
// File: nu.ai_motor_controller_firmware.c // Author: Dylan Dailey ( // Date: May 15 2019 // Version: 1.0 // Description: This firmware is intended to run on the motor controller board, Rev 1.0. The target device is an Atmel 32u4 microcontroller (ATmega32U4-AU). This firmware acts to initialize the basic systems needed to run the controller board effectively, efficiently, and safely. There is space in the main loop for user code. #include <avr/io.h> #include <avr/interrupt.h> #include <util/delay.h> #include <stdlib.h> // Here we define the values required to create a traditional musical scale with our buzzer (accuracy isn't the best but it works) // Having the values in an array instead of defining them helps with algorithmically generating music. int scale[52] = {253,239,225,213,201,190,179,169,159,150,142,134,127,119,113,106,100,95,89,84,80,75,71,67,63,60,56,53,50,47,45,42,40,38,35,33,32,30,28,27,25,24,22,21,20,19,18,17,16,15,14,13}; // Defines to make it easier for humans to write music. // For example, scale[AS3] corresponds to the value that will make our buzzer play an A sharp 3 note. #define GS2 0 #define C3 1 #define CS3 2 #define D3 3 #define DS3 4 #define E3 5 #define F3 6 #define FS3 7 #define G3 8 #define GS3 9 #define A3 10 #define AS3 11 #define B3 12 #define C4 13 #define CS4 14 #define D4 15 #define DS4 16 #define E4 17 #define F4 18 #define FS4 19 #define G4 20 #define GS4 21 #define A4 22 #define AS4 23 #define B4 24 #define C5 25 #define CS5 26 #define D5 27 #define DS5 28 #define E5 29 #define F5 30 #define FS5 31 #define G5 32 #define GS5 33 #define A5 34 #define AS5 35 #define B5 36 #define C6 37 #define CS6 38 #define D6 39 #define DS6 40 #define E6 41 #define F6 42 #define FS6 43 #define G6 44 #define GS6 45 #define A6 46 #define AS6 47 #define B6 48 #define C7 49 #define CS7 50 #define D7 51 // A little sample song. The counter keeps track of which note we're on int arpeggio[16] = {28,31,33,35,40,33,38,31,35,28,31,26,23,26,21,26}; int counter = 0; // Just some pin name mapping for your own reference /* PIN8 PORTB0 SPI_SSn PIN9 PORTB1 SPI_SCK PIN10 PORTB2 SPI_MOSI PIN11 PORTB3 SPI_MISO PIN28 PORTB4 SNS_2 PIN29 PORTB5 R_MOTOR PIN30 PORTB6 L_MOTOR PIN12 PORTB7 BUZZER PIN31 PORTC6 SNS_EN PIN32 PORTC7 PWM_4A PIN18 PORTD0 I2C_SCL PIN19 PORTD1 I2C_SDA PIN20 PORTD2 USART_RX PIN21 PORTD3 USART_TX PIN25 PORTD4 SNS_0 PIN22 PORTD5 L_DIR PIN26 PORTD6 SNS_1 PIN27 PORTD7 PWM_4D PIN33 PORTE2 HWBn PIN1 PORTE6 NC PIN41 PORTF0 R_DIR PIN40 PORTF1 RESETn PIN39 PORTF4 JTAG_TDI PIN38 PORTF5 JTAG_TDO PIN37 PORTF6 JTAG_TMS PIN36 PORTF7 JTAG_TCK */ // Some handy defines #define TRUE 1 #define FALSE 0 #define BUZZER_OFFSET PORTB7 #define RESETn_OFFSET PORTF1 #define L_DIR_OFFSET PORTD5 #define R_DIR_OFFSET PORTF0 #define L_MOTOR_OFFSET PORTB6 #define R_MOTOR_OFFSET PORTB5 #define SNS_EN_OFFSET PORTC6 #define BUZZER_MASK 0x80 #define RESETn_MASK 0x02 #define L_DIR_MASK 0x20 #define R_DIR_MASK 0x01 #define L_MOTOR_MASK 0x40 #define R_MOTOR_MASK 0x20 #define SNS_EN_MASK 0x40 #define PORTD2_MASK 0x04 #define PORTD3_MASK 0x08 // ************************************************* // You can use this structure to make your own songs #define INIT_TUNE(X) tune X = {.play = &play_tune} int * tune_to_play = 0; int current_tune_length = 0; void play_tune(int* notes, int length){ tune_to_play = notes; current_tune_length = length; } typedef struct{ int * notes; int length; void (*play)(int* notes, int length); } tune; // ************************************************* // This keeps track of which cell we are sensing the voltage of on the ADC. // It is also used to slow down the poll rate (see the