
Last update 5 years 2 months by Nic Newdigate
#include <Audio.h> #include <Wire.h> #include <SPI.h> #include <SD.h> #include <SerialFlash.h> #include <Adafruit_GFX.h> // Core graphics library #include <ST7735_t3.h> #define sclk 14//27 // SCLK can also use pin 13,14, #define mosi 7 #define cs_ 6 #define dc 12// but certain pairs must NOT be used: 2+10, 6+9, 20+23, 21+22 #define rst 17// RST can use any pin //Adafruit_ST7735 tft = Adafruit_ST7735(cs, dc, mosi, sclk, rst); ST7735_t3 tft = ST7735_t3(cs_, dc, mosi, sclk, rst); #include "BALibrary.h" using namespace BALibrary; // GUItool: begin automatically generated code AudioPlaySdRawResampled playSdRaw1; //xy=179,396 AudioInputI2S i2s1; //xy=200,285 AudioMixer4 mixer2; //xy=468,455 AudioMixer4 mixer1; //xy=484,302 AudioRecordQueue queue1; //xy=732,413 AudioRecordQueue queue2; //xy=733,479 AudioOutputI2S i2s2; //xy=739,347 AudioConnection patchCord1(playSdRaw1, 0, mixer1, 1); AudioConnection patchCord2(playSdRaw1, 0, mixer2, 1); AudioConnection patchCord3(i2s1, 0, mixer1, 0); AudioConnection patchCord4(i2s1, 1, mixer2, 0); AudioConnection patchCord5(mixer2, 0, i2s2, 1); AudioConnection patchCord6(mixer2, queue2); AudioConnection patchCord7(mixer1, 0, i2s2, 0); AudioConnection patchCord8(mixer1, queue1); // GUItool: end automatically generated code BAAudioControlWM8731 codecControl; int sensorValue = 0, sensorValue2 =0; const int analogInPin = A14; const int analogInPin2 = A15; int16_t buffer[128]; int16_t lastbuffer[128]; uint32_t oscilliscope_x = 0; int16_t buffer2[128]; int16_t lastbuffer2[128]; uint32_t oscilliscope_x2 = 0; void setup() { analogReference(0); pinMode(analogInPin, INPUT); pinMode(analogInPin2, INPUT); Serial.begin(57600); if (!(SD.begin(BUILTIN_SDCARD))) { // stop here if no SD card, but print a message while (1) { Serial.println("Unable to access the SD card"); delay(500); } } AudioMemory(24); codecControl.disable(); delay(100); codecControl.enable(); delay(100); playSdRaw1.setPlaybackRate(-0.5);"DEMO2.RAW"); tft.initR(INITR_GREENTAB); // initialize a ST7735R chip, green tab tft.setRotation(1); tft.setTextWrap(true); tft.fillScreen(ST7735_BLACK); tft.setTextColor(ST7735_BLUE); tft.println("Teensy"); tft.println(".raw"); tft.println("audio"); tft.println("resampler..."); Serial.println("playing..."); queue1.begin(); queue2.begin(); } void loop() { int newsensorValue = analogRead(analogInPin); if (newsensorValue / 16 != sensorValue / 16) { sensorValue = newsensorValue; float rate = (sensorValue - 512.0) / 512.0; playSdRaw1.setPlaybackRate(rate); Serial.printf("rate: %f %x\n", rate, sensorValue ); } int newsensorValue2 = analogRead(analogInPin2); if (newsensorValue2 / 16 != sensorValue2 / 16) { sensorValue2 = newsensorValue2; float volume = sensorValue2 / 1024.0; mixer1.gain(1, volume); mixer2.gain(1, volume); Serial.printf("volume is: %f %x\n", volume, sensorValue2 ); } if ( queue1.available() ) { if (oscilliscope_x < 128) { // completely discard record buffers until x location >= 128 while (queue1.available()) { queue1.readBuffer(); queue1.freeBuffer(); } } else { // oscilliscope_x >= 128 while (queue1.available() > 1) { queue1.readBuffer(); queue1.freeBuffer(); } memcpy(lastbuffer, buffer, 256); memcpy(buffer, queue1.readBuffer(), 256); oscilliscope_x = 0; queue1.freeBuffer(); } } if ( queue2.available() ) { if (oscilliscope_x2 < 128) { // completely discard record buffers until x location >= 128 while (queue2.available()) { queue2.readBuffer(); queue2.freeBuffer(); } } else { // oscilliscope_x >= 128 while (queue2.available() > 1) { queue2.readBuffer(); queue2.freeBuffer(); } memcpy(lastbuffer2, buffer2, 256); memcpy(buffer2, queue2.readBuffer(), 256); oscilliscope_x2= 0; queue2.freeBuffer(); } } updateScope1(); updateScope2(); // put your main code here, to run repeatedly: if (!playSdRaw1.isPlaying()) { //Serial.println("playing...");"demo2.raw"); } } void updateScope1() { oscilliscope_x = oscilliscope_x + 1; if (oscilliscope_x > 127) { return; } tft.drawLine(oscilliscope_x, 64 + (lastbuffer[oscilliscope_x-1] >> 9), oscilliscope_x + 1, 64 + (lastbuffer[oscilliscope_x] >> 9), ST7735_BLACK); tft.drawLine(oscilliscope_x, 64 + (buffer[oscilliscope_x-1] >> 9), oscilliscope_x + 1, 64 + (buffer[oscilliscope_x] >> 9), ST7735_GREEN); } void updateScope2() { oscilliscope_x2 = oscilliscope_x2 + 1; if (oscilliscope_x2 > 127) { return; } tft.drawLine(oscilliscope_x2, 64 + (lastbuffer2[oscilliscope_x2-1] >> 9), oscilliscope_x2 + 1, 64 + (lastbuffer2[oscilliscope_x2] >> 9), ST7735_BLACK); tft.drawLine(oscilliscope_x2, 64 + (buffer2[oscilliscope_x2-1] >> 9), oscilliscope_x2 + 1, 64 + (buffer2[oscilliscope_x2] >> 9), ST7735_BLUE); }
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