
Last update 1 year 3 months


]]>forthebadge]]> ]]>forthebadge]]> ]]>forthebadge]]>

My attempt to modify ]]>Karl-Heinz Kübbeler's AVR Transistortester]]> (some docs i found only in ]]>mikrocontroller-net/transistortester]]> repo) for more accurate and faster component measurements. In the future hopefully with the possibility of measuring, controlling and identifying ICs. For now I will use the Karl-Heinz Kübbeler design, scaled to 24 test points, with at least 12 bits sampling resolution.

You can also see the hardware related files (schematic, PCB layout...) at

I will try to stick to the ]]>CERN Open Hardware License Version 2 - Strongly Reciprocal User Guide]]>, but since I'm new to Open Hardware, that's not necessarily the rule. So please feel free to point out any deviations or errors to me.

Repository Contents

  • /Hardware: The schematic and PCB layout can be found here. I will also add exported files (PDFs...) there. For now, this project uses Autodesk EAGLE, but I may switch to KiCad when I get familiar enough with it.
  • /Firmware: The source code of the tester will be here. WIP
  • /Documentation: Resources with hardware and software documentation can be found here.
  • /Software: Hopefully one day it will be possible to connect this tester to a computer and use the software in this directory for more complex testing. WIP

Documentation Overview

Hardware related Contribution guidelines for this project

Software License

GNU General Public License v3.0

Hardware License

CERN Open Hardware Licence Version 2 - Strongly Reciprocal

Documentation License

TODO: Add Docs license

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