
EESchema Schematic File Version 4 EELAYER 30 0 EELAYER END $Descr A4 11693 8268 encoding utf-8 Sheet 19 20 Title "Testbench for Rafael fanout ASIC" Date "" Rev "v01" Comp "Irfu Cea Saclay" Comment1 "" Comment2 "" Comment3 "" Comment4 "" $EndDescr Wire Wire Line 10750 1300 11000 1300 Text Label 11000 1300 2 50 ~ 0 GND $Comp L Device:R RPUP? U 1 1 5E8B94B4 P 9850 1300 AR Path="/5E8B94B4" Ref="RPUP?" Part="1" AR Path="/5E880933/5E8B94B4" Ref="RPUP1902" Part="1" F 0 "RPUP1902" V 9950 1350 50 0000 C CNN F 1 "10k" V 9750 1300 50 0000 C CNN F 2 "Resistor_SMD:R_0402_1005Metric" V 9780 1300 50 0001 C CNN F 3 "~" H 9850 1300 50 0001 C CNN F 4 "402" V 9850 1300 50 0000 C CNN "Field4" 1 9850 1300 0 1 -1 0 $EndComp Wire Wire Line 10000 1300 10250 1300 Wire Wire Line 10350 1300 10450 1300 Wire Wire Line 10550 1300 10450 1300 Connection ~ 10450 1300 Wire Wire Line 10650 1300 10650 1450 Text Label 11200 1450 2 50 ~ 0 ASIC_IN_MUX Wire Wire Line 10650 4800 10900 4800 $Comp L Device:R RPUP? U 1 1 5E8B94D2 P 9750 4800 AR Path="/5E8B94D2" Ref="RPUP?" Part="1" AR Path="/5E880933/5E8B94D2" Ref="RPUP1901" Part="1" F 0 "RPUP1901" V 9850 4850 50 0000 C CNN F 1 "10k" V 9650 4800 50 0000 C CNN F 2 "Resistor_SMD:R_0402_1005Metric" V 9680 4800 50 0001 C CNN F 3 "~" H 9750 4800 50 0001 C CNN F 4 "402" V 9750 4800 50 0000 C CNN "Field4" 1 9750 4800 0 1 -1 0 $EndComp Wire Wire Line 10550 4800 10550 4950 Text Label 10550 4950 0 50 ~ 0 ASIC_SEL_DBL Wire Wire Line 10550 1300 10550 1450 Connection ~ 10550 1300 Wire Wire Line 10450 4800 10450 4950 Text Label 10000 1450 0 50 ~ 0 JMP_IN_MUX Text Label 9950 4950 0 50 ~ 0 JMP_SEL_DBL Wire Wire Line 10650 3700 11050 3700 Wire Wire Line 10550 3700 10150 3700 Wire Wire Line 10750 4150 11000 4150 $Comp L Device:R RPUP? U 1 1 5E8B9537 P 9850 4150 AR Path="/5E8B9537" Ref="RPUP?" Part="1" AR Path="/5E880933/5E8B9537" Ref="RPUP1907" Part="1" F 0 "RPUP1907" V 9950 4200 50 0000 C CNN F 1 "10k" V 9750 4150 50 0000 C CNN F 2 "Resistor_SMD:R_0402_1005Metric" V 9780 4150 50 0001 C CNN F 3 "~" H 9850 4150 50 0001 C CNN F 4 "402" V 9850 4150 50 0000 C CNN "Field4" 1 9850 4150 0 1 -1 0 $EndComp Wire Wire Line 10000 4150 10250 4150 Wire Wire Line 10350 4150 10450 4150 Wire Wire Line 10550 4150 10450 4150 Connection ~ 10450 4150 Wire Wire Line 10650 4150 10650 4300 Wire Wire Line 10650 4300 11050 4300 Text Label 10650 4300 0 50 ~ 0 ASIC_EN_C Wire Wire Line 10550 4150 10550 4300 Wire Wire Line 10550 4300 10150 4300 Connection ~ 10550 4150 Text Label 10150 4300 0 50 ~ 0 JMP_EN_C Connection ~ 10450 4800 Wire Wire Line 9900 4800 10450 4800 Text Notes 10650 4500 2 50 ~ 10 Bi-state input Text Notes 10700 750 2 50 ~ 10 Tri-state inputs Text Notes 11000 900 2 50 ~ 10 ! Pin 4 is cut to avoid confusing ! $Comp L Connector:Conn_01x06_Male JEC? U 1 1 5E8B95B0 P 10550 3950 AR Path="/5E8B95B0" Ref="JEC?" Part="1" AR Path="/5E880933/5E8B95B0" Ref="JEC1901" Part="1" F 0 "JEC1901" V 10550 4200 50 0000 L CNN F 1 "Conn_01x06_Male" V 10703 4194 50 0001 L CNN F 2 "Connector_PinHeader_2.54mm:PinHeader_1x06_P2.54mm_Vertical" H 10550 3950 50 0001 C CNN F 3 "~" H 10550 3950 50 0001 C CNN F 4 "PHV_2.54_1x06" V 10550 3950 50 0001 C CNN "Field4" 1 10550 3950 0 1 1 0 $EndComp $Comp L Connector:Conn_01x06_Male JIM? U 1 1 5E8B95B7 P 10550 1100 AR Path="/5E8B95B7" Ref="JIM?" Part="1" AR Path="/5E880933/5E8B95B7" Ref="JIM1901" Part="1" F 