Add new tetra-Board and arduino files Add AMP_1_0, AVC_1_0, D18_1_1, IOP_1_2, MIC_1_0, PIN_1_1, POT_1_0, PWA_1_0, PWR_1_0, RGF 2.0, SOC_2_0, VLT_1_0 Add mex_nano_shield_keyboard, mex_nano_shied_numbers New arduino projects
by Oliver Krebs 6 years 6 months
eagle files and png images for several boards added: ADC_1_0 ANS_1_1 ARD_1_0 BNC_1_1 C12_1_0 CLK_1_1 CNT_1_0 DAC_1_0 DEC_1_0 DFF_1_0 DMD_1_0 DMX_1_0 ENC_1_1 FET_1_0 INV_1_0 IOP_1_1 JAD_1_0 JKF_1_0 JOY_1_0 KEY_1_0 LAD_1_0 LAD_1_1 MTR_1_0 MXC_1_0 OPA_1_1 PAN_1_0 PIN_1_0 POR_1_0 PRG_1_0 PWM_1_1 PXO_1_0 QRS_1_0 REG_1_0 RGF_1_0 RLY_1_0 ROM_1_0 RSG_1_0 SAD_1_0 SAD_1_1 SOC_1_0 SRC_1_0 SRG_1_0 SWI_1_0 TMP_1_0 WNG_1_0
by Oliver Krebs 7 years 4 months
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