
Last update 7 years 2 months by NaoNao


UartWiFiBoard The UartWiFiBoard is designed as asynchronous serial communication via WiFi. This board is based on ESP-WROOM-02(esp8266) chip and will be mainly used for the transparent WiFi-serial bridge. For running standalone, the board has a voltage regulator and some user-interfaces. The UartWiFiBoard is an easy way to connect your board wirelessly to the Internet. If you flash Sample software on this repository, the board works as the transparent WiFi-serial bridge. I made video that is <![CDATA[]]>how to use UartWiFiBoard<![CDATA[]]>. You can watch it on Youtube.

Some highlights of the UartWiFiBoard:

  1. Main core: ESP-WROOM-02(ESP8266).
  2. Voltage regulator(3.3V) with control pin.
  3. Opto-isolated UART interface(Uart interface circuit accepts 3.3V and 5.0V).
  4. On board WiFi-microcontroller can use following functions.
    • LED1 connected to "IO0" H:OFF L:ON(the sample software indicate WiFi status)
    • LED2 connected to "IO2" H:OFF L:ON(the sample software indicate UART activity)
    • Control voltage regulator's control pin connected to "IO14" H:Enable L:Disabale(normally)
    • Voltage detection circuit(for CN1) connected to "TOUT" with forced low switch(SW2)
      • The sample software use this feature due to prevent battery over-discharge and the switch(SW2) behaves like power-off function.
  5. Measures 40mm x 50mm x 10mm

Repository Contents

  • /Hardware - All Eagle design files (.brd, .sch)
  • /Software - Software files for this hardware

Description(Pin Interfaces)


CN1(Primarily) Pin Descriptions:

This connector is the supply voltage and input for the voltage detector. - VBAT: Up to 12.0VDC convert to 3.3VDC. - GND: GND.

CN3(Primarily) Pin Descriptions:

This connector is for Flashing a program to WiFi-microcontroller. If you change BOOT MODE, To be selected BOOT MODE before supply voltage. - VCC: Restrictly 3.3VDC. - TX: UART TX. - RX: UART RX. - GND: GND. - BOOT MODE: Connected to "IO0" H:Flash boot(normally) L:UART download

If you are interested in more useful uart module, please see the <![CDATA[]]>General Serial Communication Board<![CDATA[]]>.

CN2(Secondary) Pin Descriptions:

This connector is for your target boart UART-interface. - VIN: This is the power supply pin with a voltage range of 2.7 to 5.5VDC. - TX: UART TX(Open collector output). - RX: UART RX. - GND: GND.

How to upload program

See this page


The repository is released under <![CDATA[]]>Creative Commons ShareAlike 4.0 International<![CDATA[]]>.

Distributed as-is; no warranty is given.

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