0 "JIM1901" V 10550 1350 50 0000 L CNN F 1 "Conn_01x06_Male" V 10703 1344 50 0001 L CNN F 2 "Connector_PinHeader_2.54mm:PinHeader_1x06_P2.54mm_Vertical" H 10550 1100 50 0001 C CNN F 3 "~" H 10550 1100 50 0001 C CNN F 4 "PHV_2.54_1x06" V 11000 1100 50 0000 C CNN "Field4" 1 10550 1100 0 1 1 0 $EndComp $Comp L Connector:Conn_01x03_Male JSD? U 1 1 5E8B95BE P 10550 4600 AR Path="/5E8B95BE" Ref="JSD?" Part="1" AR Path="/5E880933/5E8B95BE" Ref="JSD1901" Part="1" F 0 "JSD1901" V 10612 4744 50 0000 L CNN F 1 "Conn_01x03_Male" V 10703 4744 50 0001 L CNN F 2 "Connector_PinHeader_2.54mm:PinHeader_1x03_P2.54mm_Vertical" H 10550 4600 50 0001 C CNN F 3 "~" H 10550 4600 50 0001 C CNN F 4 "PHV_2.54_1x03" V 11000 4300 50 0001 L CNN "Field4" 1 10550 4600 0 1 1 0 $EndComp Text HLabel 3900 1050 2 59 Output ~ 0 ASIC_EN_S Text HLabel 3900 900 2 59 Output ~ 0 ASIC_EN_PE Text HLabel 3900 600 2 59 Output ~ 0 ASIC_SEL_DBL Text HLabel 3900 750 2 59 Output ~ 0 ASIC_IN_MUX Text HLabel 5250 900 2 59 Output ~ 0 ASIC_EN_C Text HLabel 5250 750 2 59 Output ~ 0 ASIC_EN_B Text HLabel 5250 600 2 59 Output ~ 0 ASIC_EN_A Wire Wire Line 5250 600 4750 600 Wire Wire Line 5250 750 4750 750 Wire Wire Line 5250 900 4750 900 Wire Wire Line 3900 750 3400 750 Wire Wire Line 3900 600 3400 600 Wire Wire Line 3900 900 3400 900 Wire Wire Line 3900 1050 3400 1050 Text HLabel 2650 900 0 59 Input ~ 0 VINT Text HLabel 2650 1200 0 59 BiDi ~ 0 GND Wire Wire Line 2650 1200 3050 1200 Wire Wire Line 2650 900 3050 900 $Comp L SamacSys_Parts:SN74AVC6T622PWR LVLTRANS1902 U 1 1 5E7FC3E7 P 6050 3450 F 0 "LVLTRANS1902" H 6750 3715 50 0000 C CNN F 1 "SN74AVC6T622PWR" H 6750 3624 50 0000 C CNN F 2 "SamacSys_Parts:SOP65P640X120-20N" H 7300 3550 50 0001 L CNN F 3 "" H 7300 3450 50 0001 L CNN F 4 "AUDIO CODEC AC97 VOLTAGE-TRANSLATION TRANSCEIVER" H 7300 3350 50 0001 L CNN "Description" F 5 "Texas Instruments" H 7300 2950 50 0001 L CNN "Manufacturer_Name" F 6 "SN74AVC6T622PWRG4" H 7300 2850 50 0001 L CNN "Manufacturer_Part_Number" F 7 "TSOP" H 6750 2400 50 0000 C CNN "Field10" 1 6050 3450 1 0 0 -1 $EndComp Text Label 7400 2250 0 50 ~ 0 GND Wire Wire Line 7400 2250 7950 2250 Text Label 5800 2250 0 50 ~ 0 GND Wire Wire Line 7950 2450 7400 2450 Text Label 7400 2450 0 50 ~ 0 JMP_EN_B Text Label 7400 1750 0 50 ~ 0 GPIO_CTRL_EN_B Wire Wire Line 5350 2350 6000 2350 Text Label 5350 2350 0 50 ~ 0 GPIO_EN_B Wire Wire Line 7950 2350 7400 2350 Text Label 7400 2350 0 50 ~ 0 JMP_EN_PE Text Label 7400 2650 0 50 ~ 0 GPIO_CTRL_IN_MUX Wire Wire Line 7400 2650 8150 2650 Wire Wire Line 7400 1750 8150 1750 Wire Wire Line 7950 2550 7400 2550 Text Label 7400 2550 0 50 ~ 0 JMP_IN_MUX Wire Wire Line 5350 2450 6000 2450 Text Label 5350 2450 0 50 ~ 0 GPIO_IN_MUX NoConn ~ 6000 4200 Wire Wire Line 7400 3400 8000 3400 Text Label 7450 3400 0 50 ~ 0 GPIO_CTRL_EN_A Wire Wire Line 5300 3400 6000 3400 Text Label 5300 3400 0 50 ~ 0 GPIO_CTRL_EN_C Wire Wire Line 7400 4300 8050 4300 Text Label 7400 4300 0 50 ~ 0 GPIO_CTRL_EN_S Text Label 5300 3500 0 50 ~ 0 VINT Wire Wire Line 6000 3700 5600 3700 Wire Wire Line 6000 4000 5300 4000 Wire Wire Line 7400 4000 8000 4000 Text Label 7450 3500 0 50 ~ 0 V_VLT Text Label 5300 4000 0 50 ~ 0 GPIO_EN_A Text Label 7450 4000 0 50 ~ 0 JMP_EN_C Wire Wire Line 6000 4300 5300 4300 Text Label 5300 4300 0 50 ~ 0 GPIO_EN_C Wire Wire Line 7400 4100 8000 4100 