/ rx.brd
/ rx.sch
/ tx.brd
/ tx.sch
misc / rx.brd
misc / rx.sch
misc / rxSD.brd
misc / rxSD.sch
misc / AAA / rx_usba.brd
misc / AAA / rx_usba.sch
misc / AAA / tx.brd
misc / AAA / tx.sch
misc / Adafruit-VL53L0X-ToF-Distance-Sensor-PCB-master / Adafruit VL53L0X.brd
misc / Adafruit-VL53L0X-ToF-Distance-Sensor-PCB-master / Adafruit VL53L0X.sch
misc / CC2541_Breakout_Board_Eagle_files / CC2541_Breakout_Board.brd
misc / CC2541_Breakout_Board_Eagle_files / CC2541_Breakout_Board.sch
misc / esp32-thing-v10 / esp32-thing.brd
misc / esp32-thing-v10 / esp32-thing.sch
misc / no_stitch / rx.brd
misc / no_stitch / rx.sch
misc / no_stitch / tx.brd
misc / no_stitch / tx.sch
misc / nRF24L01-Chip-v13 / nRF24L01-Chip-v13.brd
misc / nRF24L01-Chip-v13 / nRF24L01-Chip-v13.sch
misc / sparkfun-nrf52832-breakout-EAGLE / sparkfun-nrf52832-breakout.brd
misc / sparkfun-nrf52832-breakout-EAGLE / sparkfun-nrf52832-breakout.sch
pogo / daytripper_pogo.brd
pogo / daytripper_pogo.sch
rev2 / rx.brd
rev2 / rx.sch
rev2 / tx.brd
rev2 / tx.sch
rev3 / rx.brd
rev3 / rx.sch
rev3 / tx.brd
rev3 / tx.sch
rev4 / tx.brd
rev4 / tx.sch
rev4 / tx_side_usb.brd
rev4 / tx_side_usb.sch
Last update 5 years 6 months
Kihun Song
Filesmiscsparkfun-nrf52832-breakout-EAGLE | |
.. | |
antenna.lbr | |
sparkfun-nrf52832-breakout.brd | |
sparkfun-nrf52832-breakout.lbr | |
sparkfun-nrf52832-breakout.sch |
sparkfun-nrf52832-breakout.lbr<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <!DOCTYPE eagle SYSTEM "eagle.dtd"> <eagle version="9.1.3"> <drawing> <settings> <setting alwaysvectorfont="no"/> <setting verticaltext="up"/> </settings> <grid distance="1" unitdist="mic" unit="mic" style="lines" multiple="1" display="no" altdistance="0.01" altunitdist="inch" altunit="inch"/> <layers> <layer number="1" name="Top" color="4" fill="1" visible="yes" active="yes"/> <layer number="2" name="Route2" color="16" fill="1" visible="no" active="yes"/> <layer number="3" name="Route3" color="17" fill="1" visible="no" active="yes"/> <layer number="4" name="Route4" color="18" fill="1" visible="no" active="yes"/> <layer number="5" name="Route5" color="19" fill="1" visible="no" active="yes"/> <layer number="6" name="Route6" color="25" fill="1" visible="no" active="yes"/> <layer number="7" name="Route7" color="26" fill="1" visible="no" active="yes"/> <layer number="8" name="Route8" color="27" fill="1" visible="no" 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name="222bmp" color="7" fill="1" visible="yes" active="yes"/> <layer number="223" name="223bmp" color="7" fill="1" visible="yes" active="yes"/> <layer number="224" name="224bmp" color="7" fill="1" visible="yes" active="yes"/> <layer number="225" name="225bmp" color="7" fill="1" visible="yes" active="yes"/> <layer number="226" name="226bmp" color="7" fill="1" visible="yes" active="yes"/> <layer number="227" name="227bmp" color="7" fill="1" visible="yes" active="yes"/> <layer