
Last update 5 years 8 months by bwack
Filesaddon boardsrclibstinusaur-ssd1306xled
CHANGES 2018-05-24 (nb) Source code reorganizing, reformatting. Removed unused. Some optimizations. Added new ssd1306xled_text1 module for testing text output. Improved fonts handling. Moved ssd1306_string_font8x16xy to main library. Added new ssd1306xled_text2 testing script. Removed unused ssd1306xled8x16 files. Switched to using the num2str from the tinyavrlib. Added new ssd1306xled_nums1 testing script. Added new ssd1306xled_imgs1 testing script. Added new ssd1306_byte function that writes one vertical byte on the screen. Updated ssd1306xled_test1 script to show simple tests. Fixed bug in the ssd1306_byte function. 2018-05-23 (nb) Added more comments in the source code. Remove unused cpufreq.h file. More comments in the source code. Updated copyright and related info. Improved Makefile. More comments in the source code. Updated copyright and related info. 2016-05-01 (nb) Added support for, and tested to work with, 8 MHz CPU clock. Other small fixes. - Added support for, and tested to work with, 8 MHz CPU clock. Using CPUFREQ. - Replaced "while (1)" with "for (;;)". 2016-05-01 (nb) Renamed function names - for clarity, added new. Improved testing script. - Refactoring: renamed ssd1306_fillp to ssd1306_fill2; ssd1306_char_f8x16 to ssd1306_string_font8x16xy. - Added new: ssd1306_fill4 function; ssd1306_clear macro. - Improved testing script. 2016-05-01 (nb) Renamed ssd1306xled_test to ssd1306xled_test1. 2016-05-01 (nb) Fixed Makefile. Other small changes. - Fixed Makefile. - Updated texts, fixed typos. 2016-04-29 (nb) Updated to the latest NUM2STR. Other small updated and fixes. - Updated to the latest NUM2STR. - Removed old unused code. - Updated text files. Fixed typos. 2015-09-26 (nb) Added new functions and definitions. Updated testing app. Other small fixes. - Added macro definitions for new ssd1306_char, ssd1306_string, ssd1306_numdec, ssd1306_numdecp functions. - Added new ssd1306_fillp, ssd1306_fill functions. - Removed old and unused code. - Updated and improved testing app. - Fixes in texts and comments. 2015-01-17 (nb) Added support for printing decimal numbers. - Added support for printing decimal numbers with the "num2str" library. New functions: ssd1306_numdec_font6x8, ssd1306_numdecp_font6x8. - Minor updates in the text files. 2015-01-13 (nb) Updated README file - added folders and files layout. 2015-01-12 (nb) Added MIT License info, added LICENSE.txt file. Added licensing info to the source code file. 2015-01-12 (nb) Updated RESEARCH and TODO files. 2015-01-10 (nb) Fixed and improved initialization. New and improved printing of text. Updated texts. - Fixed initialization commands. - Implemented ssd1306_init more efficiently. - New functions ssd1306_send_command_start, ssd1306_send_command_stop. - Improved ssd1306_setpos, more efficient. - Reimplemented function ssd1306_char_f6x8 as improved ssd1306_char_font6x8 printing single characters only, added new ssd1306_string_font6x8 for printing strings. - The font8x16 functions and data moved to another file until properly implemented. - Added to the Make file ssd1306xled8x16 file. - Updated testing text displayed on the screen. 2015-01-10 (nb) Changed default pins for display, now PB0=SCL and PB1=SDA. Source code reformatting, improvements, edited comments. - Changed default pins for connecting to the display for consistency with the built-in TWI interface, they are now PB0=SCL and PB1=SDA. - Source code, removed redundant initializations of variables. - Source code reformatting, edited comments. 2015-01-10 (nb) Fixed some warnings, variables renamed. The font16x16/Chinese stuff moved to other folders. - Font variable ssd1306xled_font8X16 renamed to ssd1306xled_font8x16 for consistency. TODO: rename "ssd1306xled_font8x16" file as well. - Fixed ssd1306_draw_bmp prototype: added "const" to bitmap so it won't generate warning. - Files related to font 16x16 (Chinese) moved to different folders: font16x16cn.h. - Functions and other code related to font 16x16 (Chinese) moved to different folders. - Source code reformatting, edited comments. 2014-10-26 (gs) Make project compile on gcc-avr - turn static images to consts, and rename include of font16x16cn.h 2014-08-13 (nb) More files added to the repository. 2014-08-11 (nb) Files added to the repository.
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