very quick and dirty prog header adjustment to attiny84 board
by Eero af Heurlin 11 years 11 months
clearer markings for the first pins
by Eero af Heurlin 12 years 5 months
silkscreen fix and adjusted readme
by Eero af Heurlin 12 years 5 months
move the other cap near the other 5v input
by Eero af Heurlin 12 years 6 months
xtal xap size
by Eero af Heurlin 12 years 6 months
typo fix
by Eero af Heurlin 12 years 6 months
some labels
by Eero af Heurlin 12 years 6 months
pin legend
by Eero af Heurlin 12 years 6 months
second 5v input
by Eero af Heurlin 12 years 6 months
signal names
by Eero af Heurlin 12 years 6 months
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