manufacturing / PCB / Shield / shield.brd
manufacturing / PCB / Shield / shield.sch
manufacturing / PCB / Shield / shield_bigfpga.brd
manufacturing / PCB / Shield / shield_bigfpga.sch
manufacturing / PCB / TransducerBoard / bigTransBrd.brd
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manufacturing / PCB / TransducerBoard / smallTransBrd.sch
Last update 6 years 4 months
Filessimulinksystem_objectnewGenerator | |
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NewGenerator.m | | | of Shifted Signal Generator communication #Created 04.08.2018 import serial; import time; import numpy; port = serial.Serial('COM5', 230400, parity= serial.PARITY_EVEN) #pozn.: paritu prvni verze generatoru v FPGA nekontroluje, paritni bit jen precte a zahodi (aktualni k 8.4.2018) # dataArray = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,180] #set first channel phase to 0, first channel duty to 180 etc. See screenCap files #dataArray = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8] # test data # dataArray = [118,180,293,180,56,180,120,180,120,180,56,180,293,180,118,180,293,180,120,180,251,180,320,180,320,180,251,180,120,180,293,180,56,180,251,180,30,180,102,180,102,180,30,180,251,180,56,180,120,180,320,180,102,180,177,180,177,180,102,180,320,180,120,180,120,180,320,180,102,180,177,180,177,180,102,180,320,180,120,180,56,180,251,180,30,180,102,180,102,180,30,180,251,180,56,180,293,180,120,180,251,180,320,180,320,180,251,180,120,180,293,180,118,180,293,180,56,180,120,180,120,180,56,180,293,180,0,180] openCode = [255,255,240] #on receiving openCode, generator will shift further non-code bytes into its settings register closeCode = [255,255,241] #on receiving stopCode, generator will ignore further non-code bytes. It will also copy data from settings register to individual channels. for idx in [62,63]: dataArray = [] dataArray = numpy.zeros(128).astype(int) dataArray[2*idx + 1] = 180 dataStream = "" for number in dataArray: ninebit = '{0:09b}'.format(number) #generator uses 9 bit numbers to set phase and duty!! dataStream += ninebit print("+ ", ninebit) bytesArray = [dataStream[i:i+8] for i in range(0, len(dataStream), 8)] #print(bytesArray); last = bytesArray.pop() while len(last)%8 != 0: #appended zeroes will be shifted out of the end of the settings register last += "0"; bytesArray.append(last) #print(bytesArray) bytesArray = bytesArray[::-1] #send in reverse order!! intsArray = [int(i, 2) for i in bytesArray] toSendArray = openCode + intsArray + closeCode print("Sending channel settings : ", dataArray) print("Actually sending bytes : ", toSendArray) port.write(bytes(toSendArray)) input('Press enter to continue: ')