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Last update 11 years 9 months
Thomas S. Knutsen
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hopfe.488 |
hopfe.488Program New; { Pascal code for receiving data from microcontroller and saving to file. Code written in Ulrich Bangert's EZ-GPIB for instrument control. } const com = 14; CR = 13; LF = 10; tabval = 9; Fn = 'C:\EZGPIB_data\textfilename.txt' ; var crlf : string; tab : string; data : string; {fn is file name; aStr is data to be written to file} {---------------------------------------------------} Procedure FileWriteln(fn, aStr : String); {---------------------------------------------------} Begin ezgpib_FileAddToBuffer(aStr); ezgpib_Filewrite(fn); ezgpib_FileClearBuffer; End; begin; crlf := Chr(CR)+CHR(LF); EZGPIB_ScreenClear; EZGPIB_ScreenWriteln('Press enter to start'); EZGPIB_ComOpen(com,9600,8,'n',1); tab := Chr(tabval); EZGPIB_KbdReadLn; EZGPIB_ComWrite(com,'Y'); data := EZGPIB_ComRead (com); FileWriteln (Fn, data ); EZGPIB_ScreenWriteln('Aquiring data'); repeat data := '0'; EZGPIB_ComWrite(com,'H'); data := EZGPIB_ComRead (com); FileWriteln (Fn, data) EZGPIB_ScreenWriteln(data); EZGPIB_TimeWaitforMultipleof(2); until EZGPIB_kbdkeypressed; EZGPIB_ScreenWriteln('Aquiring terminated'); //EZGPIB_ComWrite(com,'I'); end.