manufacturing / PCB / Shield / shield.brd
manufacturing / PCB / Shield / shield.sch
manufacturing / PCB / Shield / shield_bigfpga.brd
manufacturing / PCB / Shield / shield_bigfpga.sch
manufacturing / PCB / TransducerBoard / bigTransBrd.brd
manufacturing / PCB / TransducerBoard / bigTransBrd.sch
manufacturing / PCB / TransducerBoard / smallTransBrd.brd
manufacturing / PCB / TransducerBoard / smallTransBrd.sch
Last update 6 years 5 months
IEEEabbrv.bib@STRING{IEEE_J_AFFC = "{IEEE} Transactions on Affective Computing"} in 2014 ASL became ASLP @STRING{IEEE_J_ASLP = "{IEEE/ACM} Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing"} @STRING{IEEE_J_JAS = "{IEEE/CAA} Journal of Automatica Sinica"} @STRING{IEEE_J_AMD = "{IEEE} Transactions on Autonomous Mental Development"} @STRING{IEEE_J_BD = "{IEEE} Transactions on Big Data"} @STRING{IEEE_J_BHI = "{IEEE} Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics"} @STRING{IEEE_J_CC = "{IEEE} Transactions on Cloud Computing"} @STRING{IEEE_J_CCN = "{IEEE} Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking"} in 2015 AMD became CDS @STRING{IEEE_J_CDS = "{IEEE} Transactions on Cognitive and Developmental Systems"} in 2011 CAPT became CPMT @STRING{IEEE_J_CPMT = "{IEEE} Transactions on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology"} @STRING{IEEE_J_CIAIG = "{IEEE} Transactions on Computational Intelligence and {AI} in Games"} @STRING{IEEE_J_CSS = "{IEEE} Transactions on Computational Social Systems"} @STRING{IEEE_J_CNS = "{IEEE} Transactions on Control of Network Systems"} in 2013 SMCB became CYB @STRING{IEEE_J_CYB = "{IEEE} Transactions on Cybernetics"} @STRING{IEEE_J_EDS = "{IEEE} Journal of Electron Devices Society"} @STRING{IEEE_J_ES = "{IEEE} Embedded Systems Letters"} @STRING{IEEE_J_ETC = "{IEEE} Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing"} @STRING{IEEE_J_ETCAS = "{IEEE} Transactions on Emerging and Selected Topics in Circuits and Systems"} @STRING{IEEE_J_ESTPE = "{IEEE} Transactions on Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics"} @STRING{IEEE_J_XCDC = "{IEEE} Journal on Exploratory Solid-State Computational Devices and Circuits"} in 2013 SMCC became HMS @STRING{IEEE_J_HMS = "{IEEE} Transactions on Human-Machine Systems"} @STRING{IEEE_J_IV = "{IEEE} Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles"} @STRING{IEEE_J_IOT = "{IEEE} Internet of Things Journal"} @STRING{IEEE_J_LS = "{IEEE} Life Sciences Letters"} @STRING{IEEE_J_MAGL = "{IEEE} Magnetics Letters"} in 2014 MEMS became MEMSI @STRING{IEEE_J_MEMSI = "{IEEE} Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems"} @STRING{IEEE_J_MBSC = "{IEEE} Transactions on Molecular, Biological and Multi-Scale Communications"} @STRING{IEEE_J_MSCS = "{IEEE} Transactions on Multi-Scale Computing Systems"} @STRING{IEEE_J_MMCT = "{IEEE} Journal on Multiscale and Multiphysics Computational Techniques"} @STRING{IEEE_J_ENANO = "{IEEE} Nanotechnology Express"} @STRING{IEEE_J_NSE = "{IEEE} Transactions on Network Science and Engineering"} in 2012 NN became NNLS @STRING{IEEE_J_NNLS = "{IEEE} Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems"} @STRING{IEEE_J_OCN = "{IEEE} Journal of Optical Communications and Networking"} @STRING{IEEE_J_PJ = "{IEEE} Photonics Journal"} @STRING{IEEE_J_PHOT = "{IEEE} Journal of Photovoltaics"} @STRING{IEEE_J_PETS = "{IEEE} Power and Energy Technology Systems Journal"} @STRING{IEEE_J_RFIC = "{IEEE} {RFIC} Journal"} @STRING{IEEE_J_RFID = "{IEEE} {RFID} Journal"} @STRING{IEEE_J_RITA = "{IEEE} Revista Iberoamericana de Technolog{\'{i}}as del Aprendizaje"} @STRING{IEEE_J_RAL = "{IEEE} Robotics and Automation Letters"} @STRING{IEEE_J_SIPN = "{IEEE} Transactions on Signal and Information Processing over Networks"} @STRING{IEEE_J_SG = "{IEEE} Transactions on Smart Grid"} @STRING{IEEE_J_SUSC = "{IEEE} Sustainable Computing"} @STRING{IEEE_J_STE = "{IEEE} Transactions on Sustainable Energy"} in 2012 SMCA became SMCS @STRING{IEEE_J_SMCS = "{IEEE} Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems"} @STRING{IEEE_J_TEHM = "{IEEE} Journal of Translational Engineering in Health and Medicine"} @STRING{IEEE_J_TTHZ = "{IEEE} Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology"} @STRING{IEEE_J_TTE = "{IEEE} Transactions on Transportation Electrification"} @STRING{IEEE_J_WCOML = "{IEEE} Wireless Communications Letters"} magazines and Online Publications @STRING{IEEE_O_ACC = "{IEEE} Access"} @STRING{IEEE_M_CHINAC = "China Communications Magazine"} in 2012 DTC became DT @STRING{IEEE_M_DT = "{IEEE} Design \&\ Test"} @STRING{IEEE_M_ETF = "{IEEE} Electrification Magazine"} @STRING{IEEE_M_EMC = "{IEEE} Electromagnetic Compatibility Magazine"} @STRING{IEEE_M_GRS = "{IEEE} Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazine"} @STRING{IEEE_M_PEL = "{IEEE} Power Electronics Magazine"} @STRING{IEEE_M_PULSE = "{IEEE} Pulse"} @STRING{IEEE_M_SSC = "{IEEE} Solid-State Circuits Magazine"} @STRING{IEEE_M_SMC = "{IEEE} Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Magazine"}