Text Label 7450 4100 0 50 ~ 0 JMP_EN_A Wire Wire Line 6000 4100 5300 4100 Wire Wire Line 7400 4200 8000 4200 Text Label 5300 4100 0 50 ~ 0 GPIO_EN_S Text Label 7450 4200 0 50 ~ 0 JMP_EN_S Wire Wire Line 5400 1750 6000 1750 Text Label 5400 1750 0 50 ~ 0 GPIO_CTRL_EN_PE Text Label 5350 2650 0 50 ~ 0 GPIO_EN_PE Text Label 7450 1850 0 50 ~ 0 V_VLT Wire Wire Line 7400 1950 7950 1950 Wire Wire Line 7950 1950 7950 2050 Wire Wire Line 7950 2150 7400 2150 Wire Wire Line 7400 2050 7950 2050 Wire Wire Line 6000 1950 5600 1950 Wire Wire Line 5350 2650 6000 2650 Wire Wire Line 5600 1950 5600 2050 Wire Wire Line 5600 2150 6000 2150 Wire Wire Line 6000 2050 5600 2050 Text Label 5400 1850 0 50 ~ 0 VINT Text Label 3050 900 2 50 ~ 0 VINT Wire Wire Line 2650 750 3050 750 Text Label 3050 750 2 50 ~ 0 V_VLT Text HLabel 2650 750 0 59 Input ~ 0 V_VLT Text Label 3050 1200 2 50 ~ 0 GND Wire Wire Line 9600 4800 9300 4800 Wire Wire Line 9700 4150 9350 4150 Wire Wire Line 9700 1300 9400 1300 Text Label 9350 4150 0 50 ~ 0 V_ASIC Text Label 9300 4800 0 50 ~ 0 V_ASIC Wire Wire Line 10750 1950 11000 1950 $Comp L Device:R RPUP? U 1 1 5E81A9F9 P 9850 1950 AR Path="/5E81A9F9" Ref="RPUP?" Part="1" AR Path="/5E880933/5E81A9F9" Ref="RPUP1903" Part="1" F 0 "RPUP1903" V 9950 2000 50 0000 C CNN F 1 "10k" V 9750 1950 50 0000 C CNN F 2 "Resistor_SMD:R_0402_1005Metric" V 9780 1950 50 0001 C CNN F 3 "~" H 9850 1950 50 0001 C CNN F 4 "402" V 9850 1950 50 0000 C CNN "Field4" 1 9850 1950 0 1 -1 0 $EndComp Wire Wire Line 10000 1950 10250 1950 Wire Wire Line 10350 1950 10450 1950 Wire Wire Line 10550 1950 10450 1950 Connection ~ 10450 1950 Wire Wire Line 10650 1950 10650 2100 Wire Wire Line 10650 2100 11050 2100 Text Label 11050 2100 2 50 ~ 0 ASIC_EN_S Wire Wire Line 10550 1950 10550 2100 Wire Wire Line 10550 2100 10150 2100 Connection ~ 10550 1950 Text Label 10150 2100 0 50 ~ 0 JMP_EN_S $Comp L Connector:Conn_01x06_Male JES? U 1 1 5E81AA0B P 10550 1750 AR Path="/5E81AA0B" Ref="JES?" Part="1" AR Path="/5E880933/5E81AA0B" Ref="JES1901" Part="1" F 0 "JES1901" V 10550 2000 50 0000 L CNN F 1 "Conn_01x06_Male" V 10703 1994 50 0001 L CNN F 2 "Connector_PinHeader_2.54mm:PinHeader_1x06_P2.54mm_Vertical" H 10550 1750 50 0001 C CNN F 3 "~" H 10550 1750 50 0001 C CNN F 4 "PHV_2.54_1x06" V 11000 1750 50 0001 C CNN "Field4" 1 10550 1750 0 1 1 0 $EndComp Wire Wire Line 9700 1950 9400 1950 Text Label 9400 1950 0 50 ~ 0 V_ASIC Wire Wire Line 10750 2550 11000 2550 $Comp L Device:R RPUP? U 1 1 5E82E19D P 9850 2550 AR Path="/5E82E19D" Ref="RPUP?" Part="1" AR Path="/5E880933/5E82E19D" Ref="RPUP1904" Part="1" F 0 "RPUP1904" V 9950 2600 50 0000 C CNN F 1 "10k" V 9750 2550 50 0000 C CNN F 2 "Resistor_SMD:R_0402_1005Metric" V 9780 2550 50 0001 C CNN F 3 "~" H 9850 2550 50 0001 C CNN F 4 "402" V 9850 2550 50 0000 C CNN "Field4" 1 9850 2550 0 1 -1 0 $EndComp Wire Wire Line 10000 2550 10250 2550 Wire Wire Line 10350 2550 10450 2550 Wire Wire Line 10550 2550 10450 2550 Connection ~ 10450 2550 Wire Wire Line 10650 2550 10650 2700 Text Label 11100 2700 2 50 ~ 0 ASIC_EN_PE Wire Wire Line 10550 2550 10550 2700 Connection ~ 10550 2550 Text Label 10050 2700 0 50 ~ 0 JMP_EN_PE $Comp L Connector:Conn_01x06_Male JPE? U 1 1 5E82E1AF P 10550 2350 AR Path="/5E82E1AF" Ref="JPE?" Part="1" AR Path="/5E880933/5E82E1AF" Ref="JPE1901" Part="1" F 0 "JPE1901" V 10550 2600 50 0000 L CNN