Last update 7 years 1 month
Jeremy Poulter
FilesWandFirmwareThermocouple_Test | |
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Thermocouple_Test.ino |
Thermocouple_Test.ino/*************************************************** This is an example for the Adafruit Thermocouple Sensor w/MAX31855K Designed specifically to work with the Adafruit Thermocouple Sensor ----> These displays use SPI to communicate, 3 pins are required to interface Adafruit invests time and resources providing this open source code, please support Adafruit and open-source hardware by purchasing products from Adafruit! Written by Limor Fried/Ladyada for Adafruit Industries. BSD license, all text above must be included in any redistribution ****************************************************/ #include <SPI.h> #include "Adafruit_MAX31855.h" // Default connection is using software SPI, but comment and uncomment one of // the two examples below to switch between software SPI and hardware SPI: // Example creating a thermocouple instance with software SPI on any three // digital IO pins. //#define DO 3 //#define CS 4 //#define CLK 5 //Adafruit_MAX31855 thermocouple(CLK, CS, DO); // Example creating a thermocouple instance with hardware SPI (Uno/Mega only) // on a given CS pin. #define CS 10 Adafruit_MAX31855 thermocouple(CS); void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); Serial.println("MAX31855 test"); // wait for MAX chip to stabilize delay(500); } void loop() { // basic readout test, just print the current temp Serial.print("Internal Temp = "); Serial.println(thermocouple.readInternal()); double c = thermocouple.readCelsius(); if (isnan(c)) { Serial.println("Something wrong with thermocouple!"); } else { Serial.print("C = "); Serial.println(c); } //Serial.print("F = "); //Serial.println(thermocouple.readFarenheit()); delay(1000); }