
Last update 5 years 4 months by njbane
# Configuration Script # # This file can be used to configure the editor windows. # # Uncomment this if you want a set of useful default shortcuts! #SCRIPT default-assign.scr; # BRD: MENU '[bin/designlink.svg] Search and order : Run designlink-order.ulp -general;'\ '[bin/pcb-service.svg] PCB Service : Run pcb-service.ulp;'\ ; DISPLAY = 'Preset_Top' None 1 17 18 19 20 21 23 25 39 41 51; DISPLAY = 'Preset_Bottom' None 16 17 18 19 20 22 24 26 40 42 52; DISPLAY = 'Preset_Standard' None 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 39 40 41 42 51 52; MENU ' [oshpark.png]Oshpark{Upload PCB: RUN oshpark-upload.ulp;|Check for updates: RUN oshpark.ulp update;|Update and install:RUN oshpark.ulp update install;} '; SCH: Grid Default; Change Width 0.006in; MENU '[bin/designlink.svg] Search and order {\ General : Run designlink-order.ulp -general; |\ Schematic : Run designlink-order.ulp; \ }'\ '[bin/LTspice.svg] LT Spice simulation {\ Export: RUN ltspice.ulp /E; |\ Export Setup: RUN ltspice.ulp /E /S; |\ Export Group: RUN ltspice.ulp /E /G; |\ Import: RUN ltspice.ulp /I; \ }' \ ; LBR: MENU '[bin/designlink.svg] Search and order : Run designlink-order.ulp -general;'\ '[bin/LTspice.svg] LT Spice simulation {\ Export: RUN ltspice.ulp /E; |\ Import: RUN ltspice.ulp /I; \ }'\ '[bin/pads-pcb.svg] PADS package import : RUN import-pads-powerpcb-v5;' \ ; DEV: Grid Default; MENU '[bin/designlink.svg] Search and order : Run designlink-order.ulp -general;' \ '[bin/LTspice.svg] LT Spice simulation {\ Export: RUN ltspice.ulp /E; |\ SpiceOrder : RUN spiceorder.ulp; |\ SpiceModel: ATTRIBUTE SPICEMODEL |\ Value2: ATTRIBUTE VALUE2 |\ Import: RUN ltspice.ulp /I; \ }'\ '[bin/pads-pcb.svg] PADS package import : RUN import-pads-powerpcb-v5;'\ ; SYM: Grid Default On; Change Width 0.010in; MENU '[bin/LTspice.svg] LT Spice simulation {\ Export: RUN ltspice.ulp /E; |\ SpiceOrder : RUN spiceorder.ulp; |\ Import: RUN ltspice.ulp /I; \ }'\ ; PAC: Grid Default On; Change Width 0.005in; Change Size 0.050in; MENU '[bin/LTspice.svg] LT Spice simulation {\ Import: RUN ltspice.ulp /I; \ }'\ '[bin/pads-pcb.svg] PADS package import : RUN import-pads-powerpcb-v5;' \ ;
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