number="228" name="228bmp" color="7" fill="1" visible="yes" active="yes"/> <layer number="229" name="229bmp" color="7" fill="1" visible="yes" active="yes"/> <layer number="230" name="230bmp" color="7" fill="1" visible="yes" active="yes"/> <layer number="231" name="231bmp" color="7" fill="1" visible="yes" active="yes"/> <layer number="248" name="Housing" color="7" fill="1" visible="yes" active="yes"/> <layer number="249" name="Edge" color="7" fill="1" visible="yes" active="yes"/> <layer number="250" name="Descript" color="7" fill="1" visible="yes" active="yes"/> <layer number="251" name="SMDround" color="7" fill="1" visible="yes" active="yes"/> <layer number="254" name="cooling" color="7" fill="1" visible="yes" active="yes"/> <layer number="255" name="routoute" color="7" fill="1" visible="yes" active="yes"/> </layers> <library> <description>Generated from <b>sparkfun-nrf52832-breakout.sch</b><p> by exp-lbrs.ulp</description> <packages> <package name="CREATIVE_COMMONS"> <text x="-20.32" y="5.08" size="1.778" layer="51" font="vector">Released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike 4.0 License</text> <text x="0" y="2.54" size="1.778" layer="51" font="vector"></text> <text x="11.43" y="0" size="1.778" layer="51" font="vector">Designed by:</text> </package> <package name="DUMMY"> <description>NOTHING HERE!!! For when you want a symbol with no package as an option against symbols with a package.</description> </package> <package name="FIDUCIAL-1X2"> <description><h3>Fiducial - Circle, 1mm</h3> <p>Point-of-reference for pick-and-place machines and other optical instruments.</p> <p>Devices using: <ul><li>FIDUCIAL</li></ul></p></description> <smd name="1" x="0" y="0" dx="1" dy="1" layer="1" roundness="100" cream="no"/> </package> <package name="FIDUCIAL-MICRO"> <description><h3>Fiducial - Circle, 0.25in</h3> <p>Point-of-reference for pick-and-place machines and other optical instruments.</p> <p>Devices using: <ul><li>FIDUCIAL</li></ul></p></description> <smd name="1" x="0" y="0" dx="0.635" dy="0.635" layer="1" roundness="100" cream="no"/> </package> <package name="OSHW-LOGO-L"> <description><h3>Open-Source Hardware (OSHW) Logo - Large - Silkscreen</h3> <p>Silkscreen logo for open-source hardware designs.</p> <p>Devices using: <ul><li>OSHW_LOGO</li></ul></p></description> <polygon width="0.15" layer="21"> <vertex x="0.9209" y="-2.2231" curve="9.497479"/> <vertex x="1.2751" y="-2.0407"/> <vertex x="2.1548" y="-2.758"/> <vertex x="2.758" y="-2.1548"/> <vertex x="2.0407" y="-1.2751" curve="18.998791"/> <vertex x="2.3446" y="-0.5413"/> <vertex x="3.4739" y="-0.4265"/> <vertex x="3.4739" y="0.4265"/> <vertex x="2.3446" y="0.5413" curve="18.998791"/> <vertex x="2.0407" y="1.2751"/> <vertex x="2.758" y="2.1548"/> <vertex x="2.1548" y="2.758"/> <vertex x="1.2751" y="2.0407" curve="18.998791"/> <vertex x="0.5413" y="2.3446"/> <vertex