F 1 "Conn_01x06_Male" V 10703 2594 50 0001 L CNN F 2 "Connector_PinHeader_2.54mm:PinHeader_1x06_P2.54mm_Vertical" H 10550 2350 50 0001 C CNN F 3 "~" H 10550 2350 50 0001 C CNN F 4 "PHV_2.54_1x06" V 11000 2350 50 0001 C CNN "Field4" 1 10550 2350 0 1 1 0 $EndComp Wire Wire Line 9700 2550 9400 2550 Text Label 9400 2550 0 50 ~ 0 V_ASIC Text Notes 5300 3200 0 50 ~ 0 enable signal Text Notes 5200 1550 0 50 ~ 0 control signal Text Label 3400 600 0 50 ~ 0 ASIC_SEL_DBL Text Label 3400 750 0 50 ~ 0 ASIC_IN_MUX Text Label 3400 900 0 50 ~ 0 ASIC_EN_PE Text Label 3400 1050 0 50 ~ 0 ASIC_EN_S Text Label 4750 600 0 50 ~ 0 ASIC_EN_A Text Label 4750 750 0 50 ~ 0 ASIC_EN_B Text Label 4750 900 0 50 ~ 0 ASIC_EN_C Text Notes 6100 6400 0 98 ~ 0 Silkscreen near PHV connector\n- pin number\n- clearly identify each PHV connector with its signal name\n- to be written on brd :\ntristate \njmp btw 1-2 : signal forced to 0 \njmp btw 2-3 : signal forced to HiZ or remote control\njmp btw 2-3 & 5-6 : signal forced to 1\nbistate:\njmp btw 1-2 : signal forced to 0 \njmp btw 2-3 : signal forced to 1 NoConn ~ 6000 2550 Wire Wire Line 5050 3500 6000 3500 Wire Wire Line 7400 3500 8150 3500 Wire Wire Line 7400 1850 8250 1850 Wire Wire Line 5150 1850 6000 1850 $Comp L pspice:C CLTA1902 U 1 1 5E836D03 P 4900 1850 F 0 "CLTA1902" V 5200 1850 50 0000 C CNN F 1 "100n" V 5100 1850 50 0000 C CNN F 2 "Capacitor_SMD:C_0402_1005Metric" H 4900 1850 50 0001 C CNN F 3 "~" H 4900 1850 50 0001 C CNN F 4 "402" V 4700 1850 50 0000 C CNN "Field4" 1 4900 1850 0 -1 -1 0 $EndComp $Comp L pspice:C CLTB1902 U 1 1 5E898FB9 P 8500 1850 F 0 "CLTB1902" V 8800 1850 50 0000 C CNN F 1 "100n" V 8700 1850 50 0000 C CNN F 2 "Capacitor_SMD:C_0402_1005Metric" H 8500 1850 50 0001 C CNN F 3 "~" H 8500 1850 50 0001 C CNN F 4 "402" V 8300 1850 50 0000 C CNN "Field4" 1 8500 1850 0 -1 -1 0 $EndComp $Comp L pspice:C CLTA1901 U 1 1 5E8A09F1 P 4800 3500 F 0 "CLTA1901" V 5100 3500 50 0000 C CNN F 1 "100n" V 5000 3500 50 0000 C CNN F 2 "Capacitor_SMD:C_0402_1005Metric" H 4800 3500 50 0001 C CNN F 3 "~" H 4800 3500 50 0001 C CNN F 4 "402" V 4600 3500 50 0000 C CNN "Field4" 1 4800 3500 0 -1 -1 0 $EndComp Wire Wire Line 8750 1850 8900 1850 Wire Wire Line 4650 1850 4500 1850 Connection ~ 7950 2050 Wire Wire Line 7950 2050 7950 2150 Connection ~ 5600 2050 Wire Wire Line 5600 2050 5600 2150 Text Label 8900 1850 0 50 ~ 0 GND Wire Wire Line 8650 3500 8850 3500 Text Label 8850 3500 0 50 ~ 0 GND Wire Wire Line 4550 3500 4300 3500 Text Label 4300 3500 0 50 ~ 0 GND Text Label 4500 1850 0 50 ~ 0 GND Wire Wire Line 2650 600 3050 600 Text Label 3050 600 2 50 ~ 0 V_ASIC Text Label 9300 3550 0 50 ~ 0 V_ASIC Text Label 9300 3100 0 50 ~ 0 V_ASIC Wire Wire Line 9700 3550 9300 3550 Wire Wire Line 9700 3100 9300 3100 $Comp L Connector:Conn_01x06_Male JEB? U 1 1 5E8B95A9 P 10550 3350 AR Path="/5E8B95A9" Ref="JEB?" Part="1" AR Path="/5E880933/5E8B95A9" Ref="JEB1901" Part="1" F 0 "JEB1901" V 10550 3600 50 0000 L CNN F 1 "Conn_01x06_Male" V 10703 3594 50 0001 L CNN F 2 "Connector_PinHeader_2.54mm:PinHeader_1x06_P2.54mm_Vertical" H 10550 3350 50 0001 C CNN F 3 "~" H 10550 3350 50 0001 C CNN F 4 "PHV_2.54_1x06" V 10550 3350 50 0001 C CNN "Field4" 1 10550 3350 0 1 1 0 $EndComp $Comp L Connector:Conn_01x06_Male JEA? U 1 1 5E8B95A2 P 10550 2900 AR Path="/5E8B95A2" Ref="JEA?" Part="1" AR