TIMER3_CAPT_vect ISR) static uint8_t sequencer = 3; void init_adc(){ // Set the ADC reference voltage to the internal 2.56 V reference. // This is likely higher accuracy than AVcc. ADMUX |= 0xC0; // Set ADC prescalar to 128. This sets the input clock to the ADC to 125 kHz. ADCSRA |= 0x03; // Left align ADC results. This allows us to just read the 8-bit upper // register to get ADC results with a resolution of 256 steps (0 = 0V, 255 = Vref (2.56V in this case)). ADMUX |= (1 << ADLAR); /*TODO: maybe set ADTS and ADATE to make conversion happen periodically. This is a power saving measure.\ if there aren't enough timers, just leave in free-running mode.\ Note however that there's a SNS_EN pin that should take care of power saving\ so it's probably fine free-running the ADCs. TODO: remember later on to make code to switch which ADC port is being read by changing MUX5..0*/ // Enable conversion complete interrupts ADCSRA |= (1 << ADIE); // Enable the ADC ADCSRA |= (1 << ADEN); // Do a dummy conversion to initialize the ADC. // (first converstion may be innacurate) ADCSRA |= (1 << ADSC); } void init_buzzer(){ // 31250 / Frequency = OCR0A // For ~440 Hz: // OCR0A = 71; (0x47) // Set mode to CTC (Clear Timer on OCR0A Compare Match) TCCR0A |= 0x02; // Toggle OC0A on compare match TCCR0A |= 0x40; // Set prescalar to 256 (~122 Hz to 31250 Hz) TCCR0B |= 0x04; // Set PB7 as an output to turn the beeping on. // Set as input to turn off beeping. } void init_sns_en(){ // Clear OC3A on match, set on overflow. //TCCR3A |= 0x80; // Set OCR3A to keep SNS_EN on for ~1 ms to allow readings. //OCR3A = 0x00ff; // Set counter 3 to CTC (clear timer on ICR3 compare match) mode. TCCR3B |= 0x18; // Set ICR3 to get ~8 Hz overflow ICR3 = 0x07A1; // Set prescalar to 1024. TCCR3B |= 0x05; // Set the SNS_EN pin as an output. DDRC |= SNS_EN_MASK; // Unmask (allow) the interrupt. TIMSK3 |= 0x20; } ISR(ADC_vect){ static float tap0, tap1, tap2; static uint8_t ready0, ready1, ready2 = 0; // Assign result to correct variable switch(sequencer){ case 0: tap0 = (float) ADCH * 2.56 * 2; ready0 = 1; break; case 1: tap1 = (float) ADCH * 2.56 * 3.35; ready1 = 1; break; case 2: tap2 = ADCH * 2.56 * 6; ready2 = 1; break; } // Make sure the values are initialized if(ready0 && ready1 && ready2){ // Buzz if any values are out of limits if(tap0 < 3.3 || tap1 - tap0 < 3.3 || tap2 - tap1 < 3.3 ){ DDRB |= BUZZER_MASK; OCR0A = E4; _delay_ms(200); OCR0A = C5; _delay_ms(200); OCR0A = A5; _delay_ms(200); // Turn system off to prevent LiPo undervoltage PORTF &= ~(1 << RESETn_OFFSET); } } ADCSRA |= 1 << ADIF; } // ISR for SNS_EN waveform (also good for making music) // This ISR only initiates ADC reads. When the reads are complete, // the ADC Conversion Complete ISR (ADC_vect) handles reading the result ISR(TIMER3_CAPT_vect){ // Only go if ADC is ready if(~ (ADCSRA & (1 << ADSC))){ // sequencer will wrap around to achieve about 1 Hz measurements if(++sequencer == 8) sequencer = 0; switch(sequencer){ case 0: // Set mux to read SNS_0 (ADC_8) ADMUX &= 0xE0; ADCSRB |= 0x20; ADCSRA |= (1 << ADSC); break; case 1: // Set mux to read SNS_1 (ADC_9) ADMUX &= 0xE0; ADMUX |= 0x01; ADCSRB |= 0x20; ADCSRA |= (1 << ADSC); break; case 2: // Set mux to read SNS_2 (ADC_11) ADMUX &= 0xE0; ADMUX |= 0x03; ADCSRB |= 0x20; ADCSRA |= (1 << ADSC); break; } } // Fun robot beep boop sound //OCR0A = scale[rand()%53]; // Arpegio sound //OCR0A = scale[arpeggio[counter++]]; //if (counter == 16) counter = 0; } void init_motors(){ // Setup direction pins DDRD |= L_DIR_MASK; PORTD &= ~L_DIR_MASK; DDRF |= R_DIR_MASK; PORTF &= ~L_DIR_MASK; // Setup duty cycle pins DDRB |= L_MOTOR_MASK; DDRB |= R_MOTOR_MASK; // Setup PWM to controll motor speed. // Set waveform generation mode to 8-bit fast PWM. // This automatically sets the value of TOP to 0xFF. // Motor speed is therefore set by writing 0x00-0xFF to OCR1xL. TCCR1A |= 0x01; TCCR1B |= 0x08; // Set input clock to 256 prescaler. 