hardware / ButterStick_r0.1 / ButterStick.kicad_pcb
hardware / ButterStick_r0.1 / ButterStick.sch
hardware / ButterStick_r0.1 / fileEthernet.sch
hardware / ButterStick_r0.1 / fileFPGA.sch
hardware / ButterStick_r0.1 / fileHyperRAM.sch
hardware / ButterStick_r0.1 / fileIO.sch
hardware / ButterStick_r0.1 / filePower.sch
hardware / ButterStick_r0.1 / fileSDMMC.sch
hardware / ButterStick_r0.1 / SmartVIO.sch
hardware / ButterStick_r0.1 / SYZYGY_PORT0.sch
hardware / ButterStick_r0.1 / SYZYGY_PORT1.sch
hardware / ButterStick_r0.1 / SYZYGY_PORT2.sch
hardware / ButterStick_r0.1 / SyzygyStandard.sch
hardware / ButterStick_r0.2 / ButterStick.kicad_pcb
hardware / ButterStick_r0.2 / ButterStick.sch
hardware / ButterStick_r0.2 / fileEthernet.sch
hardware / ButterStick_r0.2 / fileFPGA.sch
hardware / ButterStick_r0.2 / fileHyperRAM.sch
hardware / ButterStick_r0.2 / fileIO.sch
hardware / ButterStick_r0.2 / filePower.sch
hardware / ButterStick_r0.2 / fileSDMMC.sch
hardware / ButterStick_r0.2 / PCBSpecs.sch
hardware / ButterStick_r0.2 / SmartVIO.sch
hardware / ButterStick_r0.2 / SYZYGY_PORT0.sch
hardware / ButterStick_r0.2 / SYZYGY_PORT1.sch
hardware / ButterStick_r0.2 / SYZYGY_PORT2.sch
hardware / ButterStick_r0.2 / SyzygyStandard.sch
hardware / ButterStick_r0.2 / TestPonts.sch
Last update 5 years 7 months
Greg Davill
FilesgatewareGigEeth | |
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verilog | | | | | | |!/usr/bin/env python3 import os from liteeth.common import * from import DDROutput from migen.genlib.resetsync import AsyncResetSynchronizer from liteeth.phy.common import * from migen.genlib.cdc import PulseSynchronizer,BusSynchronizer class LiteEthPHYRGMIITX(Module): def __init__(self, clock_pads, pads): self.sink = sink = stream.Endpoint(eth_phy_description(8)) self.comb += sink.ready.eq(1) tx_data = Signal(8) tx_valid = Signal() self.comb += [ tx_valid.eq(sink.valid), tx_data.eq( ] self.specials += [ Instance("oddr_1x", i_refclk=ClockSignal("clk125"), i_data=Cat(tx_data,tx_valid), o_clkout=clock_pads.tx, o_dout=Cat(pads.tx_data,pads.tx_en) ) ] self.clock_domains.cd_eth_tx = ClockDomain() self.comb += self.cd_eth_tx.clk.eq(ClockSignal("clk125")) class LiteEthPHYRGMIIRX(Module): def __init__(self, clock_pads,pads,platform): self.source = source = stream.Endpoint(eth_phy_description(8)) # # # delcnt = Signal(8) ready = Signal() rx_sclk = Signal() rx_data = Signal(8) rx_ctl = Signal(2) rx_dv = Signal() rx_err = Signal() self.comb += rx_dv.eq(rx_ctl[0]) self.comb += rx_err.eq(rx_ctl[1]) reset = Signal() self.specials += [ Instance("iddr_x1", i_clkin=clock_pads.rx, i_sync_clk=ClockSignal("sys"), i_sync_reset=ResetSignal("sys"), i_update=0, i_datain=Cat(pads.rx_data,pads.rx_dv), o_dcntl=delcnt, o_ready=ready, o_sclk=rx_sclk, o_q=Cat(rx_data,rx_ctl) ) ] self.clock_domains.cd_eth_rx = ClockDomain() # RX : Let the synthesis tool insert the appropriate clock buffer self.comb += self.cd_eth_rx.clk.eq(rx_sclk) # self.clock_domains.cd_eth_detect = ClockDomain() # self.comb += self.cd_eth_detect.clk.eq() #clock_detect = Signal() #self.specials += AsyncResetSynchronizer(self.cd_eth_rx, (clock_detect)) led = platform.request("user_led") #self.submodules.blink = Blinker(led, 24) self.comb += led.eq(rx_sclk) rx_dv_d = Signal() self.sync.eth_rx += rx_dv_d.eq(rx_dv) # work out how to handle last data... last = Signal() self.comb += last.eq(~rx_dv & rx_dv_d) self.sync.eth_rx += [ source.valid.eq(rx_dv), ] self.comb += source.last.eq(last) class LiteEthPHYRGMIICRG(Module, AutoCSR): def __init__(self, clock_pads, pads, with_hw_init_reset, mii_mode=0): self._reset = CSRStorage() # # # #self.clock_domains.cd_eth_rx_sclk = ClockDomain() #self.clock_domains.cd_eth_tx = ClockDomain() # RX : Let the synthesis tool insert the appropriate clock buffer #self.comb += self.cd_eth_rx_sclk.clk.eq(ClockSignal("eth_rx")) # TX : GMII: Drive clock_pads.gtx, clock_pads.tx unused # MII: Use PHY clock_pads.tx as eth_tx_clk, do not drive clock_pads.gtx #self.specials += DDROutput(1, 0, clock_pads.tx, ClockSignal("eth_tx")) # hack to pass signal through the PLL to bring it from GR to Clock routing #self.comb += self.cd_eth_tx.clk.eq(ClockSignal("clk125")) reset = Signal() if with_hw_init_reset: self.submodules.hw_reset = LiteEthPHYHWReset() self.comb += reset.eq( | self.hw_reset.reset) else: self.comb += reset.eq( self.comb += pads.rst_n.eq(~reset) self.specials += [ #AsyncResetSynchronizer(self.cd_eth_tx, reset), #AsyncResetSynchronizer(ClockSignal("eth_rx"), reset), ] class LiteEthPHYRGMII(Module, AutoCSR): def __init__(self, clock_pads, pads, platform,with_hw_init_reset=True): self.dw = 16 self.submodules.crg = LiteEthPHYRGMIICRG(clock_pads, pads, with_hw_init_reset) self.submodules.tx = LiteEthPHYRGMIITX(clock_pads,pads) self.submodules.rx = LiteEthPHYRGMIIRX(clock_pads,pads, platform) self.sink, self.source = self.tx.sink, self.rx.source if hasattr(pads, "mdc"): self.submodules.mdio = LiteEthPHYMDIO(pads) vdir = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)), "verilog") platform.add_source(os.path.join(vdir, "iddr_x1.v")) platform.add_source(os.path.join(vdir, "oddr_x1.v"))