15V Power Supply / 15V Power Supply.brd
15V Power Supply / 15V Power Supply.sch
Nixie Boost Power Supply / Nixie Boost Converter.sch
Nixie Boost Power Supply / Eagle / Eagle / Eagle.sch
Power Supply / Power Supply REV0.sch
Power Supply / Sample Power Supply LM317.sch
Power Supply / Eagle / Eagle / Eagle.sch
projects / Metvoc Controller / Metvoc.brd
projects / Metvoc Controller / Metvoc.sch
projects / Metvoc2.0 / AccelDataLogger.sch
projects / Metvoc2.0 / Metvoc2.0.sch
projects / Senior Design / Embedded.brd
projects / Senior Design / Embedded.sch
Pulse Generator / Pulse Generator.brd
Pulse Generator / Pulse Generator.sch
Last update 6 years 2 months
Filesulpstmp_oshparkulp | |
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oshpark-install.ulp | |
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oshpark-update.ulpstring LOGFILE="oshpark_update.log"; //under "Directives" in the manual #include "oshpark-utility-includes.ulp" // Returns -1 on error // Returns 0 if no updates available // Returns 1 if updates are available and downloaded int update(string TMPDIR){ printf("Hello from the updater!\n"); string SELF=argv[0]; string SELF_DIR=filedir(SELF); string URL = ""; string UPDATEFILE = "UPDATE.txt"; string VERSIONFILE = "VERSION.txt"; string VERSION = "0.0"; int i=0; string RESPONSE = ""; int SUCCESS = 0; int TIMEOUT=4; string FILES[]; char FILEDATA[]; // Get the current version fileglob(FILES,TMPDIR+VERSIONFILE); for(i=0; FILES[i] != "" ; i++){ fileread(RESPONSE,FILES[i]); VERSION=RESPONSE; } printf("Current version is %s\n",VERSION); //Get the newest version file SUCCESS = netget(RESPONSE,URL+VERSIONFILE,TIMEOUT); if(SUCCESS >= 0) { printf("Found version file containing %s\n",RESPONSE); if(strtod(VERSION)==strtod(RESPONSE)){ printf("Versions match! Nothing to do!\n"); return 0 ; } }else{ printf("Failed to find version file at %s\n",URL+VERSIONFILE); printf("%s\n",neterror()); } // Download the list of files! SUCCESS = netget(FILES,URL+UPDATEFILE,TIMEOUT); if(SUCCESS >= 0) { printf("Found update file yay! %s\n",UPDATEFILE); }else{ printf("Failed to find update file at %s\n",URL+UPDATEFILE); printf("%s\n",neterror()); return -1; } // Do things with the files! mkdir(TMPDIR); string REGCOMMENT="^#"; string REGEXT="\\.[a-zA-Z]{2,3}$"; string FILE=""; for(i=0;FILES[i]!="";i++){ FILE=FILES[i]; //Skip comment lines if(-1 != strxstr(FILE,REGCOMMENT)) continue; //Directory, create a new folder! if(-1 == strxstr(FILE,REGEXT)) { printf("Got dir path!: %s\n",FILE); mkdir(TMPDIR+FILE); continue; } // File, download it! printf("Got file path!: %s\n",FILE); SUCCESS = netget(FILEDATA,URL+FILE,TIMEOUT); if(SUCCESS < 0) { printf("Failed!\n"); continue; } output(TMPDIR+FILE,"wb"){ for(int x=0; x<SUCCESS;x++){ printf("%c", FILEDATA[x]); } } } printf("All done!\n"); return 1; }