manufacturing / PCB / Shield / shield.brd
manufacturing / PCB / Shield / shield.sch
manufacturing / PCB / Shield / shield_bigfpga.brd
manufacturing / PCB / Shield / shield_bigfpga.sch
manufacturing / PCB / TransducerBoard / bigTransBrd.brd
manufacturing / PCB / TransducerBoard / bigTransBrd.sch
manufacturing / PCB / TransducerBoard / smallTransBrd.brd
manufacturing / PCB / TransducerBoard / smallTransBrd.sch
Last update 6 years 5 months
Filesvisualization | |
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acousticPressure3D.m | |
acousticPressureSlice.mlapp | |
plotPhases.m | |
readme.txt |
readme.txtAcoustic pressure field visualization tools ------------------------------------------- Use the "acousticPressureSlice" GUI to visualize the acoustic pressure field generated by the transducers. The GUI allows you to load the phase delays, either from the MATLAB workspace or a .mat file. You can set different slice planes (currently, only planes perpendicular to axes, ie. x = c, y = c or z = c, where c is an arbitrary constant, are supported). You can set the limits of the axes and resolution. Alternatively, you can use the "acousticPressure3D" function to calculate the pressure field, and then use function like "slice" or "isosurface" to visualize the field. To visualize the phase delays of the transducers, use the "plotPhases" function.