
#include"stm8s.h" #include"sdc_io_spi.h" #define PD_7 d6 d2 d5 //D7 1 GND //D6 2 SI //D5 7 SO //D4 8 NC //D3 9 NC //D2 5 CLK typedef unsigned char UINT8; typedef unsigned long UINT32; typedef unsigned short UINT16; typedef char INT8; typedef long INT32; unsigned int const len = 512;//扇区大小 void DELAY_MS (unsigned int a){ unsigned int i; while( --a != 0){ for(i = 0; i < 600; i++); } } //***********模拟spi写函数 /*void SD_SPI_W(unsigned char Data){ unsigned char i; for(i=8;i;i--) { SD_CLK=0;delay_us(); SD_DI=(Data&0x80);delay_us(); Data<<=1; SD_CLK=1;delay_us(); } SD_DI = 1; delay_us(); } */ #define SD_SPI_W sdc_sendbyte #define SD_SPI_R sdc_readbyte //***********模拟spi读函数 /*unsigned char SD_SPI_R(){ unsigned char Data,i; GPIO_Init(GPIOD,GPIO_PIN_5,GPIO_MODE_OUT_PP_HIGH_FAST); PDout(5)=1; GPIO_Init(GPIOD,GPIO_PIN_5,GPIO_MODE_IN_PU_NO_IT); //SD_DO = 1;//设置DO接口为输入状态 for(i = 0; i<8; i++){ Data <<= 1; SD_CLK = 0; SD_CLK = 1; Data |= SD_DO; }; return Data; } */ //**************读sd卡回应 unsigned char SD_Response(){ unsigned char i,Response; for(i = 0; i<10; i++){ Response = SD_SPI_R(); if(Response == 0x00) break; if(Response == 0x01) break; }; return Response; } //***************向SD发命令 void SD_Cmd(unsigned char Cmd, unsigned long Argument, unsigned char CRC){ unsigned char arg[4]; arg[0] = (unsigned char)Argument; arg[1] = (unsigned char)(Argument >> 8); arg[2] = (unsigned char)(Argument >> 16); arg[3] = (unsigned char)(Argument >> 24); SD_SPI_W(Cmd | 0x40); SD_SPI_W(arg[3]); SD_SPI_W(arg[2]); SD_SPI_W(arg[1]); SD_SPI_W(arg[0]); SD_SPI_W(CRC); } //*************SD卡初始化 unsigned char SD_Init(){ unsigned int delay = 0; unsigned char i; unsigned char Response = 0xff; sdc_spi_init(); SDC_CS_H(); for(i = 0; i<30; i++){ SD_SPI_W(0xff);//上电后给74个以上的时间脉冲 }; SDC_CS_L(); SD_Cmd(0x00, 0, 0x95);//命令CMD0,复位SD卡 //等待复位成功 i = 0; while(SD_Response() != 0x01){//等待SD卡回应信号 i++; if(i > 100){ return 0;//失败返回0 }; }; SDC_CS_H(); SD_SPI_W(0xff);//关片选后写8个空脉冲,SD卡复位完毕 //设置SPI i = 0; SDC_CS_L(); while(Response != 0x00){//循环等待成功回应,若成功,回应信号为0x00 SD_Cmd(0x01, 0, 0xff);//CMD1,将SD卡设置为SPI模式,无需CRC校验,填入0xff Response = SD_Response(); if(i > 100){ return 0;//尝试100次,失败返回0 }; }; SDC_CS_H(); SD_SPI_W(0xff);//给8个空脉冲 return 1; } //***************SD卡写入数据块 unsigned char SD_Block_W(unsigned char* block, unsigned long address){ unsigned int i; unsigned char Response_sdc_spi_sendbyte; SDC_CS_L(); SD_Cmd(0x18, address, 0xff);//CMD18,块写入命令 while(SD_Response() != 0x00);//循环等待命令回应0x00 for(i = 0; i<10; i++){ SD_SPI_W(0xff);//写入一定量空脉冲 }; SD_SPI_W(0xfe);//0xfe为块头部,后面跟512b字节,+2bCRC(0xff,0xff) for(i=0; i<len; i++){ SD_SPI_W(block[i]);//写入512b字节 }; SD_SPI_W(0xff); SD_SPI_W(0xff); Response_sdc_spi_sendbyte = SD_SPI_R()&0x0f;//写入CRC码后SD卡会回应一个xxx0,1001 while(SD_SPI_R() == 0);//等待SD卡回应 SDC_CS_H(); SD_SPI_W(0xff);//写入8个空脉冲 if(Response_sdc_spi_sendbyte == 0x05){ return 1; }else{ return 0; }; } //****************从sd卡读数据块 void SD_Block_R(unsigned char* block, unsigned long address){ unsigned int i; SDC_CS_L(); SD_Cmd(0x51, address, 0xff);//CMD11,数据块读写命令, while(SD_Response()!=0x00);//循环等待命令回应0x00 while(SD_SPI_R() != 0xfe); //0xfe为块读出的头, 后面紧跟512字节的数据块+2字节的CRC for(i=0; i<len ; i++){ block[i] = SD_SPI_R();//读数据 }; SD_SPI_R(); SD_SPI_R();//两个字节的CRC。舍弃 SDC_CS_H(); SD_SPI_R();//8个空脉冲 } char sd_sdc_spi_sendbyte_command_slow(char *a) { char i,count,state=0xff; SDC_CS_H(); sdc_sendbyte(0xff); SDC_CS_L();//Ñ¡ÖÐCSƬѡ /*for(i=0;i<6;i++) { sdc_sendbyte(a[i]); } */ sdc_sendbyte(a[0]);sdc_sendbyte(a[1]);sdc_sendbyte(a[2]); sdc_sendbyte(a[3]);sdc_sendbyte(a[4]);sdc_sendbyte(a[5]); count=0; while(state==0xff) { state=sdc_readbyte_slow(); if(count++>100) { SDC_CS_H(); return state; } } SDC_CS_H(); sdc_sendbyte(0xff); return state; } char sd_sdc_spi_sendbyte_command(char *a) { char i,count,state=0xff; SDC_CS_H(); sdc_sendbyte(0xff); SDC_CS_L();//Ñ¡ÖÐCSƬѡ /*for(i=0;i<6;i++) { sdc_sendbyte(a[i]); } */ sdc_sendbyte(a[0]);sdc_sendbyte(a[1]);sdc_sendbyte(a[2]); sdc_sendbyte(a[3]);sdc_sendbyte(a[4]);sdc_sendbyte(a[5]); count=0; while(state==0xff) { state=sdc_readbyte(); if(count++>100) { SDC_CS_H(); return state; } } SDC_CS_H(); sdc_sendbyte(0xff); return state; } UINT8 disk_initialize_io(void) { int i=0,count; char cmd[]={0x40,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x95};//CMD0 sdc_spi_init(); //skip_sclk(10); for(;i<10;i++) sdc_readbyte(); count=0; while(sd_sdc_spi_sendbyte_command(cmd)!=0x01) { if(count++>200) return 1; } cmd[0]=0X41;//CMD1 cmd[5]=0XFF; count=0; while(sd_sdc_spi_sendbyte_command(cmd)!=0x00)//SD¿š³õÊŒ»¯ { if(count++>200) return 1; } return 0; } UINT8 disk_readio(UINT8 *buff,UINT32 sector,UINT32 offset,UINT32 count) { int i; char time; char cmd[6]={0}; UINT8 res= 1; sector = sector << 9; cmd[0]=0X51; cmd[1] =(UINT8)(((UINT32)((UINT32)sector) & (UINT32)0xFF000000) >>24); cmd[2] =(UINT8)(((UINT32)((UINT32)sector) & (UINT32)0x00FF0000) >>16); cmd[3] =(UINT8)(((UINT32)((UINT32)sector) & (UINT32)0x0000FF00) >>8); cmd[4] =(UINT8)(((UINT32)((UINT32)sector) & (UINT32)0x000000FF) >>0); cmd[5]=0xff; time=0; while(sd_sdc_spi_sendbyte_command(cmd)!=0x00) { if(time++>100) { return res; } } time=0; //SDC_CS_H(); //sdc_sendbyte(0xff); SDC_CS_L(); while((sdc_readbyte())!