x="0.4265" y="3.4739"/> <vertex x="-0.4265" y="3.4739"/> <vertex x="-0.5413" y="2.3446" curve="18.998791"/> <vertex x="-1.2751" y="2.0407"/> <vertex x="-2.1548" y="2.758"/> <vertex x="-2.758" y="2.1548"/> <vertex x="-2.0407" y="1.2751" curve="18.998791"/> <vertex x="-2.3446" y="0.5413"/> <vertex x="-3.4739" y="0.4265"/> <vertex x="-3.4739" y="-0.4265"/> <vertex x="-2.3446" y="-0.5413" curve="18.998791"/> <vertex x="-2.0407" y="-1.2751"/> <vertex x="-2.758" y="-2.1548"/> <vertex x="-2.1548" y="-2.758"/> <vertex x="-1.2751" y="-2.0407" curve="9.497479"/> <vertex x="-0.9209" y="-2.2231"/> <vertex x="-0.4186" y="-1.0105" curve="-67.504205"/> <vertex x="-1.0938" y="0" curve="-247.497204"/> <vertex x="0.4186" y="-1.0105"/> </polygon> </package> <package name="OSHW-LOGO-L_COPPER"> <description><h3>Open-Source Hardware (OSHW) Logo - Large - Top Copper</h3> <p>Exposed copper logo for open-source hardware designs.</p> <p>Devices using: <ul><li>OSHW_LOGO</li></ul></p></description> <polygon width="0.15" layer="1"> <vertex x="0.9209" y="-2.2231" curve="9.497479"/> <vertex x="1.2751" y="-2.0407"/> <vertex x="2.1548" y="-2.758"/> <vertex x="2.758" y="-2.1548"/> <vertex x="2.0407" y="-1.2751" curve="18.998791"/> <vertex x="2.3446" y="-0.5413"/> <vertex x="3.4739" y="-0.4265"/> <vertex x="3.4739" y="0.4265"/> <vertex x="2.3446" y="0.5413" curve="18.998791"/> <vertex x="2.0407" y="1.2751"/> <vertex x="2.758" y="2.1548"/> <vertex x="2.1548" y="2.758"/> <vertex x="1.2751" y="2.0407" curve="18.998791"/> <vertex x="0.5413" y="2.3446"/> <vertex x="0.4265" y="3.4739"/> <vertex x="-0.4265" y="3.4739"/> <vertex x="-0.5413" y="2.3446" curve="18.998791"/> <vertex x="-1.2751" y="2.0407"/> <vertex x="-2.1548" y="2.758"/> <vertex x="-2.758" y="2.1548"/> <vertex x="-2.0407" y="1.2751" curve="18.998791"/> <vertex x="-2.3446" y="0.5413"/> <vertex x="-3.4739" y="0.4265"/> <vertex x="-3.4739" y="-0.4265"/> <vertex x="-2.3446" y="-0.5413" curve="18.998791"/> <vertex x="-2.0407" y="-1.2751"/> <vertex x="-2.758" y="-2.1548"/> <vertex x="-2.1548" y="-2.758"/> <vertex x="-1.2751" y="-2.0407" curve="9.497479"/> <vertex x="-0.9209" y="-2.2231"/> <vertex x="-0.4186" y="-1.0105" curve="-67.504205"/> <vertex x="-1.0938" y="0" curve="-247.497204"/> <vertex x="0.4186" y="-1.0105"/> </polygon> </package> <package name="OSHW-LOGO-M"> <description><h3>Open-Source Hardware (OSHW) Logo - Medium - Silkscreen</h3> <p>Silkscreen logo for open-source hardware designs.</p> <p>Devices using: <ul><li>OSHW_LOGO</li></ul></p></description> <polygon width="0.0762" layer="21"> <vertex x="0.6578" y="-1.588" curve="9.499253"/> <vertex x="0.9108" y="-1.4576"/> <vertex x="1.5392" y="-1.97"/> <vertex x="1.97" y="-1.5392"/> <vertex x="1.4576" y="-0.9108" curve="19.001165"/> <vertex x="1.6747" y="-0.3866"/> <vertex x="2.4814" y="-0.3047"/> <vertex x="2.4814" y="0.3047"/> <vertex x="1.6747" y="0.3866" curve="19.001165"/> <vertex