design / schematics / ArmControl / AGSE_BBB_cape.brd
design / schematics / ArmControl / AGSE_BBB_cape.sch
design / schematics / ArmControl / AGSE_Motor_Controller.brd
design / schematics / ArmControl / AGSE_Motor_Controller.sch
design / schematics / ArmControl / jetsonSerialBuffer.brd
design / schematics / ArmControl / jetsonSerialBuffer.sch
design / schematics / ArmControl / jetsonToServoBuffer.sch
design / schematics / PayloadBay / PayloadBay.brd
design / schematics / PayloadBay / PayloadBay.sch
Last update 6 years 9 months
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NASA PLAR AGSE.txtNASA PLAR AGSE -------------- * Cover the state of the AGSE as it was demoed: * what the state of the hardware was * what the state of the software was * the state of the autonomy & user control * the capabilities of the AGSE as it was demoed * Cover exactly what happened for the demos: * demo one: * found sample from unknown position and orientation * found payload bay from unkown position and orientation * showed the need to level the platform or properly calibrate the height of the sample * demo two: * found sample from unknown position and orientation * found payload bay from unkown position and orientation * showed properly calibrated sample height and good detection & recovery * demo three: * found sample from unknown position and orientation * found payload bay from unkown position and orientation * showed the capabilites of the gripper to handle sample mis-alignment and still properly grasp and hold on to the sample * for all three demos: * the sample was found (unknown pos & orientation) * the payload bay was found (unknown pos & orientation) * the sample was picked up * the payload bay was opened * the sample was inserted into the payload bay * the payload bay was closed * the UI showed the webcam feed from the agse * the UI showed the state of the system through the LEDs * the pause switch allowed the pausing of the AGSE in any state to be resumed when desired What was the scientific return from the AGSE? * Developed classification, segmentation, and detection algorithms and parameters for selected objects of interest * developed modeling language and GUI to design and develop the AGSE software and hardware using the latest in model-driven design and development. * wrote code generators to generate the c++ code which runs the AGSE; these code generators use the component-based software models that we developed for the AGSE as input and output most of the c++ code which runs the AGSE. * the modeling language, code generators, and development toolchain we developed for the AGSE are not specific to the AGSE; they can be used to model any cyber-physical system and generate code which runs the CPS. What was the scientific value of the AGSE? * Developed an autonomous, modular, extendable platform for extra-terrestrial sample acquisition * Showed that it can simulataneously detect more than one object of interest and segment them properly * The sample description in the AGSE code (i.e. the filters) are modular and configurable, so that they can be used to describe any object(s) of interest; this allows the same code and the same hardware to be used repeatedly for different objectives Timeline for the AGSE: 00-30s : Zero & Calibrate 30-90s : Find Sample & open payload bay (simultaneous) 90-150s : Find Payload bay 150-180s : Grab Sample 180-200s : Place Sample in Payload Bay 200-240s : Close Payload Bay & rotate to safe position (simultaneous)