
function P = acousticPressure3D(phases,xLim,xElements,yLim,yElements,zLim,zElements) % ACOUSTICPRESSURE3D Calculates the 3D acoustic pressure field % P = acousticPressure3D(phases,xLim,xElements,yLim,yElements,zLim,zElements) % Returns an yElements-by-xElements-by-zElements 3D acoustic pressure field % from 64 transducers with given phase delays. The transducers are modeled % as vibrating pistons. %%% transducer constant P0=5; %%% transducer radius r = 0.005; %%% emitted frequency f = 40000; w = 2*pi*f; %%% sound velocity in the carrier fluid (air) c0 = 343; k = w/c0; % transducers' coordinates trans = linspace(-r*7,r*7,8); [tx,ty] = meshgrid(trans,trans); tx = reshape(tx,[1,1,1,64]); ty = reshape(ty,[1,1,1,64]); x = linspace(xLim(1),xLim(2),xElements); y = linspace(yLim(1),yLim(2),yElements); z = linspace(zLim(1),zLim(2),zElements); [x,y,z] = meshgrid(x,y,z); X = repmat(x,1,1,1,64) - repmat(tx,yElements,xElements,zElements,1); Y = repmat(y,1,1,1,64) - repmat(ty,yElements,xElements,zElements,1); Z = repmat(z,1,1,1,64); phi = repmat(reshape(phases,1,1,1,64),yElements,xElements,zElements,1); d = sqrt(X.^2 + Y.^2 + Z.^2); sinTheta = sqrt(X.^2 + Y.^2)./d; dirFunc = 2*besselj(1, k.*r.*sinTheta)./(d.*k.*r.*sinTheta); dirFunc(isnan(dirFunc)) = 1; p = exp(1i*(d.*k+phi)).*P0.*dirFunc; P = abs(sum(p,4)); end
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