x="1.4576" y="0.9108"/> <vertex x="1.97" y="1.5392"/> <vertex x="1.5392" y="1.97"/> <vertex x="0.9108" y="1.4576" curve="19.001165"/> <vertex x="0.3866" y="1.6747"/> <vertex x="0.3047" y="2.4814"/> <vertex x="-0.3047" y="2.4814"/> <vertex x="-0.3866" y="1.6747" curve="19.001165"/> <vertex x="-0.9108" y="1.4576"/> <vertex x="-1.5392" y="1.97"/> <vertex x="-1.97" y="1.5392"/> <vertex x="-1.4576" y="0.9108" curve="19.001165"/> <vertex x="-1.6747" y="0.3866"/> <vertex x="-2.4814" y="0.3047"/> <vertex x="-2.4814" y="-0.3047"/> <vertex x="-1.6747" y="-0.3866" curve="19.001165"/> <vertex x="-1.4576" y="-0.9108"/> <vertex x="-1.97" y="-1.5392"/> <vertex x="-1.5392" y="-1.97"/> <vertex x="-0.9108" y="-1.4576" curve="9.499253"/> <vertex x="-0.6578" y="-1.588"/> <vertex x="-0.299" y="-0.7218" curve="-67.507353"/> <vertex x="-0.7813" y="0" curve="-247.497552"/> <vertex x="0.299" y="-0.7218"/> </polygon> </package> <package name="OSHW-LOGO-MINI"> <description><h3>Open-Source Hardware (OSHW) Logo - Mini - Silkscreen</h3> <p>Silkscreen logo for open-source hardware designs.</p> <p>Devices using: <ul><li>OSHW_LOGO</li></ul></p></description> <polygon width="0.076" layer="21"> <vertex x="1.2366" y="-0.17263125"/> <vertex x="1.2366" y="0.14736875"/> <vertex x="0.8766" y="0.20736875"/> <vertex x="0.8766" y="0.24736875"/> <vertex x="0.8666" y="0.25736875"/> <vertex x="0.8666" y="0.27736875"/> <vertex x="0.8566" y="0.28736875"/> <vertex x="0.8466" y="0.30736875"/> <vertex x="0.8466" y="0.32736875"/> <vertex x="0.8366" y="0.33736875"/> <vertex x="0.8366" y="0.35736875"/> <vertex x="0.8266" y="0.36736875"/> <vertex x="0.8166" y="0.38736875"/> <vertex x="0.8066" y="0.39736875"/> <vertex x="0.8066" y="0.41736875"/> <vertex x="0.7966" y="0.42736875"/> <vertex x="0.7866" y="0.44736875"/> <vertex x="0.7766" y="0.45736875"/> <vertex x="0.9866" y="0.74736875"/> <vertex x="0.7566" y="0.96736875"/> <vertex x="0.4666" y="0.76736875"/> <vertex x="0.4566" y="0.77736875"/> <vertex x="0.4366" y="0.78736875"/> <vertex x="0.4266" y="0.78736875"/> <vertex x="0.4066" y="0.79736875"/> <vertex x="0.3966" y="0.80736875"/> <vertex x="0.3766" y="0.81736875"/> <vertex x="0.3666" y="0.81736875"/> <vertex x="0.3466" y="0.82736875"/> <vertex x="0.3366" y="0.83736875"/> <vertex x="0.3166" y="0.83736875"/> <vertex x="0.2966" y="0.84736875"/> <vertex x="0.2866" y="0.84736875"/> <vertex x="0.2666" y="0.85736875"/> <vertex x="0.2566" y="0.85736875"/> <vertex x="0.2366" y="0.86736875"/> <vertex x="0.2166" y="0.86736875"/> <vertex x="0.1566" y="1.21736875"/> <vertex x="-0.1634" y="1.21736875"/> <vertex x="-0.2234" y="0.86736875"/> <vertex x="-0.2334" y="0.86736875"/> <vertex x="-0.2534" y="0.85736875"/> <vertex x="-0.2734" y="0.85736875"/> <vertex x="-0.2834" y="0.84736875"/> <vertex x="-0.3034" y="0.84736875"/> <vertex x="-0.3234" y="0.83736875"/> <vertex x="-0.3334" y="0.83736875"/> <vertex