Path="/5E880933/5E8B95A2" Ref="JEA1901" Part="1" F 0 "JEA1901" V 10550 3150 50 0000 L CNN F 1 "Conn_01x06_Male" V 10703 3144 50 0001 L CNN F 2 "Connector_PinHeader_2.54mm:PinHeader_1x06_P2.54mm_Vertical" H 10550 2900 50 0001 C CNN F 3 "~" H 10550 2900 50 0001 C CNN F 4 "PHV_2.54_1x06" V 10550 2900 50 0001 C CNN "Field4" 1 10550 2900 0 1 1 0 $EndComp Text Label 10150 3700 0 50 ~ 0 JMP_EN_B Connection ~ 10550 3550 Wire Wire Line 10550 3550 10550 3700 Text Label 11050 3700 2 50 ~ 0 ASIC_EN_B Wire Wire Line 10650 3550 10650 3700 Connection ~ 10450 3550 Wire Wire Line 10550 3550 10450 3550 Wire Wire Line 10350 3550 10450 3550 Wire Wire Line 10000 3550 10250 3550 $Comp L Device:R RPUP? U 1 1 5E8B9515 P 9850 3550 AR Path="/5E8B9515" Ref="RPUP?" Part="1" AR Path="/5E880933/5E8B9515" Ref="RPUP1906" Part="1" F 0 "RPUP1906" V 9950 3600 50 0000 C CNN F 1 "10k" V 9750 3550 50 0000 C CNN F 2 "Resistor_SMD:R_0402_1005Metric" V 9780 3550 50 0001 C CNN F 3 "~" H 9850 3550 50 0001 C CNN F 4 "402" V 9850 3550 50 0000 C CNN "Field4" 1 9850 3550 0 1 -1 0 $EndComp Wire Wire Line 10750 3550 11000 3550 Text Label 10150 3250 0 50 ~ 0 JMP_EN_A Connection ~ 10550 3100 Wire Wire Line 10550 3250 10150 3250 Wire Wire Line 10550 3100 10550 3250 Text Label 11050 3250 2 50 ~ 0 ASIC_EN_A Wire Wire Line 10650 3250 11050 3250 Wire Wire Line 10650 3100 10650 3250 Connection ~ 10450 3100 Wire Wire Line 10550 3100 10450 3100 Wire Wire Line 10350 3100 10450 3100 Wire Wire Line 10000 3100 10250 3100 $Comp L Device:R RPUP? U 1 1 5E8B94F3 P 9850 3100 AR Path="/5E8B94F3" Ref="RPUP?" Part="1" AR Path="/5E880933/5E8B94F3" Ref="RPUP1905" Part="1" F 0 "RPUP1905" V 9950 3150 50 0000 C CNN F 1 "10k" V 9750 3100 50 0000 C CNN F 2 "Resistor_SMD:R_0402_1005Metric" V 9780 3100 50 0001 C CNN F 3 "~" H 9850 3100 50 0001 C CNN F 4 "402" V 9850 3100 50 0000 C CNN "Field4" 1 9850 3100 0 1 -1 0 $EndComp Wire Wire Line 10750 3100 11000 3100 Text HLabel 1100 750 0 59 Input ~ 0 ICCP_MON Wire Wire Line 1100 900 1500 900 Text Label 1500 900 0 50 ~ 0 ICCN_MON_N Text HLabel 1100 900 0 59 Input ~ 0 ICCN_MON Wire Wire Line 1100 600 1500 600 Text Label 1500 600 0 50 ~ 0 TEMP_MON_N Text HLabel 1100 600 0 59 Input ~ 0 TEMP_MON $Comp L pspice:C CLTB1901 U 1 1 5E8A0093 P 8400 3500 F 0 "CLTB1901" V 8700 3500 50 0000 C CNN F 1 "100n" V 8600 3500 50 0000 C CNN F 2 "Capacitor_SMD:C_0402_1005Metric" H 8400 3500 50 0001 C CNN F 3 "~" H 8400 3500 50 0001 C CNN F 4 "402" V 8200 3500 50 0000 C CNN "Field4" 1 8400 3500 0 -1 -1 0 $EndComp Wire Wire Line 7400 3600 7650 3600 Wire Wire Line 7650 3600 7650 3700 Wire Wire Line 7400 3700 7650 3700 Wire Wire Line 5600 3600 5600 3700 Wire Wire Line 6000 3600 5600 3600 Text Label 5300 3700 0 50 ~ 0 GND Text Label 5350 2050 0 50 ~ 0 GND Text Label 8100 2050 0 47 ~ 0 GND Wire Wire Line 5600 2050 5350 2050 Wire Wire Line 7950 2050 8100 2050 Wire Wire Line 9950 4950 10450 4950 Wire Wire Line 10550 4950 11050 4950 Wire Wire Line 10000 1450 10550 1450 Wire Wire Line 10650 1450 11200 1450 Wire Wire Line 10050 2700 10550 2700 Wire Wire Line 10650 2700 11100 2700 Text Label 1500 750 0 50 ~ 0 ICCP_MON_P Wire Wire Line 1100 750 1500 750 Wire Wire Line 7950 2250 7950 2150 Connection ~ 7950 2150 Wire Wire Line 5600 2150 5600 2250 Connection ~ 5600 2150 Wire Wire Line 5600 2250 6000 2250 Wire Wire Line 7400 3900 8000 3900 Wire Wire Line 7400 3800 7650 3800 