
LUNA -- a USB-hacking multitool ]]>Build Status]]> ]]>GitHub license]]>

LUNA r0.2 side view

This is an early work-in-progress version of a USB multitool. LUNA isn't yet suited for end-users; but hardware development has reached a point where current-revision boards (r0.2+) make good development platforms for early community developers.

Building this board yourself isn't for the faint of heart -- as it requires placing two BGA components, including a large FPGA. Still, if you're proficient with rework and FPGA development, feel free to join in the fun!

Project Structure

This project is broken down into several directories:

  • luna -- the primary LUNA python toolkit; generates gateware and provides USB functionality
    • luna/apollo -- host-python submodule for communicating via the Debug Controller
    • luna/commands -- utilities for working with LUNA boards; including for using the debug controller to load FPGA gateware
    • luna/gateware -- the core gateware components for LUNA; and utilities for stitching them together
  • firmware -- firmware for the LUNA debug controller
  • examples -- simple LUNA-related examples; mostly gateware-targeted, currently
  • applets -- pre-made gateware applications that provide useful functionality on their own (e.g. are more than examples)

Project Documentation

LUNA is in early development; and does not yet have user-facing documentation. Early developer documentation is either inlined in the source; or captured in the GitHub wiki.

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