Updated resister values with those from the prototype
Jeremy Poulter
8 years 4 months
A few final tweaks
Jeremy Poulter
8 years 5 months
Initial re-layout of the Hotstick Wand.
Jeremy Poulter
8 years 5 months
Finished change for 0402, also generated fabrication data
Ryan White
8 years 11 months
Changed 0402 to sod-523 for Zener
Ryan White
8 years 11 months
Removed reset pull-up (should not be needed as internally pulled up) to make room for the heat detect logic and layed out the remaining components for the heat detect.
Jeremy Poulter
9 years 1 month
Removed reset pull-up (should not be needed as internally pulled up) to make room for the heat detect logic and layed out the remaining components for the heat detect.
Jeremy Poulter
9 years 1 month
Removed the capacitor from the Temp sensor to allow it to be centred and initial modifications to allow monitoring of when the tip is being heated.
Jeremy Poulter
9 years 1 month
Initial PCB layout, still work in progress.
Jeremy Poulter
9 years 1 month
Connected the MPU interrupt, needed by the http://www.i2cdevlib.com/ library for the MPU-6050
Jeremy Poulter
9 years 1 month
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