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Imperial Debugger

USB Based multi serial port adaptor


Based on an FTDI FT4232HL USB to serial chip, with 4 ports.

The plan is to bring all points to bring them out as different standards.

  • 1x RS232 with hardware flow control
  • 1x RS422/485 with configuration to switch between the two, wither in software or hardware.
  • 1x RS232/422 selectable
  • 1x Logic level, with external level shifter (selectable to internal 3v3)


  • Onboard 5V to 3v3 voltage converter.
  • All ports should have logic level headers, and the xcvr based ports should have jumpers to enable/disable those from the outputs. That makes it easier to convert to and from the modes.

Power Supply

  • XCVRs need 3v3 supply. So need to convert down from the USB ~5V. We have ~500mA available, so easily enough
  • Needs overload protection?
  • Local ground connections for the Logic level inputs.
  • Supply 3v3 out? Maybe, with 100mA limit?

Potential XCVR chips


  • TI MAX3222E -- Looks good. Has protection in it. 250k min speeds.
    • MAX3222EEWN is WideSOIC
      • Also available in SSOP 20 pin, which is harder to solder.
    • 4 signals, so TX/RX and CTS/RTS
    • 3222 has a shutdown pin, Active Low.


  • MAX3491E
  • MAX22503
  • MAX3070-3073-3076 (3076 is fastest, all pin compatible)
  • SP330 (can do 232 as well, so could use just 3 of these?)

Logic level

  • Ideally we want to go from 3v3 ->5V but also 3v3 > lower (2.5, 1.8)
  • LSF0204, can do 3v3 down to Ref_A. Ref_B Is always the higher
  • To generate 3v3 > 5V need a different route, where the signals are reversed Such that the input is on the Ref_B side, so could use 2 sets and jumper it.
    • Could use 3 pin jumpers, to direct the signal to one of two, or maybe use bus selector chip to auto do it.
  • Most ttl/cmos all work the same.

  • LSF0102 - nexperia

  • NCA9306DC - nexperia

Potential PSU design

  • LM2594M
    • In stock, cheap.
    • ~500mA Output
    • -- Initial choice
  • MIC4680
    • In stock.
    • ~1A output
  • TPS5403
    • Hard to get hold of, but in stock.
  • LT1506
    • Expensive. Hard to get.


  • Use externnal eeprom (SPI based) this will allow the usage of the nRI as a TXEN line for RS422/485 usage

    • 93LC56B is recommended. 16bit wide 2Kb eeprom.
  • Going to use Bus Powered, into 3v3 Reg, then core will generate it's own 1v8.

  • Use the 3v3 to power the xcvrs
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