root 266:updating GUI with: 56 05-27 14:53:00 root 261:updating GUI message: 'Replicating zones' 05-27 14:53:00 replicate_layout.replicatelayout 763:Replicating zones 05-27 14:53:00 root 266:updating GUI with: 0 05-27 14:53:00 replicate_layout.replicatelayout 770:Replicating zones on sheet ['MEM_channel_A'] 05-27 14:53:00 root 266:updating GUI with: 100 05-27 14:53:00 root 261:updating GUI message: 'Replicating text' 05-27 14:53:00 root 266:updating GUI with: 0 05-27 14:53:00 replicate_layout.replicatelayout 829:Replicating text 05-27 14:53:00 root 266:updating GUI with: 0 05-27 14:53:00 replicate_layout.replicatelayout 836:Replicating text on sheet ['MEM_channel_A'] 05-27 14:53:00 root 261:updating GUI message: 'Replicating drawings' 05-27 14:53:00 replicate_layout.replicatelayout 860:Replicating drawings 05-27 14:53:00 replicate_layout.replicatelayout 866:Replicating drawings on sheet ['MEM_channel_A'] 05-27 14:53:00 root 261:updating GUI message: 'Removing duplicates' 05-27 14:53:01 replicate_layout.action_replicate_layout 201:Replication complete
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