now power down the DRV8838 and the I2CAnalogClock MCU to save power (from 2.6ma+ to 0.74ma avg!!!)
Converted the ATTiny85 reset pin to an output as I needed a pin for teh DRV disable!
Chris Liebman
7 years 9 months
no need to tick once on startup as I2CAnalogClock now does that
Chris Liebman
7 years 9 months
use timer (not loop) for adjustment, now both tick and adjust are interrupt/timer driven
always fire one tick on startup to sync clock motor
Chris Liebman
7 years 9 months
Fixed race conditions with position and adjustment value during adjustment
Chris Liebman
7 years 9 months
dont include Eclipse files or fake .ino file when using Arduino IDE
Chris Liebman
7 years 9 months