hw: jumpers modified to match 0603 resistors
by Kuba Streit 4 years 6 months
hw: replace output terminal box with ones from in-repo library
by Kuba Streit 4 years 6 months
hw: add USB-C auxiliary signals connector and soldering pads around USB connectors for better fixation
by Kuba Streit 4 years 6 months
hw: USB-C package modified
by Kuba Streit 4 years 6 months
hw: fix polygons and GND testpoint
by Kuba Streit 4 years 6 months
hw: routing
by Kuba Streit 4 years 6 months
hw: swap button 3 and 4, routing
by Kuba Streit 4 years 6 months
hw: fix schematic related issues
by Kuba Streit 4 years 6 months
hw: add middle battery voltage (with overvoltage protection) to the power input terminal block (replaced by 3-pin)
by Kuba Streit 4 years 6 months
hw: remove resistor between STM and ESP enable
by Kuba Streit 4 years 7 months
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