added milling layer, ground plane
by Litan Virgil 7 years 2 months
added groundplane, replaced 5v regulator, added extra capacitors and optional diode / 0kresistor
by Litan Virgil 7 years 2 months
fixed mirrored vfd layout
by Litan Virgil 7 years 2 months
added pin naming
by Litan Virgil 7 years 3 months
thicker traces for switching supplies. milling almost done
by Litan Virgil 7 years 3 months
small details done
by Litan Virgil 7 years 3 months
fixed big issue on driver
by Litan Virgil 7 years 3 months
thicker power-lines, smaller driver
by Litan Virgil 7 years 3 months
driver board update, all components on bottom. still to large
by Litan Virgil 7 years 3 months
shrinkified driver board. not OK
by Litan Virgil 7 years 3 months
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