Wire Wire Line 7650 3800 7650 3700 Connection ~ 7650 3700 Wire Wire Line 8000 3700 7650 3700 Text Label 8000 3700 2 50 ~ 0 GND Text Label 7450 3900 0 50 ~ 0 JMP_SEL_DBL Wire Wire Line 6000 3800 5600 3800 Wire Wire Line 5600 3800 5600 3700 Connection ~ 5600 3700 Wire Wire Line 5600 3700 5300 3700 Wire Wire Line 5300 3900 6000 3900 Text Label 5300 3900 0 50 ~ 0 GPIO_SEL_DBL Text Notes 5900 3200 0 50 ~ 0 En dessous Text Notes 5850 1550 0 50 ~ 0 Au dessus\n Text HLabel 1100 1050 0 59 Input ~ 0 OCCP_MON Text Label 1500 1200 0 50 ~ 0 OCCN_MON_N Text HLabel 1100 1200 0 59 Input ~ 0 OCCN_MON Text Label 1500 1050 0 50 ~ 0 OCCP_MON_P Wire Wire Line 1100 1050 1500 1050 Wire Wire Line 1100 1200 1500 1200 $Comp L Clock:Conn_Matis_Samtec_HSEC8_160 CTRL_? U 1 1 5EA1BAC8 P 1450 4600 AR Path="/5EA1BAC8" Ref="CTRL_?" Part="1" AR Path="/5E880933/5EA1BAC8" Ref="CTRL_1901" Part="1" F 0 "CTRL_1901" H 1992 7725 50 0000 C CNN F 1 "Conn_Matis_Samtec_HSEC8_160" H 1992 7634 50 0000 C CNN F 2 "Clock:Matis_Edge_Connector" H 1400 5600 50 0001 C CNN F 3 "" H 1400 5600 50 0001 C CNN F 4 "Card Layout" H 1450 4600 50 0000 C CNN "Field4" 1 1450 4600 1 0 0 -1 $EndComp Wire Wire Line 2400 1700 2850 1700 Wire Wire Line 2400 2300 2850 2300 Wire Wire Line 2400 2500 2850 2500 Wire Wire Line 2400 2800 2850 2800 Wire Wire Line 2400 3100 2850 3100 Wire Wire Line 2400 3400 2850 3400 Wire Wire Line 2400 4300 2850 4300 Wire Wire Line 1200 1700 850 1700 Wire Wire Line 1200 2000 850 2000 Wire Wire Line 1200 2300 850 2300 Wire Wire Line 1200 2600 850 2600 Wire Wire Line 1200 3400 850 3400 Wire Wire Line 1200 4300 850 4300 Wire Wire Line 1200 4800 850 4800 Wire Wire Line 850 4900 1200 4900 Wire Wire Line 850 4800 850 4900 Wire Wire Line 1200 5500 850 5500 Wire Wire Line 1200 5200 850 5200 Wire Wire Line 1200 5800 850 5800 Wire Wire Line 1200 6100 850 6100 Wire Wire Line 1200 6400 850 6400 Wire Wire Line 1200 6700 850 6700 Wire Wire Line 1200 6900 850 6900 Wire Wire Line 1200 7100 850 7100 Wire Wire Line 1200 7300 850 7300 Wire Wire Line 1200 7500 850 7500 Wire Wire Line 850 7500 850 7600 Wire Wire Line 850 7600 1200 7600 Wire Wire Line 2400 7600 2600 7600 Wire Wire Line 2600 7600 2600 7500 Wire Wire Line 2400 7300 2600 7300 Wire Wire Line 2400 7100 2600 7100 Wire Wire Line 2400 6900 2600 6900 Wire Wire Line 2400 6700 2600 6700 Wire Wire Line 2400 6400 2600 6400 Wire Wire Line 2400 6100 2600 6100 Wire Wire Line 2400 5800 2600 5800 Wire Wire Line 2400 5500 2600 5500 Wire Wire Line 2400 5200 2600 5200 Wire Wire Line 2400 4900 2600 4900 Wire Wire Line 2600 4900 2600 4800 Wire Wire Line 2600 4800 2400 4800 Text Label 850 1700 0 50 ~ 0 GND Text Label 850 2000 0 50 ~ 0 GND Text Label 850 2300 0 50 ~ 0 GND Text Label 850 2600 0 50 ~ 0 GND Text Label 850 3400 0 50 ~ 0 GND Text Label 850 4300 0 50 ~ 0 GND Text Label 850 4900 0 50 ~ 0 GND Text Label 850 5200 0 50 ~ 0 GND Text Label 850 5500 0 50 ~ 0 GND Text Label 850 5800 0 50 ~ 0 GND Text Label 850 6100 0 50 ~ 0 GND Text Label 850 6400 0 50 ~ 0 GND Text Label 850 6700 0 50 ~ 0 GND Text Label 850 6900 0 50 ~ 0 GND Text Label 850 7100 0 50 ~ 0 GND Text Label 850 7300 0 50 ~ 0 GND Text Label 850 7600 0 50 ~ 0 GND Text Label 2450 7600 0 50 ~ 0 GND Text Label 2450 7300 0 50 ~ 0 GND Text Label 2450 7100 0 50 ~ 0 GND Text Label 2450 6900 0 50 ~ 0 GND Text Label 2450 6700 0 50 ~ 0 GND Text Label 2450 6400 