=0xfe) { if(time++>100) { SDC_CS_H(); return res; } } for(i=0;i<offset;i++) sdc_readbyte(); do{ *buff++ = sdc_readbyte(); }while (--count); for(i=0;i<514 - offset - count;i++) sdc_readbyte(); SDC_CS_H(); res = 0; return res; } UINT8 disk_sdc_spi_sendbytep ( const UINT8 *buff, /* Pointer to the bytes to be written (NULL:Initiate/Finalize sector sdc_spi_sendbyte) */ UINT32 sc /* Number of bytes to send, Sector number (LBA) or zero */ ) { UINT8 res=0; return res; } void readsd(UINT8 *buf,unsigned long addstart)//读SD卡物理扇区 { unsigned long sdbuff1,sdbuff2,sdbuff3,sdbuff4; UINT32 j,n; UINT8 zh1,zh2,zh3,zh4,fhz; sdbuff1=addstart; sdbuff2=addstart; sdbuff3=addstart; sdbuff4=addstart; zh1=(sdbuff1>>24)&0x000000ff; zh2=(sdbuff2>>16)&0x000000ff; zh3=(sdbuff3>>8)&0x000000ff; zh4=sdbuff4&0x000000ff; // uchar pcmd[6]={0x51,zh1,zh2,zh3,zh4,0xff};//原来这里是高地址字节在前地地址在后啊201012月14日逻辑扇区在253*512=0X0001fa00 SDC_CS_H(); sdc_sendbyte(0xff);//据说是提高兼容性 SDC_CS_L(); sdc_sendbyte( 0x51); sdc_sendbyte( zh1); sdc_sendbyte( zh2); sdc_sendbyte(zh3); sdc_sendbyte(zh4); sdc_sendbyte(0xff); //DATEOUT=1; for(;;) { fhz=sdc_readbyte(); if(fhz==0x00)break; } //DATEOUT=1; for(;;) { fhz=sdc_readbyte(); if(fhz==0xfe)break; } //DATEOUT=1; n=0; for(j=512;j;j--) { buf[n]=sdc_readbyte(); n++; } fhz=sdc_readbyte(); fhz=sdc_readbyte(); SDC_CS_H(); sdc_sendbyte(0xff); } /* unsigned char SdReadBlock(unsigned char *Block, unsigned long address,int len) { unsigned int count; //Block size is 512 bytes exactly //First Lower SS //printf("MMC_read_block\n"); SD_CS=0; //Then send write command SdCommand(0x11,address,0xff); sector = sector << 9; cmd[0]=0x51; cmd[1] =(UINT8)((sector>>24 )& 0xFF); cmd[2] =(UINT8)((sector>>16 )& 0xFF); cmd[3] =(UINT8)((sector>>8 )& 0xFF); cmd[4] =(UINT8)((sector )& 0xFF); cmd[5]=0xff; time=0; while(sd_sdc_spi_sendbyte_command(cmd)!=0x00) { if(time++>100) { return res; } } time=0; SDC_CS_H(); sdc_sendbyte(0xff); SDC_CS_L(); while((sdc_readbyte())!=0xfe) { if(time++>100) { SDC_CS_H(); return res; } } if(SdResponse()==00) { //command was a success - now send data //start with DATA TOKEN = 0xFE while(sdc_readbyte();!=0xfe); for(count=0;count<len;count++) *Block++=sdc_readbyte(); for(;count<512;count++) sdc_readbyte(); //data block sent - now send checksum sdc_readbyte(); sdc_readbyte(); //Now read in the DATA RESPONSE token SDC_CS_H(); sdc_readbyte(); return 1; } //printf("Command 0x11 (Read) was not received by the MMC.\n"); return 0; }*/
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