Fix typos in python3 README
The README file had several places where the path was not changed from 'python' to 'python3'. This commit fixes that.
Chris Satterlee
3 years 1 day
Updated BOM file for PermaProto cell version
There is no Instructable for this version, but the BOM spreadsheet is updated for alternate parts
Chris Satterlee
3 years 1 day
Add alternate path to PyInstaller hooks file on Mac
Path to PyInstaller hooks file has changed
Chris Satterlee
3 years 1 day
Update files for original (Perma-Proto) Instructable
Updated the step-by-step doc and BOMs for the Perma-Proto version. Adds info on FET version in Step 1. BOM has updated Digi-Key link with alternate parts.
Chris Satterlee
3 years 1 day
Update master PCB BOM spreadsheet
Add support for FET and update Digi-Key links
Chris Satterlee
3 years 2 days
Messed up last commit
Made some mistakes in the last commit which this commit corrects
Chris Satterlee
3 years 2 days
Update files for SSR cell Instructable
Updated the step-by-step doc and BOMs for the SSR cell version. Mostly add alternate parts.
Note that the Instructable itself has not bee created and probably never will be.
Chris Satterlee
3 years 2 days
Update files for EMR cell Instructable
Updated the step-by-step doc and BOMs for the EMR cell version. Mostly add alternate parts.
Chris Satterlee
3 years 2 days
Update files for SSR module Instructable
Updated the step-by-step doc and BOMs for the SSR module version. Mostly add alternate parts.
Chris Satterlee
3 years 2 days
Update files for EMR module Instructable
Updated the step-by-step doc and BOMs for the EMR module version. Mostly add alternate parts.
Chris Satterlee
3 years 2 days