x="-0.3534" y="0.82736875"/> <vertex x="-0.3634" y="0.81736875"/> <vertex x="-0.3834" y="0.81736875"/> <vertex x="-0.3934" y="0.80736875"/> <vertex x="-0.4134" y="0.79736875"/> <vertex x="-0.4234" y="0.78736875"/> <vertex x="-0.4434" y="0.78736875"/> <vertex x="-0.4534" y="0.77736875"/> <vertex x="-0.4734" y="0.76736875"/> <vertex x="-0.7634" y="0.96736875"/> <vertex x="-0.9834" y="0.74736875"/> <vertex x="-0.7834" y="0.45736875"/> <vertex x="-0.7934" y="0.44736875"/> <vertex x="-0.7934" y="0.42736875"/> <vertex x="-0.8034" y="0.41736875"/> <vertex x="-0.8134" y="0.39736875"/> <vertex x="-0.8234" y="0.38736875"/> <vertex 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y="-0.79263125"/> <vertex x="0.7566" y="-0.99263125"/> <vertex x="0.9866" y="-0.76263125"/> <vertex x="0.7766" y="-0.48263125"/> <vertex x="0.7866" y="-0.46263125"/> <vertex x="0.7966" y="-0.45263125"/> <vertex x="0.8066" y="-0.43263125"/> <vertex x="0.8066" y="-0.42263125"/> <vertex x="0.8166" y="-0.40263125"/> <vertex x="0.8266" y="-0.39263125"/> <vertex x="0.8366" y="-0.37263125"/> <vertex x="0.8366" y="-0.36263125"/> <vertex x="0.8566" y="-0.32263125"/> <vertex x="0.8566" y="-0.31263125"/> <vertex x="0.8666" y="-0.29263125"/> <vertex x="0.8666" y="-0.28263125"/> <vertex x="0.8766" y="-0.26263125"/> <vertex x="0.8766" y="-0.24263125"/> <vertex x="0.8866" y="-0.23263125"/> </polygon> </package> <package name="OSHW-LOGO-M_COPPER"> <description><h3>Open-Source Hardware (OSHW) Logo - Medium - Top Copper</h3> <p>Exposed copper logo for open-source hardware designs.</p> <p>Devices using: <ul><li>OSHW_LOGO</li></ul></p></description> <polygon width="0.15" layer="1"> <vertex x="0.6578" y="-1.588" curve="9.499253"/> <vertex x="0.9108" y="-1.4576"/> <vertex x="1.5392" y="-1.97"/> <vertex x="1.97" y="-1.5392"/> <vertex x="1.4576" y="-0.9108" curve="19.001165"/> <vertex x="1.6747" y="-0.3866"/> <vertex x="2.4814" y="-0.3047"/> <vertex x="2.4814" y="0.3047"/> <vertex x="1.6747" y="0.3866" curve="19.001165"/> <vertex x="1.4576" y="0.9108"/> <vertex x="1.97" y="1.5392"/> <vertex x="1.5392" y="1.97"/> <vertex x="0.9108" y="1.4576" curve="19.001165"/> <vertex x="0.3866" y="1.6747"/> <vertex x="0.3047" y="2.4814"/> <vertex x="-0.3047" y="2.4814"/> <vertex x="-0.3866" y="1.6747" curve="19.001165"/> <vertex x="-0.9108" y="1.4576"/> <vertex x="-1.5392" y="1.97"/> <vertex x="-1.97" y="1.5392"/> <vertex x="-1.4576" y="0.9108" curve="19.001165"/> <vertex x="-1.6747" y="0.3866"/> <vertex x="-2.4814" y="0.3047"/> <vertex x="-2.4814" y="-0.3047"/> <vertex x="-1.6747" y="-0.3866" curve="19.001165"/> <vertex x="-1.4576" y="-0.9108"/> <vertex x="-1.97" y="-1.5392"/> <vertex x="-1.5392" y="-1.97"/> <vertex x="-0.9108" y="-1.4576" curve="9.499253"/> <vertex x="-0.6578" y="-1.588"/> <vertex x="-0.299" y="-0.7218" curve="-67.507353"/> <vertex x="-0.7813" y="0" curve="-247.497552"/> <vertex x="0.299" y="-0.7218"/> </polygon> </package> <package name="OSHW-LOGO-S"> <description><h3>Open-Source Hardware (OSHW) Logo - Small - Silkscreen</h3> <p>Silkscreen logo for open-source hardware designs.