Charger / Charger.sch
Full System / Full Battery System.sch
LV_Electronics / CANShield / CANShield.PcbDoc
LV_Electronics / CANShield / CANShield.SchDoc
Shutdown / Shutdown.sch
Shutdown / LatchingFaultBoard / LatchingFaultBoard / LatchingFaultActiveHigh.PcbDoc
Shutdown / LatchingFaultBoard / LatchingFaultBoard / LatchingFaultActiveHigh.SchDoc
Tractive System / TSV.sch
TSAL / Tsalledboard / tsalledboard.PcbDoc
TSAL / Tsalledboard / tsalledboard.SchDoc
TSAL / TSALpowerboard / TSAL.PcbDoc
TSAL / TSALpowerboard / TSAL.SchDoc
Last update 4 years 8 months
Matthew McCauley
TSAL PCB ECO 12-27-2019 2-05-07 AM.LOGRemoved Pin From Net: NetName=NetC2_2 Pin=R3-1 Removed Pin From Net: NetName=HV- Pin=R3-2 Added Component: Designator=R3(Resistor 0603) Add component (AddParameter): Name = "ComponentLink1Description"; Value = "Supplier "; VariantName = "[No Variations]" Add component (AddParameter): Name = "ComponentLink1URL"; Value = ""; VariantName = "[No Variations]" Add component (AddParameter): Name = "ComponentLink2Description"; Value = "Datasheet"; VariantName = "[No Variations]" Add component (AddParameter): Name = "ComponentLink2URL"; Value = "*"; VariantName = "[No Variations]" Added Pin To Net: NetName=NetC2_2 Pin=R3-1 Added Pin To Net: NetName=HV- Pin=R3-2 Added Room: Name=TSAL