0 50 ~ 0 GND Text Label 2450 6100 0 50 ~ 0 GND Text Label 2450 5800 0 50 ~ 0 GND Text Label 2450 5500 0 50 ~ 0 GND Text Label 2450 5200 0 50 ~ 0 GND Text Label 2450 4900 0 50 ~ 0 GND Text Label 2450 4300 0 50 ~ 0 GND Text Label 2500 3400 0 50 ~ 0 GND Text Label 2500 3100 0 50 ~ 0 GND Text Label 2500 2800 0 50 ~ 0 GND Text Label 2500 2500 0 50 ~ 0 GND Text Label 2500 2300 0 50 ~ 0 GND Text Label 2500 2000 0 50 ~ 0 GND Text Label 2500 1700 0 50 ~ 0 GND Wire Wire Line 2400 3600 2850 3600 Text Label 2450 3600 0 50 ~ 0 GPIO_EN_C Wire Wire Line 2400 3800 2850 3800 Text Label 2450 3800 0 50 ~ 0 GPIO_EN_A Text Label 2450 4200 0 50 ~ 0 GPIO_CTRL_IN_MUX Wire Wire Line 2400 4200 3150 4200 Wire Wire Line 2400 4700 3200 4700 Text Label 2450 4700 0 50 ~ 0 GPIO_CTRL_EN_PE Wire Wire Line 2400 4500 3200 4500 Text Label 2450 4500 0 50 ~ 0 GPIO_IN_MUX Wire Wire Line 2400 4000 3150 4000 Text Label 2450 4000 0 50 ~ 0 GPIO_CTRL_EN_C Text Label 600 3600 0 50 ~ 0 GPIO_CTRL_EN_S Text Label 800 3800 0 50 ~ 0 GPIO_EN_S Wire Wire Line 800 3800 1200 3800 Text Label 700 4000 0 50 ~ 0 GPIO_SEL_DBL Text Label 600 4200 0 50 ~ 0 GPIO_CTRL_EN_A Wire Wire Line 1200 4400 750 4400 Wire Wire Line 1200 4600 750 4600 Text Label 750 4400 0 50 ~ 0 GPIO_EN_PE Text Label 750 4600 0 50 ~ 0 GPIO_EN_B Text Label 600 5000 0 50 ~ 0 GPIO_CTRL_EN_B Wire Wire Line 600 4200 1200 4200 Wire Wire Line 700 4000 1200 4000 Wire Wire Line 600 5000 1200 5000 Wire Wire Line 600 3600 1200 3600 Wire Wire Line 2400 2000 2850 2000 Wire Wire Line 1200 5600 550 5600 Wire Wire Line 2400 7500 2600 7500 Text Label 550 5600 0 50 ~ 0 ICCN_MON_N Wire Wire Line 1200 5700 550 5700 Text Label 550 5700 0 50 ~ 0 ICCP_MON_P Wire Wire Line 2400 5600 3050 5600 Text Label 2550 5600 0 50 ~ 0 OCCN_MON_N Wire Wire Line 2400 5700 3050 5700 Text Label 2550 5700 0 50 ~ 0 OCCP_MON_P Wire Wire Line 1200 5900 550 5900 Text Label 550 5900 0 50 ~ 0 TEMP_MON_N $Comp L Connector_Generic:Conn_02x17_Odd_Even CTRL_1902 U 1 1 5F03EE56 P 4250 6750 F 0 "CTRL_1902" H 4300 7767 50 0000 C CNN F 1 "Conn_02x17_Odd_Even" H 4300 7676 50 0000 C CNN F 2 "Connector_PinHeader_2.54mm:PinHeader_2x17_P2.54mm_Vertical" H 4250 6750 50 0001 C CNN F 3 "~" H 4250 6750 50 0001 C CNN F 4 "PHV_2.54_2x17" H 4300 5850 50 0000 C CNN "Package" 1 4250 6750 1 0 0 -1 $EndComp Text Label 5350 6650 2 50 ~ 0 GPIO_EN_C Wire Wire Line 4550 6650 5350 6650 Text Label 5350 6750 2 50 ~ 0 GPIO_EN_A Wire Wire Line 4550 6750 5350 6750 Text Label 5350 6850 2 50 ~ 0 GPIO_CTRL_EN_C Text Label 5350 6950 2 50 ~ 0 GPIO_CTRL_IN_MUX Text Label 5350 7050 2 50 ~ 0 GPIO_IN_MUX Wire Wire Line 4550 7050 5350 7050 Text Label 5350 7150 2 50 ~ 0 GPIO_CTRL_EN_PE Text Label 3400 6650 0 50 ~ 0 GPIO_CTRL_EN_S Text Label 3400 6750 0 50 ~ 0 GPIO_EN_S Wire Wire Line 4050 6750 3400 6750 Text Label 3400 6850 0 50 ~ 0 GPIO_SEL_DBL Wire Wire Line 4050 6850 3400 6850 Text Label 3400 6950 0 50 ~ 0 GPIO_CTRL_EN_A Text Label 3400 7050 0 50 ~ 0 GPIO_EN_PE Wire Wire Line 4050 7050 3400 7050 Text Label 3400 6150 0 50 ~ 0 GPIO_CTRL_EN_B NoConn ~ 2400 7400 NoConn ~ 2400 7200 NoConn ~ 2400 7000 NoConn ~ 2400 6800 NoConn ~ 2400 6600 NoConn ~ 2400 6500 NoConn ~ 2400 6300 NoConn ~ 2400 6200 NoConn ~ 2400 6000 NoConn ~ 2400 5900 NoConn ~ 2400 5400 NoConn ~ 2400 5300 NoConn ~ 1200 7400 NoConn ~ 1200 7200 NoConn ~ 1200 7000 NoConn ~ 1200 6800 NoConn ~ 1200 6600 NoConn ~ 1200 6500 NoConn ~ 1200 6300 NoConn ~ 1200 6200 NoConn ~ 1200 5400 NoConn ~ 1200 5300 NoConn ~ 1200 5100 NoConn ~ 2400 5000 NoConn ~ 1200 4700 NoConn ~ 2400 4400 NoConn ~ 2400 4600 NoConn ~ 1200 4500 NoConn ~ 1200 4100 NoConn ~ 1200 3900 NoConn ~ 1200 3700 NoConn ~ 1200 3500 NoConn ~ 2400 3700 NoConn ~ 2400 3900 NoConn ~ 2400 4100 NoConn ~ 2400 3500 NoConn ~ 1200 3300 NoConn ~ 1200 3200 NoConn ~ 1200 3100 NoConn ~ 1200 3000 NoConn ~ 1200 2900 NoConn ~ 1200 2800 NoConn ~ 1200 2700 NoConn ~ 1200 2500 NoConn ~ 1200 2400 NoConn ~ 1200 2200 NoConn ~ 1200 2100 NoConn ~ 1200 1900 NoConn ~ 1200 1800 NoConn ~ 2400 1800 NoConn ~ 2400 1900 NoConn ~ 2400 2100 NoConn ~ 2400 2200 NoConn ~ 2400 2400 NoConn ~ 2400 2600 NoConn ~ 2400 2700 NoConn ~ 2400 2900 NoConn ~ 2400 3000 NoConn ~ 2400 3200 NoConn ~ 2400 3300 NoConn ~ 4050 7550 NoConn ~ 4550 6350 NoConn ~ 4550 6250 NoConn ~ 4550 6050 NoConn ~ 4550 5950 NoConn ~ 4050 5950 NoConn ~ 4050 6050 NoConn ~ 4050 6250 NoConn ~ 4050 6350 NoConn ~ 4050 6450 NoConn ~ 2400 5100 NoConn ~ 5700 8350 Text Notes 2800 6050 0 50 ~ 0 point mileu P Wire Wire Line 3400 6650 4050 6650 Wire Wire Line 4550 6850 5350 6850 Wire Wire Line 3400 6950 4050 6950 Wire Wire Line 4550 7150 5350 7150 Wire Wire Line 4550 6950 5350 6950 Text Label 5350 7350 2 50 ~ 0 OCCN_MON_N Wire Wire Line 4550 7350 5350 7350 Text Label 3400 7350 0 50 ~ 0 OCCP_MON_P Wire Wire Line 3400 7350 4050 7350 Text Label 3400 7450 0 50 ~ 0 ICCP_MON_P Wire Wire Line 3400 7450 4050 7450 Text Label 5350 7450 2 50 ~ 0 ICCN_MON_N Wire Wire Line 4550 7450 5350 7450 Wire Wire Line 4550 7250 5350 7250 NoConn ~ 4550 6550 NoConn ~ 4550 6450 NoConn ~ 4050 6550 Text Label 9400 1300 0 50 ~ 0 V_ASIC Text HLabel 2650 600 0 59 Input ~ 0 V_ASIC Text Label 11000 1950 2 50 ~ 0 GND Text Label 11000 2550 2 50 ~ 0 GND Text Label 11000 3100 2 50 ~ 0 GND Text Label 11000 3550 2 50 ~ 0 GND Text Label 11000 4150 2 50 ~ 0 GND Text Label 10900 4800 2 50 ~ 0 GND Text Label 5350 6150 2 50 ~ 0 GPIO_EN_B Wire Wire Line 4050 6150 3400 6150 Wire Wire Line 4550 6150 5350 6150 NoConn ~ 4050 7150 Wire Wire Line 4550 7550 5350 7550 Text Label 5350 7550 2 50 ~ 0 GND $Comp L SamacSys_Parts:SN74AVC6T622PWR LVLTRANS1901 U 1 1 5E7FA233 P 6050 1800 F 0 "LVLTRANS1901" H 6750 2065 50 0000 C CNN F 1 "SN74AVC6T622PWR" H 6750 1974 50 0000 C CNN F 2 "SamacSys_Parts:SOP65P640X120-20N" H 7300 1900 50 0001 L CNN F 3 "" H 7300 1800 50 0001 L CNN F 4 "AUDIO CODEC AC97 VOLTAGE-TRANSLATION TRANSCEIVER" H 7300 1700 50 0001 L CNN "Description" F 5 "Texas Instruments" H 7300 1300 50 0001 L CNN "Manufacturer_Name" F 6 "SN74AVC6T622PWRG4" H 7300 1200 50 0001 L CNN "Manufacturer_Part_Number" F 7 "TSOP" H 6800 750 50 0000 C CNN "Field10" 1 6050 1800 1 0 0 -1 $EndComp Wire Wire Line 1100 1350 1500 1350 Text Label 1500 1350 0 50 ~ 0 TEMP_MON_P Text HLabel 1100 1350 0 59 Input ~ 0 TEMP_MID Wire Wire Line 1200 6000 550 6000 Text Label 550 6000 0 50 ~ 0 TEMP_MON_P Text Label 5350 7250 2 50 ~ 0 TEMP_MON_N Wire Wire Line 4050 7250 3400 7250 Text Label 3400 7250 0 50 ~ 0 TEMP_MON_P $EndSCHEMATC


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RafaelTb / RafaelTb_Power.sch
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RafaelTb / cmInSetup.sch
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RafaelTb / cmDriver.sch
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