</p> <p>Devices using: <ul><li>OSHW_LOGO</li></ul></p></description> <polygon width="0.15" layer="21"> <vertex x="0.3947" y="-0.9528" curve="9.498218"/> <vertex x="0.5465" y="-0.8746"/> <vertex x="0.9235" y="-1.182"/> <vertex x="1.182" y="-0.9235"/> <vertex x="0.8746" y="-0.5465" curve="19.000773"/> <vertex x="1.0049" y="-0.232"/> <vertex x="1.4888" y="-0.1828"/> <vertex x="1.4888" y="0.1828"/> <vertex x="1.0049" y="0.232" curve="19.000773"/> <vertex x="0.8746" y="0.5465"/> <vertex x="1.182" y="0.9235"/> <vertex x="0.9235" y="1.182"/> <vertex x="0.5465" y="0.8746" curve="19.000773"/> 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<ul><li>OSHW_LOGO</li></ul></p></description> <polygon width="0.15" layer="1"> <vertex x="0.3947" y="-0.9528" curve="9.498218"/> <vertex x="0.5465" y="-0.8746"/> <vertex x="0.9235" y="-1.182"/> <vertex x="1.182" y="-0.9235"/> <vertex x="0.8746" y="-0.5465" curve="19.000773"/> <vertex x="1.0049" y="-0.232"/> <vertex x="1.4888" y="-0.1828"/> <vertex x="1.4888" y="0.1828"/> <vertex x="1.0049" y="0.232" curve="19.000773"/> <vertex x="0.8746" y="0.5465"/> <vertex x="1.182" y="0.9235"/> <vertex x="0.9235" y="1.182"/> <vertex x="0.5465" y="0.8746" curve="19.000773"/> <vertex x="0.232" y="1.0049"/> <vertex x="0.1828" y="1.4888"/> <vertex x="-0.1828" y="1.4888"/> <vertex x="-0.232" y="1.0049" curve="19.000773"/> <vertex x="-0.5465" y="0.8746"/> <vertex x="-0.9235" y="1.182"/> <vertex x="-1.182" y="0.9235"/> <vertex x="-0.8746" y="0.5465" curve="19.000773"/> <vertex x="-1.0049" y="0.232"/> <vertex x="-1.4888" y="0.1828"/> <vertex x="-1.4888" y="-0.1828"/> <vertex x="-1.0049" y="-0.232" curve="19.000773"/> <vertex x="-0.8746" y="-0.5465"/> <vertex x="-1.182" y="-0.9235"/> <vertex x="-0.9235" y="-1.182"/> <vertex x="-0.5465" y="-0.8746" curve="9.498218"/> <vertex x="-0.3947" y="-0.9528"/> <vertex x="-0.1794" y="-0.4331" curve="-67.514699"/> <vertex x="-0.4688" y="0" curve="-247.473915"/> <vertex x="0.1794" y="-0.4331"/> </polygon> </package> <package name="SFE_LOGO_NAME_.1"> <polygon width="0.0762" layer="21"> <vertex x="0.87" y="1.8"/> <vertex x="0.88" y="1.74"/> <vertex x="0.9" y="1.7"/> <vertex x="0.92" y="1.65"/> <vertex x="0.96" y="1.62"/> <vertex x="1.01" y="1.6"/> <vertex x="1.06" y="1.58"/> <vertex x="1.11" y="1.57"/> <vertex x="1.17" y="1.56"/> <vertex x="1.21" y="1.57"/> <vertex x="1.25" y="1.57"/> <vertex x="1.3" y="1.59"/> <vertex x="1.34" y="1.6"/> <vertex x="1.37" y="1.63"/> <vertex x="1.4" y="1.66"/> <vertex x="1.42" y="1.7"/> <vertex x="1.42" y="1.75"/> <vertex x="1.41" y="1.79"/> <vertex x="1.39" y="1.82"/> <vertex x="1.36" y="1.85"/> <vertex x="1.31" 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