Optimisation complete.
by Peter Dalmaris 1 week 6 days
Work in progress, new layout and routing.
by Peter Dalmaris 2 weeks 5 days
Replaced USB C receptacle with a different model. Repositioning components to better align with manufacturer recommendations.
by Peter Dalmaris 2 weeks 5 days
Completed layout and 3D models, next up is review everything.
by Peter Dalmaris 3 weeks 4 days
Layout in progress.
by Peter Dalmaris 3 weeks 4 days
Replaced tantalum capacitors and LEDs.
by Peter Dalmaris 3 weeks 5 days
Replaced the button, USB, bat connector with new symbols and footprints. Completed draft layout and routing.
by Peter Dalmaris 3 weeks 5 days
Trying routing, layout, and changed USB and battery connectors.
by Peter Dalmaris 3 weeks 6 days
Configured the layout editor.
by Peter Dalmaris 3 weeks 6 days
Fixed lots of bugs.
by Peter Dalmaris 4 weeks 2 hours
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