minor adjustment
by Eero af Heurlin 11 years 10 months
let autorouter take care of the rest
by Eero af Heurlin 11 years 10 months
route the crystals manually
by Eero af Heurlin 11 years 10 months
remaking the attiny85 baord so it is more easily connected to stripboard via 90deg pin header
by Eero af Heurlin 11 years 10 months
clearer markings for the first pins
by Eero af Heurlin 12 years 5 months
pb1/2 were reversed on silkscreen
by Eero af Heurlin 12 years 5 months
mark the chip type to the text
by Eero af Heurlin 12 years 5 months
a much nicer design, I have a set of these on their way from Seeed
by Eero af Heurlin 12 years 5 months
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