
Last update 6 years 5 months by Olivier Gillet
// Copyright 2014 Olivier Gillet. // // Author: Olivier Gillet ( // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy // of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal // in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights // to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell // copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is // furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in // all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR // IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE // AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER // LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, // OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN // THE SOFTWARE. // // See for more information. // // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include <cassert> #include <cmath> #include <cstdlib> #include <cstring> #include <vector> #include <xmmintrin.h> #include "clouds/dsp/granular_processor.h" #include "clouds/resources.h" using namespace clouds; using namespace std; using namespace stmlib; const size_t kSampleRate = 32000; const size_t kBlockSize = 32; void write_wav_header(FILE* fp, int num_samples, int num_channels) { uint32_t l; uint16_t s; fwrite("RIFF", 4, 1, fp); l = 36 + num_samples * 2 * num_channels; fwrite(&l, 4, 1, fp); fwrite("WAVE", 4, 1, fp); fwrite("fmt ", 4, 1, fp); l = 16; fwrite(&l, 4, 1, fp); s = 1; fwrite(&s, 2, 1, fp); s = num_channels; fwrite(&s, 2, 1, fp); l = kSampleRate; fwrite(&l, 4, 1, fp); l = static_cast<uint32_t>(kSampleRate) * 2 * num_channels; fwrite(&l, 4, 1, fp); s = 2 * num_channels; fwrite(&s, 2, 1, fp); s = 16; fwrite(&s, 2, 1, fp); fwrite("data", 4, 1, fp); l = num_samples * 2 * num_channels; fwrite(&l, 4, 1, fp); } void TestDSP() { size_t duration = 19; FILE* fp_out = fopen("clouds.wav", "wb"); FILE* fp_in = fopen("audio_samples/kettel_32k.wav", "rb"); size_t remaining_samples = kSampleRate * duration; write_wav_header(fp_out, remaining_samples, 2); fseek(fp_in, 48, SEEK_SET); uint8_t large_buffer[118784]; uint8_t small_buffer[65536 - 128]; GranularProcessor processor; processor.Init( &large_buffer[0], sizeof(large_buffer), &small_buffer[0],sizeof(small_buffer)); processor.set_num_channels(2); processor.set_low_fidelity(false); processor.set_playback_mode(PLAYBACK_MODE_LOOPING_DELAY); Parameters* p = processor.mutable_parameters(); size_t block_counter = 0; float phase_ = 0.0f; bool synthetic = true; processor.Prepare(); float pot_noise = 0.0f; while (remaining_samples) { uint16_t tri = (remaining_samples * 2); tri = tri > 32767 ? 65535 - tri : tri; float triangle = tri / 32768.0f; p->gate = false; p->trigger = false; p->freeze = true && (block_counter & 2047) > 1024; pot_noise += 0.05f * ((Random::GetSample() / 32768.0f) * 0.00f - pot_noise); p->position = triangle * 0.0f + 0.00f; p->size = 0.5f; p->pitch = -7.0f + (triangle > 0.5f ? 1.0f : 0.0f) * 0.0f; p->density = 0.0f; p->texture = 0.5f; p->feedback = 0.0f; p->dry_wet = 1.0f; p->reverb = 0.0f; p->stereo_spread = 0.0f; ++block_counter; ShortFrame input[kBlockSize]; ShortFrame output[kBlockSize]; if (synthetic) { for (size_t i = 0; i < kBlockSize; ++i) { phase_ += 400.0f / kSampleRate; // (block_counter & 512 ? 110.0f : 220.0f) / kSampleRate; while (phase_ >= 1.0) { phase_ -= 1.0; } input[i].l = 16384.0f * sinf(phase_ * M_PI * 2); // input[i].r = 32768.0f * (phase_ - 0.5); input[i].r = input[i].l; } remaining_samples -= kBlockSize; } else { if (fread( input, sizeof(ShortFrame), kBlockSize, fp_in) != kBlockSize) { break; } remaining_samples -= kBlockSize; } processor.Process(input, output, kBlockSize); processor.Prepare(); fwrite(output, sizeof(ShortFrame), kBlockSize, fp_out); } fclose(fp_out); fclose(fp_in); } void TestGrainSize() { for (int32_t _p = 0; _p < 3; _p++) { for (int32_t _s = 0; _s < 3; _s++) { for (int32_t _pi = 0; _pi < 3; _pi++) { size_t duration = 19; char name[80]; sprintf(name, "clouds_%d%d%d.wav", _p, _s, _pi); FILE* fp_out = fopen(name, "wb"); FILE* fp_in = fopen("audio_samples/kettel_32k.wav", "rb"); size_t remaining_samples = kSampleRate * duration; write_wav_header(fp_out, remaining_samples, 2); fseek(fp_in, 48, SEEK_SET); uint8_t large_buffer[118784]; uint8_t small_buffer[65536]; GranularProcessor processor; processor.Init( &large_buffer[0], sizeof(large_buffer), &small_buffer[0],sizeof(small_buffer)); processor.set_num_channels(2); processor.set_low_fidelity(false); processor.set_playback_mode(PLAYBACK_MODE_GRANULAR); Parameters* p = processor.mutable_parameters(); size_t block_counter = 0; processor.Prepare(); while (remaining_samples) { p->trigger = false; p->freeze = (block_counter & 1023) > 512; p->position = _p * 0.5f; p->size = _s * 0.5f; p->pitch = _pi * 24.0f - 24.0f; p->density = 0.75f; p->texture = 0.5f; p->feedback = 0.0f; p->dry_wet = 1.0f; p->reverb = 0.0f; p->stereo_spread = 0.0f; ++block_counter; ShortFrame input[kBlockSize]; ShortFrame output[kBlockSize]; uint16_t tri = (remaining_samples / 4); tri = tri > 32767 ? 65535 - tri : tri; if (fread( input, sizeof(ShortFrame), kBlockSize, fp_in) != kBlockSize) { break; } remaining_samples -= kBlockSize; processor.Process(input, output, kBlockSize); processor.Prepare(); fwrite(output, sizeof(ShortFrame), kBlockSize, fp_out); } fclose(fp_out); fclose(fp_in); } } } } int main(void) { _MM_SET_FLUSH_ZERO_MODE(_MM_FLUSH_ZERO_ON); TestDSP(); // TestGrainSize(); }
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