Updating to eliminate serial LCD connector, and to make a horizontal expansion possible. This simplifies using a box to contain the PCB
Karl Bellve
9 years 3 months
Change connection between analog and digital ground plans via a cutable trace,
which means that both ground planes will be connected by default.
Also pin 6 (RBEN) of AD5531 was mistakenly left floating, now connected to 5V line to
force deactivation.
Karl Bellve
11 years 5 months
Latest version sent to manufacturing
Karl Bellve
11 years 10 months
Switchedd top two holes 1/8" Vias for mounting for chasis grounding
Karl Bellve
11 years 10 months
Changed connector for Expansion, cleaned up text
Karl Bellve
11 years 10 months
Minor changes
Karl Bellve
11 years 11 months
Version 8 removes the Linear Light Array and uses a TSL1401CL-Adapter Board via a 5 pin JST SH connector.
There is also a 3 pin JST connector for communicating with a Serial Enabled LCD display
RGB LED has also been added to give a status indication.
Karl Bellve
11 years 11 months