16 MHz / 256 = 62.5 kHz. // 62.5 [kHz] / 256 [counts per overflow] = 244.140625 Hz. // Note that driving the motors @ this frequency may cause audible hum/whine. TCCR1B |= 0x04; // Clear OC1A on match, set OC1A at top. TCCR1A |= 0x80; // Clear OC1B on match, set OC1B at top. TCCR1A |= 0x20; // PRTIM in PRR0 must be set to 0 for the timer/counter1 module to run. // It is set to 0 by default. } // If RC control is enabled (by calling enable_rc_control()) we sacrifice the UART port for PPM functionality. // This works by using external interrupts to trigger interrupt vectors for each RC channel. // At a rising edge, the current value of counter 1 is saved. (this assumes counter 1 is running at roughly 1kHz). // At a falling edge, the last value of counter 1 is subtracted from the new value of counter 1 // If the result is equal to or less than zero, add 256 to it. The resulting number informs the motor control scheme. // Note that there appears to be a bug in here that causes the motors to pulsate a litte. // The code works in general, but is commented out here to free up the 2 ISRs. /* uint8_t ch2_tmp, ch3_tmp; int left_pwr, right_pwr; void enable_rc_control(){ ch2_tmp = 94; ch3_tmp = 94; // Set direction of interrupt pins to input DDRD &= ~0x0C; // Set interrupts to trigger on any edge EICRA = 0x50; // Unmask external interrupt functionality EIMSK = 0x0C; } void rc_control(){ left_pwr = ch3_tmp + ch2_tmp; // midpoint of 188, min 124, max 250. if (left_pwr > 219) left_pwr = 219; if (left_pwr < 157) left_pwr = 157; right_pwr = ch3_tmp + 188 - ch2_tmp; // midpoint of 188, min 124, max 250. if (right_pwr > 219) right_pwr = 219; if (right_pwr < 157) right_pwr = 157; if(left_pwr > 188){ PORTD |= L_DIR_MASK; }else{ PORTD &= ~L_DIR_MASK; } if(right_pwr > 188){ PORTF |= R_DIR_MASK; }else{ PORTF &= ~R_DIR_MASK; } left_pwr -= 188; right_pwr -= 188; if(left_pwr < 0) left_pwr *= -1; if(right_pwr < 0) right_pwr *= -1; //if(right_pwr < 0x08) right_pwr = 0; //if(left_pwr < 0x08) left_pwr = 0; OCR1AL = (((uint8_t) right_pwr) << 3) & 0xF0; OCR1BL = (((uint8_t) left_pwr) << 3); & 0xF0 } ISR(INT3_vect){ // If falling edge, do calculations. If rising edge, get timer value. if(PIND & 0x08){ ch3_tmp = TCNT1L; }else{ ch3_tmp = TCNT1L - ch3_tmp; } rc_control(); } ISR(INT2_vect){ // If falling edge, do calculations. If rising edge, get timer value. if(PIND & 0x04){ ch2_tmp = TCNT1L; }else{ ch2_tmp = TCNT1L - ch2_tmp; } rc_control(); } */ int main(void){ // This is to prevent a false startup due to back EMF from the motors. _delay_ms(2000); // Set the RESETn pin as an output. DDRF |= (1 << RESETn_OFFSET); // Set the RESETn pin high. This will keep the board powered on until // a user presses the off button, or this pin goes low or high-z. // This allows the system to turn itself off in the case of LiPo undervoltage. PORTF |= (1 << RESETn_OFFSET); init_buzzer(); init_sns_en(); DDRC |= (1 << SNS_EN_OFFSET); PORTC |= (1 << SNS_EN_OFFSET); init_adc(); // Beep to let the user know the system is on OCR0A = 71; DDRB |= BUZZER_MASK; _delay_ms(500); DDRB &= ~BUZZER_MASK; //enable_rc_control(); init_motors(); // Globally enable interrupts. sei(); while(TRUE){ // *********************************** // ******* YOUR CODE GOES HERE ******* // *********************************** } }
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