Last update 6 years 3 months
FilesfirmwareArduinoCrocopoi | |
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Crocopoi.ino | |
settings.h |
Crocopoi.ino/* Based in the work by: Eric Rosenbaum, Jay Silver, and Jim Lindblom MIT Media Lab & Sparkfun * Copyright 2018 Esteban Martin Gimenez This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <>. */ #include <usbdrv.h> #include <usbportability.h> #include <usbconfig.h> #include <oddebug.h> #include <UsbKeyboard.h> #define BUFFER_LENGTH 3 // 3 bytes gives us 24 samples #define NUM_INPUTS 6 // 6 on the front + 12 on the back #define TARGET_LOOP_TIME 744 // (1/56 seconds) / 24 samples = 744 microseconds per sample #include "settings.h" typedef struct { byte pinNumber; int keyCode; byte measurementBuffer[BUFFER_LENGTH]; boolean oldestMeasurement; byte bufferSum; boolean pressed; boolean prevPressed; boolean isKey; } CrocopoiInput; CrocopoiInput inputs[NUM_INPUTS]; int bufferIndex = 0; byte byteCounter = 0; byte bitCounter = 0; int pressThreshold; int releaseThreshold; boolean inputChanged; int lastKeyPressed = -1; int keysPressed = 0; // Pin Numbers int pinNumbers[NUM_INPUTS] = {1,2,3,4,5,6}; // timing int loopTime = 0; int prevTime = 0; int loopCounter = 0; boolean keyPressed = 0; void initializeArduino(); void initializeInputs(); void updateMeasurementBuffers(); void updateBufferSums(); void updateBufferIndex(); void updateInputStates(); void addDelay(); void setup() { TIMSK0&=!(1<<TOIE0); cli(); usbDeviceDisconnect(); delayMs(250); usbDeviceConnect(); sei(); initializeArduino(); initializeInputs(); } void loop() { updateMeasurementBuffers(); updateBufferSums(); updateBufferIndex(); updateInputStates(); addDelay(); } void delayMs(unsigned int ms) { for (int i = 0; i < ms; i++) { delayMicroseconds(1000); } } void initializeArduino() { /* Set up input pins DEactivate the internal pull-ups, since we're using external resistors */ for (int i=0; i<NUM_INPUTS; i++) { pinMode(pinNumbers[i], INPUT); digitalWrite(pinNumbers[i], LOW); } } void initializeInputs() { float thresholdPerc = SWITCH_THRESHOLD_OFFSET_PERC; float thresholdCenterBias = SWITCH_THRESHOLD_CENTER_BIAS/50.0; float pressThresholdAmount = (BUFFER_LENGTH * 8) * (thresholdPerc / 100.0); float thresholdCenter = ( (BUFFER_LENGTH * 8) / 2.0 ) * (thresholdCenterBias); pressThreshold = int(thresholdCenter + pressThresholdAmount); releaseThreshold = int(thresholdCenter - pressThresholdAmount); for (int i=0; i<NUM_INPUTS; i++) { inputs[i].pinNumber = pinNumbers[i]; inputs[i].keyCode = keyCodes[i]; for (int j=0; j<BUFFER_LENGTH; j++) { inputs[i].measurementBuffer[j] = 0; } inputs[i].oldestMeasurement = 0; inputs[i].bufferSum = 0; inputs[i].pressed = false; inputs[i].prevPressed = false; inputs[i].isKey = false; if (inputs[i].keyCode < 0) { } else { inputs[i].isKey = true; } } } void updateMeasurementBuffers() { for (int i=0; i<NUM_INPUTS; i++) { byte currentByte = inputs[i].measurementBuffer[byteCounter]; inputs[i].oldestMeasurement = (currentByte >> bitCounter) & 0x01; boolean newMeasurement = digitalRead(inputs[i].pinNumber); newMeasurement = !newMeasurement; // store it if (newMeasurement) { currentByte |= (1<<bitCounter); } else { currentByte &= ~(1<<bitCounter); } inputs[i].measurementBuffer[byteCounter] = currentByte; } } void updateBufferSums() { for (int i=0; i<NUM_INPUTS; i++) { byte currentByte = inputs[i].measurementBuffer[byteCounter]; boolean currentMeasurement = (currentByte >> bitCounter) & 0x01; if (currentMeasurement) { inputs[i].bufferSum++; } if (inputs[i].oldestMeasurement) { inputs[i].bufferSum--; } } } void updateBufferIndex() { bitCounter++; if (bitCounter == 8) { bitCounter = 0; byteCounter++; if (byteCounter == BUFFER_LENGTH) { byteCounter = 0; } } } void updateInputStates() { UsbKeyboard.update(); inputChanged = false; for (int i=0; i<NUM_INPUTS; i++) { if (inputs[i].pressed) { if (inputs[i].bufferSum < releaseThreshold) { inputChanged = true; inputs[i].pressed = false; UsbKeyboard.releaseKeyStroke(); keysPressed = 0; } if (lastKeyPressed != i) { inputs[lastKeyPressed].pressed = false; keysPressed = 0; inputChanged = false; UsbKeyboard.releaseKeyStroke(); } } else if (!inputs[i].pressed) { if (inputs[i].bufferSum > pressThreshold) { // input becomes pressed inputChanged = true; inputs[i].pressed = true; if (lastKeyPressed != i) { keysPressed += 1; inputs[lastKeyPressed].pressed = false; UsbKeyboard.sendKeyStroke(keyCodes[i]); lastKeyPressed = i; } } } if (keysPressed == 0) { if (inputs[i].pressed) { inputs[i].pressed = false; lastKeyPressed = -1; } } } } /////////////////////////// // ADD DELAY /////////////////////////// void addDelay() { loopTime = micros() - prevTime; if (loopTime < TARGET_LOOP_TIME) { int wait = TARGET_LOOP_TIME - loopTime; delayMicroseconds(wait); } prevTime = micros(); }