
Last update 5 years 10 months by Daniel Urencio
#include <Bridge.h> #include <YunClient.h> #include "EmonLib.h" EnergyMonitor emon1; #define PORT 5555 char IRMS[5]; IPAddress addr(192, 168, 0, 6); // Define our client object YunClient client; void setup() { // Bridge startup Bridge.begin(); emon1.current(1, 111.1); // Current: input pin, calibration. //Serial.begin(9600); // while (!Serial); // wait for a serial connection } void loop() { double Irms = emon1.calcIrms(1480); // Make the client connect to the desired server and port //IPAddress addr(192, 168, 0, 6); // Or define it using a single unsigned 32 bit value // IPAddress addr(0xc0a8sab9); // same as // Or define it using a byte array // const uint8 addrBytes = {192, 168, 42, 185}; // IPAddress addr(addrBytes); client.connect(addr, PORT); // Or connect by a server name and port. // Note that the Yun doesn't support mDNS by default, so "Yun.local" won't work // client.connect("", PORT); if (client.connected()) { Console.println("Connected to the server."); // Send something to the client //client.print(1); dtostrf(Irms,2,2,IRMS); client.print(IRMS); // Cheap way to give the server time to respond. // A real application (as opposed to this simple example) will want to be more intelligent about this. delay (250); // Read all incoming bytes available from the server and print them /*while (client.available()) { char c =; Console.print(c); } //Serial.flush(); */ // Close the connection client.stop(); } //else // Console.println("Could not connect to the server."); // Give some time before trying again delay (1000); }
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