
// ============================================================ // // Program: ArdCore SimpleVCO // // Description: A not-so-great VCO that uses direct manipulation // of the output pins (and a higher-speed analog // input routine) to make a loop() routing fast // enough to work as a VCO. // // NOTE: Prescaler setup routines used from the Arduino Forum's // use "jmknapp", available at this link: // // // I/O Usage: // Knob 1: Pitch offset // Knob 2: unused // Analog In 1: 1 V/Oct CV input // Analog In 2: unused // Digital Out 1: unused // Digital Out 2: unused // Clock In: unused // Analog Out: 8-bit output // // Input Expander: unused // Output Expander: 8 bits of output exposed // // Created: 19 Mar 2011 ddg // Modified: 17 Apr 2012 ddg Updated for Arduino 1.0 // 18 Apr 2012 ddg Changed dacOutput routine to Alba version // // ============================================================ // // License: // // This software is licensed under the Creative Commons // "Attribution-NonCommercial license. This license allows you // to tweak and build upon the code for non-commercial purposes, // without the requirement to license derivative works on the // same terms. If you wish to use this (or derived) work for // commercial work, please contact 20 Objects LLC at our website // ( // // For more information on the Creative Commons CC BY-NC license, // visit // // ================= start of global section ================== #include <SPI.h> #include <DAC_MCP49xx.h> DAC_MCP49xx dac(DAC_MCP49xx::MCP4921, 10); // defines for setting and clearing register bits #ifndef cbi #define cbi(sfr, bit) (_SFR_BYTE(sfr) &= ~_BV(bit)) #endif #ifndef sbi #define sbi(sfr, bit) (_SFR_BYTE(sfr) |= _BV(bit)) #endif // constants related to the Arduino Nano pin use const int clkIn = 2; // the digital (clock) input const int digPin[2] = {3, 4}; // the digital output pins const int pinOffset = 5; // the first DAC pin (from 5-12) // an array of microseconds for each "MIDI" note const float usNote[128] = { 122312.195312, 115447.359375, 108967.789062, 102851.898438, 97079.265625, 91630.625000, 86487.789062, 81633.601562, 77051.859375, 72727.273438, 68645.406250, 64792.632812, 61156.097656, 57723.679688, 54483.894531, 51425.949219, 48539.632812, 45815.312500, 43243.894531, 40816.800781, 38525.929688, 36363.636719, 34322.703125, 32396.316406, 30578.048828, 28861.839844, 27241.947266, 25712.974609, 24269.816406, 22907.656250, 21621.947266, 20408.400391, 19262.964844, 18181.818359, 17161.351562, 16198.158203, 15289.024414, 14430.919922, 13620.973633, 12856.487305, 12134.908203, 11453.828125, 10810.973633, 10204.200195, 9631.482422, 9090.90918, 8580.675781, 8099.079102, 7644.512207, 7215.459961, 6810.486816, 6428.243652, 6067.454102, 5726.914062, 5405.486816, 5102.100098, 4815.741211, 4545.454590, 4290.337891, 4049.539551, 3822.256104, 3607.729980, 3405.243408, 3214.121826, 3033.727051, 2863.457031, 2702.743408, 2551.050049, 2407.870605, 2272.727295, 2145.168945, 2024.769775, 1911.128052, 1803.864990, 1702.621704, 1607.060913, 1516.863525, 1431.728516, 1351.371704, 1275.525024, 1203.935303, 1136.363647, 1072.584473, 1012.384888, 955.564026, 901.932495, 851.310852, 803.530457, 758.431763, 715.864258, 675.685852, 637.762512, 601.967651, 568.181824, 536.292236, 506.192444, 477.782013, 450.966248, 425.655426, 401.765228, 379.215881, 357.932129, 337.842926, 318.881256, 300.983826, 284.090912, 268.146118, 253.096222, 238.891006, 225.483124, 212.827713, 200.882614, 189.607941, 178.966064, 168.921463, 159.440628, 150.491913, 142.045456, 134.073059, 126.548111, 119.445503, 112.741562, 106.413857, 100.441307, 94.803970, 89.483032, 84.460732, 79.720314 }; unsigned long lastMicros = 0; int digState = 0; int currNote = 0; int currOffset = 0; void setup() { // set up the digital (clock) input pinMode(clkIn, INPUT); // set up the digital outputs for (int i=0; i<2; i++) { pinMode(digPin[i], OUTPUT); digitalWrite(digPin[i], LOW); } // set up the 8-bit DAC output pins for (int i=0; i<8; i++) { pinMode(pinOffset+i, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(pinOffset+i, LOW); } // set the ADC to a higher prescale factor sbi(ADCSRA,ADPS2); cbi(ADCSRA,ADPS1); cbi(ADCSRA,ADPS0); dac.setBuffer(true); // Set FALSE for 5V vref. dac.setGain(1); // "1" for 5V vref. "2" for 2.5V vref. dac.setPortWrite(true); } void loop() { currNote = deJitter(analogRead(2), currNote) >> 3; currOffset = deJitter(analogRead(0), currOffset) >> 3; unsigned long currMicros = micros(); if ((currMicros - lastMicros) > usNote[currNote + currOffset]) { digState = 255 - digState; dacOutput(digState); lastMicros = currMicros; } } // deJitter(int, int) - smooth jitter input // ---------------------------------------- int deJitter(int v, int test) { if (abs(v - test) > 8) { return v; } return test; } // dacOutput(byte) - deal with the DAC output // ----------------------------------------- void dacOutput(long v) { dac.outputA(v); } // ===================== end of program =======================
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