Last update 8 years 4 months
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eeprom_config.cpp | |
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web_content.cpp | |
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webconfig.h |
webconfig.cpp/* * Copyright (C) 2016 Nick Naumenko ( * All rights reserved * This software may be modified and distributed under the terms * of the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for details. */ #include <ESP8266WiFi.h> #include "eeprom_config.h" #include "webconfig.h" #include "web_content.h" const unsigned int WEB_SERVER_PORT = 80; WiFiServer webServer(WEB_SERVER_PORT); void webServerPrintProgmem(WiFiClient &client, const char * progmemBuffer) { size_t tempBufferSize = strlen_P(progmemBuffer); char tempBuffer[tempBufferSize + 1]; //strlen does not include trailing zero strncpy_P(tempBuffer, progmemBuffer, tempBufferSize); tempBuffer[tempBufferSize] = 0; client.print(tempBuffer); } int compareWithProgmem(char * ramBuffer, const char * progmemBuffer) { size_t tempBufferSize = strlen_P(progmemBuffer); char tempBuffer[tempBufferSize + 1]; //strlen does not include trailing zero strncpy_P(tempBuffer, progmemBuffer, tempBufferSize); tempBuffer[tempBufferSize] = 0; return (strcmp(ramBuffer, tempBuffer)); } int hexDigitToInt(char hexDigit) { if ((hexDigit >= '0') && (hexDigit <= '9')) return (hexDigit - '0'); if ((hexDigit >= 'A') && (hexDigit <= 'F')) return (hexDigit - 'A' + 10); if ((hexDigit >= 'a') && (hexDigit <= 'f')) return (hexDigit - 'a' + 10); return (0); } byte hexToByte(const char * hexValue) { if (!hexValue[0]) return (0); if (!hexValue[1]) return (0); const int RADIX_HEXADECIMAL = 16; int mostSignificant = hexDigitToInt(hexValue[0]) * RADIX_HEXADECIMAL; int leastSignificant = hexDigitToInt(hexValue[1]); return ((byte)(mostSignificant + leastSignificant)); } void parseQuery(const String &query) {//this function using c string functions to avoid string memory reallocation bugs const size_t querySize = query.length() + 1; char queryBuffer[querySize + 1]; query.toCharArray(queryBuffer, querySize); queryBuffer[querySize] = 0; const size_t STRING_BUFFERS_SIZE = 32; char parameterBuffer[STRING_BUFFERS_SIZE + 1]; char valueBuffer[STRING_BUFFERS_SIZE + 1]; char valueBufferNoEscape[STRING_BUFFERS_SIZE + 1]; boolean configUpdated = false; char * currentParameter = queryBuffer; do { const char CHAR_PARAMETER_SEPARATOR = '&'; const char CHAR_VALUE_SEPARATOR = '='; const char CHAR_ESCAPE = '%'; //get parameter name to parameterBuffer char * currentValue = strchr(currentParameter, CHAR_VALUE_SEPARATOR); if (currentValue == NULL) break; memset(parameterBuffer, 0, STRING_BUFFERS_SIZE + 1); //strncpy does not add trailing zero so entire buffer is filled with zeroes strncpy(parameterBuffer, currentParameter, (currentValue - currentParameter) < STRING_BUFFERS_SIZE ? currentValue - currentParameter : STRING_BUFFERS_SIZE); //get parameter value (in char * form) to valueBuffer currentParameter = strchr(currentValue, CHAR_PARAMETER_SEPARATOR); memset(valueBuffer, 0, STRING_BUFFERS_SIZE + 1); //strncpy does not add trailing zero so entire buffer is filled with zeroes currentValue++; if (currentParameter == NULL) strncpy(valueBuffer, currentValue, STRING_BUFFERS_SIZE); else strncpy(valueBuffer, currentValue, (currentParameter - currentValue) < STRING_BUFFERS_SIZE ? currentParameter - currentValue : STRING_BUFFERS_SIZE); //convert escape characters (%XX) to normal characters //conversion source: valueBuffer //conversion result: valueBufferNoEscape memset(valueBufferNoEscape, 0, STRING_BUFFERS_SIZE + 1); for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < strlen(valueBuffer);) { if (valueBuffer[i] != CHAR_ESCAPE) { valueBufferNoEscape[j] = valueBuffer[i]; i++; j++; continue; } const size_t ESCAPE_CODE_LENGTH = 3; char escapeCode[ESCAPE_CODE_LENGTH]; if (strlen(&(valueBuffer[i])) < ESCAPE_CODE_LENGTH) break; escapeCode[0] = valueBuffer[i + 1]; escapeCode[1] = valueBuffer[i + 2]; escapeCode[2] = 0; char escapeCodeValue = hexToByte(escapeCode); if (escapeCodeValue) { valueBufferNoEscape[j] = escapeCodeValue; j++; } i += ESCAPE_CODE_LENGTH; } //Compare acquired parameter name with known parameter names and set parameters in RAM if required if (!compareWithProgmem(parameterBuffer, webServerWifiFormParameterSsid)) { Serial.print(F("Setting SSID to ")); Serial.println(valueBufferNoEscape); strncpy(wifiSsid, valueBufferNoEscape, sizeof(wifiSsid)); configUpdated = true; } if (!compareWithProgmem(parameterBuffer, webServerWifiFormParameterPassword)) { Serial.print(F("Setting password to ")); Serial.println(valueBufferNoEscape); strncpy(wifiPassword, valueBufferNoEscape, sizeof(wifiPassword)); configUpdated = true; } if (!compareWithProgmem(parameterBuffer, webServerWifiFormParameterAuth)) { Serial.print(F("Setting auth token to ")); Serial.println(valueBufferNoEscape); strncpy(authToken, valueBufferNoEscape, sizeof(authToken)); configUpdated = true; } if (currentParameter == NULL) break; currentParameter++; } while (1); //If any parameter in RAM is updated, save parameters in EEPROM //To make sure parameter is written correctly, reload parameters from EEPROM after saving if (configUpdated) { saveConfig(); loadConfig(); } } void webServerBegin(void) { webServer.begin(); } void webServerRun(void) { // Check if a client has connected WiFiClient client = webServer.available(); if (!client) { return; } // Wait until the client sends some data Serial.print(F("[")); Serial.print(millis()); Serial.println(F("] web client connected")); while (!client.available()) { //??? delay(1); } //Read the method from the HTTP request const char CHAR_REQUEST_SEPARATOR = ' '; String requestMethod = client.readStringUntil(CHAR_REQUEST_SEPARATOR); Serial.print(F("[")); Serial.print(millis()); Serial.print(F("] method: ")); Serial.println(requestMethod); //Read the URI from the HTTP request String requestURI = client.readStringUntil(CHAR_REQUEST_SEPARATOR); Serial.print(F("[")); Serial.print(millis()); Serial.print(F("] URI: ")); Serial.println(requestURI); client.flush(); //Get Path and Query from request URI String requestUriPath = ""; String requestUriQuery = ""; int requestPathQuerySeparatorPos = requestURI.indexOf('?'); if (requestPathQuerySeparatorPos == -1) { requestUriPath = requestURI; } else { requestUriPath = requestURI.substring(0, requestPathQuerySeparatorPos); requestUriQuery = requestURI.substring(requestPathQuerySeparatorPos + 1); } Serial.print(F("URI Path:")); Serial.println(requestUriPath); Serial.print(F("URI Query:")); Serial.println(requestUriQuery); //Check method (only GET is accepted) String methodGet = "GET"; if (requestMethod != methodGet) { Serial.println(F("Response: 405")); webServerPrintProgmem(client, httpStatusCode405); return; } //Check URI (only / is accepted) String webServerURIroot = "/"; if (requestUriPath != webServerURIroot) { Serial.println(F("Response: 404")); webServerPrintProgmem(client, httpStatusCode404); return; } //Check for query, set and save config if requested if (requestUriQuery != "") parseQuery (requestUriQuery); //Send the config webpage Serial.println(F("Response: 200")); Serial.print(F("[")); Serial.print(millis()); Serial.println(F("] Sending config webpage.")); webServerPrintProgmem(client, httpStatusCode200); webServerPrintProgmem(client, webServerHeadBegin); webServerPrintProgmem(client, webServerHeadBody); webServerPrintProgmem(client, webServerWifiFormBegin); webServerPrintProgmem(client, webServerWifiFormInputBegin); webServerPrintProgmem(client, webServerWifiFormNameSsid); webServerPrintProgmem(client, webServerWifiFormInputInput); webServerPrintProgmem(client, webServerWifiFormParameterSsid); webServerPrintProgmem(client, webServerWifiFormInputValue); client.print(wifiSsid); webServerPrintProgmem(client, webServerWifiFormInputEnd); webServerPrintProgmem(client, webServerWifiFormInputBegin); webServerPrintProgmem(client, webServerWifiFormNamePassword); webServerPrintProgmem(client, webServerWifiFormInputInput); webServerPrintProgmem(client, webServerWifiFormParameterPassword); webServerPrintProgmem(client, webServerWifiFormInputValue); client.print(wifiPassword); webServerPrintProgmem(client, webServerWifiFormInputEnd); webServerPrintProgmem(client, webServerWifiFormInputBegin); webServerPrintProgmem(client, webServerWifiFormNameAuth); webServerPrintProgmem(client, webServerWifiFormInputInput); webServerPrintProgmem(client, webServerWifiFormParameterAuth); webServerPrintProgmem(client, webServerWifiFormInputValue); client.print(authToken); webServerPrintProgmem(client, webServerWifiFormInputEnd); webServerPrintProgmem(client, webServerWifiFormEnd); webServerPrintProgmem(client, webServerBodyEnd); Serial.print(F("[")); Serial.print(millis()); Serial.println(F("] Config webpage sent to client.")); }